* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Table 3: Descriptions and allowable criteria for each field header in the data matrix part of the Biota template for the IRBAS database Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS location_name unitless varchar Yes name of the location sampled within the site (a unique identifier that follows naming convention rules) DoeJ_RiverData_SiteA_1 As per the location_names listed in the Site template: site_name, underscore, your location name (with no spaces between characters) sample_name unitless varchar Yes name of the sample replicate (a unique identifier that follows naming convention rules) DoeJ_RiverData_SiteA_1_biota_AI_38585_1 location_name, type of template ('biota' = flora or fauna), underscore, type of biota (AI = aquatic benthic invertebrates; AIH = aquatic hyporheic invertebrates; AID = aquatic drift invertebrates; GI = groundwater invertebrates; TI = terrestrial invertebrates, TV = terrestrial vertebrates; NFAV = non-fish aquatic vertebrates; PP = phytoplankton; BA = benthic algae; B = bacteria; AMP = aquatic macrophytes; TP = terrestrial plants; other), underscore, date of sample in generic code, underscore, sample identifier (replicate number or letter, e.g. 1, 2, 3, a, b, c) all with no spaces between characters. For example: LeighC_GulfRivers_FUM_1_biota_AI_38585_1 Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS sampling_date_start DD/MM/YYYY varchar Yes date sampling began for this sample DD/MM/YYYY Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY sampling_date_end DD/MM/YYYY varchar Yes DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS date sampling ended for this sample DD/MM/YYYY Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION sampling_season unitless varchar Yes season of sampling based on the date (month) in which sampling was conducted, using the meteorological seasons only (starting on the 1st day of Dec, Mar, Jun, Sep) and according to southern or northern hemisphere location winter, spring, summer, autumn UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE Leave blank if this is same date as the start date BUT DO NOT DELETE THE COLUMN water_state unitless varchar Yes water state of sampling location across entire width of wetted or active channel wet = lentic or flowing, dry = no surface water, unknown = unknown wet flow_state unitless varchar Yes flow state of sampling location across entire width of wetted or active channel no flow = lentic, flow = flowing, dry = dry (no water), unknown = unknown no flow biota_type unitless varchar MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry Yes group of organisms sampled fish, aquatic invertebrates, terrestrial invertebrates, terrestrial vertebrates, non-fish aquatic vertebrates, phytoplankton, benthic algae, bacteria, aquatic macrophytes, terrestrial vegetation, other EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION sampling_strategy unitless varchar Yes overall strategy (design) used to locate samples of this type random, haphazard, systematic, stratified, stratified random, stratified haphazard, stratified systematic, NA, entire location Describes how were the positions of individual samples within a location chosen sampling_strategy_coverage unitless varchar Yes strategy used to collect samples of this type patch-weighted composite-habitat sample, habitat specific sample, depth-integrated profile sample, depth-specific sample Provides additional information to that provided in "sampling_strategy" sampling_strategy_treatment unitless varchar Yes experimental treatment subjected or applicable to samples of this type UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS flow cessation, drying out, nutrient addition, control Leave blank if this does not apply to your data BUT DO NOT DELETE THE COLUMN Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT sampling_protocol unitless TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS varchar Yes method (including equipment) used to collect samples of this type dipnet, kicknet, gill net, fykenet, drift net, leaf pack, colonisation trap, electrofishing, pit-fall trapping, plankton net, emergence trap, butterfly net, Schindler-Patalas sampler, Bou-Rouch pump, vacuum pump, freeze-corer, Surber sampler, Hess sampler, seine net, three-pass depletion seine net, floating pan, NA Write "NA" if none of the listed protocol methods apply to your sample type. AND DO NOT DELETE THE COLUMN Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS sampling_protocol_mesh_size m integer Yes mesh size if net used to collect sample from 0 to 10000 Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION sampling_zone unitless varchar Yes the general type of environment ('zone') in which the sample was taken riparian zone, hyporheic zone, benthic zone, water column, groundwater, other UNIVERSE of data cell entry Leave blank if this does not apply e.g. nets were not used BUT DO NOT DELETE THE COLUMN EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO sampling_habitat unitless varchar Yes type of habitat(s) sampled to collect this type of sample main channel, open water, edge, rifle, pool, run, backwater, floodplain, riparian zone, dry bed, macrophyte bed, snags, composite NAL INSTRUCTIONS Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS number_samples unitless integer Yes number of individual samples from which the data corresponding to this sample is derived (1 when the sample is a unique replicate, >1 when the sample data is a mean of multiple replicates) from 1 to 100 quantitative_sampling_depth m float Yes quantitative depth in water, soil or sediment at which sample was taken (from the water surface for water samples, from the bed or soil surface if sediment or soil samples) from 0 to 100 Leave blank if this does not apply to your data BUT DO NOT DELETE THE COLUMN Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS qualitative_sampling_depth unitless varchar Yes qualitative depth at which sample was taken surface, bottom, complete depth profile, NA Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS area_sampled m2 integer Yes area from which one sample was obtained from 0 to 1000 Write "NA" if the allowable options do not apply to your data BUT DO NOT DELETE THE COLUMN Leave blank if this does not apply to your data BUT DO NOT DELETE THE COLUMN Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS volume_sampled m3 integer Yes volume from which one sample was obtained from 0 to 1000 Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS time_per_sample minutes float Yes time taken to obtain one sample from 0 to 300000 Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry type_of_abundance_data unitless varchar Yes type of abundance data density = number/m2, arealrate = number/m2/d, volumetric = number/m3, volrate = number/m3/d, count = number per sample, biomass = mg per sample, occurence = 0 or 1; controlled count$integer = count up to a maximum predefined number of individuals, replace "integer" with the relevant predefined number; all 0 = known absence (leave blank if not a real absence) count EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS Biota Data Matrix HEADER: UNIT TYPE MANDATORY DEFINITION UNIVERSE of data cell entry EXAMPLES of data cell entry NAMING CONVENTION/COMMENTS/ADDITIO NAL INSTRUCTIONS Leave blank if this does not apply to your data BUT DO NOT DELETE THE COLUMN Leave blank if this does not apply to your data BUT DO NOT DELETE THE COLUMN e.g. Allodessus$larva see ‘type_of_abundance_data’ float Yes ‘abundance’ of the taxon identified in the sample The following columns and rows of the biota template data matrix contain the taxon names of flora/ fauna and their ‘abundances’ (counts or biomass data, or densities, or presences/absences of the taxa) – essentially a taxon by sample matrix where columns are the taxa, the rows are the samples, and the cells contain the ‘abundance’ data. You must create the headers (taxon names) for these columns yourself, and enter the ‘abundances’ under each taxon name (i.e. column) in the relevant sample row. Use the following naming convention for taxon names: Header name (the name of the taxon) followed by optional qualifiers if you want to indicate life stage information (written with no spaces between characters). Optional qualifiers are: adult, larva (for larva or nymphs), pupa, or YOY (for young of the year). E.g. Allodessus$larva. In cases of unnamed/unclassified identifications and in terms of levels of taxonomic resolution (e.g. you have a taxon or taxa identified and counted as Allodessus sp. or Allodessus spp.) you must only use the known and accepted name: i.e. in this case, enter the taxon at the generic level of resolution using the name Allodessus only (delete any sp. or spp. terms in your dataset), followed by an optional life stage qualifier if known.