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NCEA Level 2 Home Economics (90246) 2011 — page 1 of 9
Assessment Schedule – 2011
Home Economics: Examine New Zealand food choices and eating patterns (90246)
Evidence Statement
with Merit
with Excellence
1 Di
1 other E OR D
1 other Di OR E
(a), (b), (c)
Describes how at least
ONE factor (social
gradient, stress,
technological), influences
New Zealanders’ food
Discusses using detailed
examples, how the food
choices influenced by the
factor(s) affect the eating
patterns of New
Eating patterns include:
 number of meals / snacks
eaten during the day
 where meals / snacks are
 time of day meals /
snacks are eaten
 kinds of food eaten
 influence of religion
 culture
 food availability.
See Appendix A for
possible responses.
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(a) and (c)
Describes a possible
negative consequence
(effect) of the factors on
the health (hauora / wellbeing) of New Zealand
Discusses, including
detailed examples /
reasons, how the negative
consequence could affect
the health (hauora / wellbeing) of New Zealand
1 Di
1 other E OR D
1 other Di OR E
1 Di
1 other E OR D
1 other Di OR E
Refers to the relevant
dimensions of:
(b) and (d)
 physical hauora / wellbeing
 mental and emotional
hauora / well-being
 social hauora / well-being
 spiritual hauora / wellbeing.
Describes a possible
health-promoting strategy,
and who will carry it out.
Discusses, including
detailed examples /
reasons how the healthpromoting strategy could
improve the health of New
Describes a problem the
health-promoting strategy
could cause for other
people involved in the
health of New Zealanders.
NCEA Level 2 Home Economics (90246) 2011 — page 3 of 9
Discusses, using detailed
examples, how the problem
could be overcome so the
health-promoting strategy is
Refers to the relevant
dimensions of:
 physical hauora / wellbeing
 mental and emotional
hauora / well-being
 social hauora / well-being
 spiritual hauora / wellbeing.
See Appendix B for
possible responses.
Over the
paper as a
Dimensions of hauora /
well-being are considered
holistically throughout the
Describes a
variety of:
Explains a variety
Discusses a
variety of:
NCEA Level 2 Home Economics (90246) 2011 — page 4 of 9
Judgement Statement
Achievement with Merit
Achievement with Excellence
2 Di
1 Di + 1 E
2 Di
1 Di + 1 E
2 Di
1 Di + 1 E
Describes a variety of:
Explains a variety of:
Discusses a variety of:
(a) and (c)
(b) and (d)
Over the
paper as
a whole
Physical hauora / well-being
Mental and emotional hauora / well-being
Social hauora / well-being
Spiritual hauora / well-being
NCEA Level 2 Home Economics (90246) 2011 — page 5 of 9
Eg: Social Gradient
Achievement (Describe)
Low social gradient due to, eg part-time work because fewer full-time jobs available; unemployment; limited skills;
single parent family on a benefit; can all impact on the food choices people can make and also their eating
patterns. A limited food budget means that families buy foods on special more often, eg products within one or two
days of their expiry date, such as bread, pre-prepared foods, such as pies and microwave meals. The knowledge
people have about preparing and cooking healthy meals will also determine the food choices they make.
Merit (Explain)
Low social gradient due to, eg part-time work because fewer full-time jobs available; unemployment; limited skills;
single parent family on a benefit; can all impact on the food choices people can make and also their eating
patterns. The amount of knowledge people have about preparing and cooking healthy meals also may determine
the food choices they make. A limited food budget means that families buy a variety of foods that are on special
from the supermarket, such as cans of fruit in heavy syrup, rather than fresh fruit, and microwave heat-and-eat
meals, instead of fresh meat. They can buy family meals on special from fast food stores, such as McDonald’s,
Pizza Hutt, KFC, Chinese takeaways, and the local fish and chip shop. These meals have a lot of nutrients in them,
such as protein, simple and complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. They also have high amounts of
saturated fats or oils, and / or salt in them. Eating lots of meals high in saturated fat, salt, and sugar, may result in
gaining weight, not having enough energy, and feeling tired all the time (physical well-being).
