Download Nitella Chara

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LAB (5)
Division : Charophyta
Class : Charophyceae
Order : Charales
Family : Characeae
Genus : Chara
: Nitella
 They are multicellular and superficially resemble land plants
because of stem-like and leaf-like structures. They are found in
fresh water, particularly in limestone areas, it grow submerged ,
lived in water rich with calcium carbonate . They prefer less
oxygenated and hard water and are not found in waters where
mosquito larvae are present.
 It grow to height of 5-130 cm ,the plant body is consist of a main
axis (differentiated into nodes and internodes), dimorphic
branches (long branch of unlimited growth and short branches of
limited growth), rhizoids and stipulodes (needle shaped structures
at the base of secondary laterals ) .
 Chara reproduces vegetatively and sexually. Vegetative by tubers .
sexual reproduction by forming globule (male) and nucule
(female). Globule (down ward) nucule ( up ward)
Chara sexual structures
 It long, slender, delicate, smooth-textured algae lie on the bottom
of a lake . Nitella prefers more acidic soil with soft sediments
 It grow much deeper than Chara , more branched ,sexual
structures are smaller than Chara , Globule (up ward) nucule
( down ward) .