Download Coral Reefs Survival Kit – The Guide To The Rainforests Of The Sea

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Coral Reefs Survival Kit – The Guide To The
Rainforests Of The Sea
Introductory Letter
Dear Reader,
This introductory letter gives an insight into the purpose and explanation of the
kit provided to explore coral reefs. The diverse variety of coral reefs and the
vibrant colours and topography entice the viewer to explore until their hearts
content. As coral reefs are depleting slowly, it is an incredible opportunity to
view the coral reefs firsthand. Although coral reefs are threatened UNESCO
and Greenpeace groups that are reviving coral reefs slowly nurture for them.
Coral reefs are slowly recovering from the impacts of natural and man-made
disasters. Coral reefs are a beauty to the eye, the vibrant colours and variety
accounting for the inspirational journey of a lifetime. Warning – Do NOT touch
the abundant environments, as they are prone to destruction from just the
lightest touch.
The physical map depicted below, displays the location of coral reefs
Coral reefs thrive in shallow, warm waters most commonly near land.
Predominantly found in the tropics, they require a temperature of 21-30
degrees Celsius. The majority of coral reefs are found in waters up to 50m
deep, as they do not rise into tide level to decrease the risk of exiting the
water. They are usually found in waters of latitude 30 degrees north and 30
degrees south, as these are ideal temperatures for growth. For coral reefs to
survive they must also rely on saltwater and zooxanthellae to assist their
growth. Consequently, coral reefs become dependent and independent biomes.
Coral reefs have an extremely productive biodiversity, hosting numerous plants
and animals in complex and varied habitats that sustain life for a wide variety of
creatures. They are a home to an abundant variety of living creatures such as
algae, sponges, fish, invertebrates and other animals.
Algae - algae chronically threatens coral reefs and its consequences to the
ecosystem. Inhabiting a large percentage of area of surveyed locations, algae
consist of turf algae, coralline algae and macro algae.
Sponges - sponges are an essential role in the ensuring the ecosystem maintains
function. It filters the organic produce secreted by corals and algae that are
absorbed by corals in turn.
Fish - the reasons for the vast diversity of 4000 species of fish remain
controversial. Around 35 tons of fish are found every square kilometre of a
coral reef unless damaged that will reduce the quantity.
Invertebrates - numerous invertebrates, such as sea urchins and sea slugs, play
a pivotal part in preventing algae from overrunning reefs.
Other - although the main animals found in the prolific biodiversity of a coral
reef are eminent, the other animals such as seabirds such as herons, monitor
lizards and sea snakes are all another aspect of coral reefs that must be
Food & Water Sources
As the usurpation of the coral reef cycle (including fish) is disallowed, food
consumption will occur on the shore. As most coral reefs are near land, the food
sources on the landmasses nearby are plentiful. The variety of seafood or
contemporary dishes ranges significantly. If the presence of land is scarce than
you will be provided with ration packs to eat. Water will not be an issue as coral
reefs live in water and the water is plentiful. Although distillation onboard boats
will need to take place, the water sources are substantial.
Local Communities
If you need further help or have enquiries, contact UNESCO or Greenpeace
Society. If you need any assistance throughout the trip, numerous Ocean Portal
Teams, which ensure the life of coral reefs are sustained, are found on the
shore and will cater for your needs. Places such as Cairns will come into play
when you visit the Great Barrier Reef and Honduras will help when you visit the
Mesoamerican Barrier Reef. Islanders, such as Torres Strait Islanders, will
provide information and supplies to survive in the abundant environments as well.
 Oxygen Tanks
 Accommodation
 Hunger Buster Ration Packs (optional)
To Bring
Water Shoes
Diving Goggles
Warm Clothes
Sleeping Bag or Mattress
Knife, Fork and Spoon
Pocket Knife (optional)
Backpack for Daily Needs
Insect Repellent
No expensive items are to be brought to this trip. If you require the needs of
an expensive device (such as a camera), it is in your control and ownership, not
For further enquiries, contact us.
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