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student IV year the exam on the basics of internal medicine
(gastroenterology, pulmonology, hematology, physiotherapy) at the Department of
Internal Medicine № 1
1. The main symptoms of gastroenterological diseases.
2. Research methods in gastroenterology.
3. Unexamined and functional dyspepsia. Definitions. Classification. Clinic.
Diagnosis. Current approaches to the treatment of functional dyspensiа.
4. Current approaches to the treatment of functional dyspepsia.
5. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Criteria for diagnosis, differential diagnosis.
Complications. Current approaches to treatment.
6. Chronic gastritis and their relationship with functional dyspepsia. Definitions.
Etiology and pathogenesis. The role of H. pylori in causing gastroduodenal pathology.
The criteria for diagnosis.
7. Stomach ulcer or other stomach peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Definitions.
Complications of peptic ulcers (perforation, penetration, bleeding, impaired motorevacuation function, visceritis).
8. Methods of diagnosis of Hp infection. Principles of eradicational therapy.
9. The value of instrumental and laboratory methods for diagnosis of peptic ulcers. The
role of H. pylori, acid-peptic factor and medicines in causing peptic ulcers and their
recurrence. Methods of diagnosis of Hp infection.
10. Current approaches to the treatment of ulcers. Eradication therapy. Indications for
surgical treatment.
11. Chronic cholecystitis. Definitions. Etiology and pathogenesis. Classification. The
role of instrumental methods of diagnosis. Complications. Differential treatment based
on clinical variation and the presence of complications. Indications for surgical
12. Cholelithiasis. Definitions. Etiology and pathogenesis. The role of instrumental
methods of diagnosis. Complications. Differential treatment based on clinical variation
and the presence of complications. Indications for surgical treatment.
13. Diseases of the small intestine: celiac enteropathy and others.
14. Malabsorption syndrome and maldigestion. Clinic. Diagnosis. Current approaches to
15. Ulcerative colitis. The criteria for diagnosis. Current approaches to treatment.
16. Crohn's disease. The criteria for diagnosis. Current approaches to treatment.
17. Intestinal dysbiosis (bacterial overgrowth syndrome). Classification. Clinic.
Diagnosis. Current approaches to treatment.
18. Functional biliary disorders. Definitions. Etiology and pathogenesis. The role of
instrumental methods of diagnosis. Complications. Differential treatment based on
clinical variation and the presence of complications. Indications for surgical treatment.
19. Chronic hepatitis. Definitions. Classification. The role of persistence of the virus,
drug agents, immune disorders and alcohol use disorders. Methods of diagnosis of viral
20. Autoimmune hepatitis. Definitions. Clinic. Diagnosis. Current approaches to
21. Chronic viral hepatitis. Definitions. Clinic. Diagnosis. Current approaches to
22. Drug-induced hepatitis. Main clinical and biochemical syndromes. Peculiarities of
diagnostics and drug hepatitis. Current approaches to treatment.
23. Alcoholic liver disease. Main clinical and biochemical syndromes. Clinical course
and diagnosis of certain forms. Current approaches to treatment.
24. Cirrhosis of the liver. Definitions. Significance of viral infections, nutritional
factors, alcohol, toxic and immunological disorders. Classification. Differential
diagnosis. Current approaches to treatment.
25. Hepatocellular failure and other complications of cirrhosis. Emergency treatment of
26. Chronic pancreatitis. Definitions. Classification. Features of clinical course,
diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Complications. Current approaches to treatment.
27. Acute biliary pain. Clinic. Diagnosis. Current approaches to treatment.
28. Bleeding from the veins of the esophagus and gastrointestinal bleeding. Reasons.
Methods of diagnosis. Principles of emergency care.
29. Intestinal colic. Methods of diagnosis and treatment.
30. The main symptoms of pulmonary pathology and methods in pulmonology.
31. Pneumonia. Definitions. Classification. Clinical manifestations and their features in
community acquired pneumonia. Changes in instrumentation and laboratory methods.
Differentiated treatment.
32. Pneumonia. Definitions. Classification. Clinical manifestations and their features in
nosocomial pneumonia. Changes in instrumentation and laboratory methods.
Differentiated treatment.
33. Pneumonia. Definitions. Classification. Clinical manifestations and their features in
aspiration pneumonia. Changes in instrumentation and laboratory methods.
Differentiated treatment.
34. Pneumonia. Definitions. Classification. Clinical manifestations and their features in
pneumonia in patients with severe immune defects. Changes in instrumentation and
laboratory methods. Differentiated treatment.