Excellence (Discuss)
Low social gradient due to, eg part-time work because fewer full-time jobs available; unemployment; limited skills;
single parent family on a benefit; can all impact on the food choices people can make and also their eating
patterns. The amount of knowledge people have about preparing and cooking healthy meals also may determine
the food choices they make. Foods that are cheaper in price because they are on special, such as canned fruits
and vegetables, and packaged pre-prepared family meals, such as roast meal dinners, etc, are purchased even
though they are high in sugar, saturated fat and / or salt. Special family meal deals from, eg KFC, McDonald’s,
Pizza Hutt, fish and chip shops, are purchased because they are cheaper than preparing a similar meal for the
family at home. The meals have a lot of nutrients in them, such as protein, simple and complex carbohydrate,
minerals, and vitamins. They also contain saturated fat, sugar and salt. Meals from McDonald’s contain a burger,
deep-fried chips, and a fizzy drink; meals from KFC contain deep-fried chicken, deep-fried chips, and a fizzy drink;
and meals from Pizza Hutt contain pizza, deep-fried chips, and a fizzy drink. If a family eats these meals whenever
family meal deals are advertised, this will impact on their well-being over time. The family could suffer from gaining
weight, increasing the possibility of Type 2 diabetes (physical well-being), being left out of social activities or sports
teams (social well-being), and as a result, they may also have low self-esteem, which could see them withdrawing
from group activities at work, or school (emotional and mental well-being).
Eg: Technological
Achievement (Describe)
The impact of technological advances on the kind of food products that are now available means people on all
levels of income can buy food by Internet shopping, ordering meals online, such as KFC, and restaurant meals like
Chinese and Indian, or texting orders for meals to be delivered. There are more foods being made that just need
one or two extra ingredients added to them, so you don’t have to make them from scratch. This saves time and
energy for people who work long hours, are shift workers, and also for people who don’t have much knowledge
about making meals for themselves and their family.
Merit (Explain)
The impact of technological advances on the kind of food products that are now available means people on all
levels of income can buy food by Internet shopping, ordering meals online, such as KFC, and restaurant meals like
Chinese and Indian, or texting orders for meals to be delivered. There are more foods being made that just need
one or two extra ingredients added to them, so you don’t have to make them from scratch. This saves time and
NCEA Level 2 Home Economics (90246) 2011 — page 6 of 9
energy for people who work long hours, are shift workers, and also for people who don’t have much knowledge
about making meals for themselves and their family.
Pre-prepared foods such as fish and chips, or roast dinners, are purchased because they are filling. They may
contain nutrients, such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, but there is also a negative side to some
pre-prepared foods, such as, a high content of saturated fat like roast pork with crackling, salt sprinkled onto fish
and chip meals, sugar in fizzy drinks provided with the meals, etc. These meals may have an impact on well-being,
such as gaining weight due to eating meals high in saturated fat on a regular basis because they are cheaper than
purchasing all of the ingredients and making a healthier option of the meal yourself.
Excellence (Discuss)
The impact of technological advances on the kind of food products that are now available means people on all
levels of income can buy food by Internet shopping, ordering meals online, such as KFC, and restaurant meals like
Chinese and Indian, or texting orders for meals to be delivered. There are more foods being made that just need
one or two extra ingredients added to them, so you don’t have to make them from scratch. This saves time and
energy for people who work long hours, are shift workers, and also for people who don’t have much knowledge
about making meals for themselves and their family.
Pre-prepared foods such as fish and chips, or roast dinners, are purchased because they are filling. They may
contain nutrients, such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, but there is also a negative side to some
pre-prepared foods, such as, a high content of saturated fat like roast pork with crackling, salt sprinkled onto fish
and chip meals, sugar in fizzy drinks provided with the meals, etc. These meals may have an impact on well-being,
such as gaining weight due to eating meals high in saturated fat on a regular basis because they are cheaper than
purchasing all of the ingredients and making a healthier option of the meal yourself.
When a family buys meals online and gets them delivered, they are also paying a delivery fee that is often not
mentioned in the price of the meal. Regular consumption of pre-prepared food products will have an impact on the
well-being of family members and individuals. High intake of saturated fat can lead to obesity, heart disease, and
strokes; high intake of sugar can lead to Type 2 diabetes, and a high intake of salt can lead to a loss of bone mass.
