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Wacuka Thiong’o P29/4665/2011
Dorcas Agalo P29/0931/2011
Zipporah Wachira P29/0934/2011
Imelda Wanjiru P29/6152/2011
Helen Aduda P29/4664/2011
Esther Imbuhira P29/0935/2011
Hiding inside cells that are not part of
the immune system e.g. Mycobacterium
leprae in skin cells
Inhibit phagocyte chemotaxis e.g.
Staphylococcus aureus produce toxins
that hinder the journey of phagocytes
Survival inside phagocytes e.g.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
They are phagocytosed but resist
being killed once inside.
Killing the phagocyte e.g.
Bacillus anthracis produce toxins
that destroy phagocytes
Molecular mimicry of host’s tissues e.g.
Streptococcus pyogenes in rheumatic fever.
They resemble the genetic or chemical
make-up of part of the body, making the
body evoke an immune response against
of bacterial toxins which
impair protective function and
facilitates colonization e.g.
Bordetella pertussis which produces
a toxin that paralyses the ciliary
action of the upper respiratory tract
thus resulting in whooping cough.
of antibodies by
bacteria. It is the best form of
evasion. They disable cells of the
immune system that are produced
specifically against them. common
e.g. Haemophilus influenzae.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis reduces
interleukin-2 response
Coating with self antigens of the host
e.g. Staphylococcus aureus produces
coagulase that converts blood fibrinogen to
fibrin that coats it
Attachment factors (adhesins)
protecting them from mechanical
removal from the body e.g. Vibrio