Large amounts of these nutrients can result in weight increase, which slows you down so you find it hard to keep
up with friends when out at social events, such as dancing, and playing sports, such as tenpin bowling, basketball,
etc. Physical and social well-being is affected as a result.
NCEA Level 2 Home Economics (90246) 2011 — page 7 of 9
Eg: Possible health-promoting strategies to address negative consequences on the health of New Zealanders
Achievement (Describe)
An individual staff member could make a request to the company manager that all staff stop for morning teas and
lunch at the same time each day so that they can relax and also spend time chatting with their workmates. This will
help to lower staff stress levels. Also, a request could be made to provide a variety of healthy food options and a
few treat food options, as well as a variety of beverages (tea, coffee, fruit juice, etc), for those staff who wish to buy
their morning teas and lunch foods. Providing the nutrition information for each food and beverage at the counter
would help staff members to make wise, healthy food choices.
Merit (Explain)
An individual staff member could make a request to the company manager that all staff stop for morning teas and
lunch at the same time each day so that they can relax and also spend time chatting with their workmates. This will
help to lower staff stress levels. Also, a request could be made to provide a variety of healthy food options and a
few treat food options, as well as a variety of beverages (tea, coffee, fruit juice, etc), for those staff who wish to buy
their morning teas and lunch foods. Providing the nutrition information for each food and beverage at the counter
would help staff members to make wise, healthy food choices.
The nutrition information provided with each food and beverage sold at the staff cafeteria will, over time, give the
staff members a good understanding about what amounts of nutrients to look for when buying food from
supermarkets, fruit and vegetable shops, cafes, etc. This knowledge will not only help them to lower their stress
levels, but also to lower the risk of health-related illnesses, such as obesity, heart disease, etc.
Excellence (Discuss)
An individual staff member could make a request to the company manager that all staff stop for morning teas and
lunch at the same time each day so that they can relax and also spend time chatting with their workmates. This will
help to lower staff stress levels. Also, a request could be made to provide a variety of healthy food options and a
few treat food options, as well as a variety of beverages (tea, coffee, fruit juice, etc), for those staff who wish to buy
their morning teas and lunch foods. Providing the nutrition information for each food and beverage at the counter
would help staff members to make wise, healthy food choices.
The nutrition information provided with each food and beverage sold at the staff cafeteria will, over time, give the
staff members a good understanding about what amounts of nutrients to look for when buying food from
supermarkets, fruit and vegetable shops, cafes, etc. This knowledge will not only help them to lower their stress
levels, but also to lower the risk of health-related illnesses, such as obesity, heart disease, etc.
Factors that might make it difficult for the individual staff member to achieve success in getting the company
manager to agree to making the suggested changes could be:
 providing enough support from staff members to indicate that they are under stress, due to a lack of opportunities
to spend some ‘down time’ relaxing, and sharing conversation with other staff members
 finding enough convincing support from a variety of other organisations, such as the Heart Foundation, who
would be able to support the needs for ‘down time’, ‘time to relax’, and ‘time to talk about things other than work’,
during the day.
Achievement (Describe)
A small group of staff members and family members / friends could work together to research a variety of health
promotion agencies that would be able to provide recipes, nutrition information, a wide variety of food items that are
affordable, easy to prepare, and suitable for families, rather than just one person. All of the information could be
shared with the company manager, so that a wide variety of easy-to-prepare healthy food options can be prepared
for the staff members to purchase for morning tea and lunch. This knowledge can then be also repeated in the
family homes, therefore helping employees to manage stress levels. Families could trial recipes and send
NCEA Level 2 Home Economics (90246) 2011 — page 8 of 9
comments to the company manager about each product, or even provide him with a sample of each product to
taste. The most popular healthy foods could then be included on the cafeteria menus.
Merit (Explain)
A small group of staff members and family members / friends could work together to research a variety of health
promotion agencies that would be able to provide recipes, nutrition information, a wide variety of food items that are
affordable, easy to prepare, and suitable for families, rather than just one person. All of the information could be
shared with the company manager, so that a wide variety of easy to prepare healthy food options can be prepared
for the staff members to purchase for morning tea and lunch. This knowledge can then be also repeated in the
family homes, therefore helping employees to manage stress levels. Families could trial recipes and send
comments to the company manager about each product, or even provide him with a sample of each product to
taste. The most popular healthy foods could then be included on the cafeteria menus.
By eating these foods, staff and their families will be developing healthy eating patterns that contribute to a lower
intake of saturated fat, salt, and sugar, which over time, will decrease the risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes,
Excellence (Discuss)
A small group of staff members and family members / friends could work together to research a variety of health
promotion agencies that would be able to provide recipes, nutrition information, a wide variety of food items that are
affordable, easy to prepare, and suitable for families, rather than just one person. All of the information could be
shared with the company manager, so that a wide variety of easy to prepare healthy food options can be prepared
for the staff members to purchase for morning tea and lunch. This knowledge can then be also repeated in the
family homes, therefore helping employees to manage stress levels. Families could trial recipes and send
comments to the company manager about each product, or even provide him with a sample of each product to
taste. The most popular healthy foods could then be included on the cafeteria menus.
By eating these foods, staff and their families will be developing healthy eating patterns that contribute to a lower
intake of saturated fat, salt, and sugar, which over time, will decrease the risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes,
Factors that may make it difficult for staff members and their families to trial all of the recipes and report back to the
company manager include:
 finding enough suitable recipes within the price range of families, who are prepared to be involved in trialling the
 obtaining some financial support for families who are trialling the recipes, so they don’t have to pay for all of the
ingredients because other people are also tasting and evaluating the finished product.
These factors may result in only a few recipes being trialled.
Achievement (Describe)
The Ministry of Health, or members of Healthy Eating Healthy Education could run a seminar with the manager and
staff who organise the delivery of food items for the staff cafeteria, to inform them about the importance of including
healthy option food items in the menus. They could also provide a survey form for all staff to complete about the
foods they enjoy eating, don’t enjoy eating, what healthy option foods they would like to have on the menu, and
how long they would like each product to stay on the menu. The information gained from the survey would then be
used to inform the manager and the catering staff of the employees needs, and assist them with making changes
to the menus.
Merit (Explain)
The Ministry of Health, or members of Healthy Eating Healthy Education could run a seminar with the manager and
staff who organise the delivery of food items for the staff cafeteria, to inform them about the importance of including
healthy option food items in the menus. They could also provide a survey form for all staff to complete about the
foods they enjoy eating, don’t enjoy eating, what healthy option foods they would like to have on the menu, and
how long they would like each product to stay on the menu. The information gained from the survey would then be
used to inform the manager and the catering staff of the employees needs, and assist them with making changes
to the menus.
NCEA Level 2 Home Economics (90246) 2011 — page 9 of 9
The changes made to the menus as a result of both the manager and catering staff seminar, and the staff survey
results, will result in increased availability of a variety of healthy food choices that will help the staff to eat more
balanced meals each day. Eating healthy food options will also result in lower levels of staff stress.
Excellence (Discuss)
The Ministry of Health, or members of Healthy Eating Healthy Education could run a seminar with the manager and
staff who organise the delivery of food items for the staff cafeteria, to inform them about the importance of including
healthy option food items in the menus. They could also provide a survey form for all staff to complete about the
foods they enjoy eating, don’t enjoy eating, what healthy option foods they would like to have on the menu, and
how long they would like each product to stay on the menu. The information gained from the survey would then be
used to inform the manager and the catering staff of the employees needs, and assist them with making changes
to the menus.
The changes made to the menus as a result of both the manager and catering staff seminar, and the staff survey
results, will result in increased availability of a variety of healthy food choices that will help the staff to eat more
balanced meals each day. Eating healthy food options will also result in lower levels of staff stress.
The long-term outcome of the change to the menus for morning tea and lunch, not only impacts on the work output
of staff, but also on their well-being, increasing their ability to complete tasks effectively within a specific timeframe,
and lowering their risk of nutrition-related illnesses, such as heart disease, lack of sleep, and depression.