35. Complications of pneumonia syndrome (multiple organ injury, respiratory distress
syndrome and respiratory failure). Differentiated treatment.
36. Asthma. Definitions. Classification. Clinical manifestations and change data in
instrumental methods depending on the severity. Differential diagnosis. Complications.
Current approaches to treatment.
37. First Aid in attack of asthma.
38. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Definitions. Classification. Clinical
manifestations, change these additional instrumental methods depending on the stage
(severity). Differential diagnosis. Complications. Current approaches to treatment.
39. Pleural effusion. Definitions. Clinical manifestations of change instrumental and
laboratory data. Complications (pleural effusion, empyema). Indications for pleural
puncture and drainage of the pleural cavity. Current approaches to treatment.
40. Dry (fibrinous) pleurisy. Definitions. Clinical manifestations of change instrumental
and laboratory data. Current approaches to treatment.
41. Bronchiectasis. Definitions. Ambulatory diagnosis of different options. The value of
X-ray and endoscopy. Complications. Current approaches to treatment. Indications for
surgical treatment.
42. Abscess and gangrene of the lungs. Definitions. Clinic. Diagnosis: the value of Xray and endoscopy. Complications. Current approaches to treatment. Indications for
surgical treatment.
43. Pulmonary failure. Pathogenesis of hypertension pulmonary circulation.
Classification. Causes. Features of the clinical course of different forms. Diagnosis and
role of the study of lung function. Differential diagnosis. Current approaches to
44. Respiratory failure. Violation of ventilation for obstructive, restrictive and mixed
type. Bronchial obstruction syndrome: clinical features, diagnosis, emergency care in
the event of an acute course.
45. The main symptoms of hematologic diseases and methods in hematology.
46. Iron deficiency anemia. Etiologic factors and pathogenesis. Clinical and laboratory
diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Current approaches to treatment.
47. B12-deficiency anemia. Etiologic factors and pathogenesis. Clinical and laboratory
diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Current approaches to treatment.
48. B9-deficiency anemia. Etiologic factors and pathogenesis. Clinical and laboratory
diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Current approaches to treatment.
49. Hereditary hemolytic anemia. Etiologic factors and pathogenesis. Clinical and
laboratory diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Current approaches to
50. Aplastic anemia. Etiologic factors and pathogenesis. Clinical and laboratory
diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Current approaches to treatment.
51. Posthemorrhagic anemia. Etiologic factors and pathogenesis. Clinical and laboratory
diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Current approaches to treatment.
Principles of transfusion of blood and blood components.
52. Acquired (autoimmune) hemolytic anemia. Etiologic factors and pathogenesis.
Clinical and laboratory diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Current
approaches to treatment.
53. Acute leukemia. Definitions. Current views on the etiology and pathogenesis.
Classification. The main clinical and hematologic syndromes. The criteria for diagnosis.
Complications. Current approaches to treatment.
54. Chronic myeloid leukemia. Definitions. Current views on the etiology and
pathogenesis. Classification. The main clinical and hematologic syndromes. The criteria
for diagnosis. Complications. Current approaches to treatment.
55. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Definitions. Current views on the etiology and
pathogenesis. Classification. The main clinical and hematologic syndromes. The criteria
for diagnosis. Complications. Current approaches to treatment.
56. Bone marrow transplantation.
57. Multiple Myeloma. Definition and classification. The criteria for diagnosis. Current
approaches to treatment.
58. Types of haemorrhagic disorders. Mechanisms of hemostasis. Methods of
examination of patients with hemorrhagic syndrome. Tactics of treatment.
59. Hemophilia. Definitions. The etiology and pathogenesis, the major clinical
syndromes. The criteria for diagnosis. Current approaches to treatment.
60. Autoimmune idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Definitions. Clinic. Diagnosis.
Current approaches to treatment.
61. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Principles of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of
lymphadenopathy. Complications. Current approaches to treatment.
62. Hodgkin's lymphoma. Clinical manifestations and features in different variants of
course. The criteria for diagnosis. Complications. Current approaches to treatment.
63. Agranulocytosis: immune and myelotoxic. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis.
Differential diagnosis. Complications. Current approaches to treatment.
64. Chronic erythremia. Definitions. Current views on the etiology and pathogenesis.
The criteria for diagnosis. Methods of diagnosis. Complications. Current approaches to
65. Biological basis and physiological effect of influence of continuous and pulsed
electrical current on the body. Fundamentals of it usage for therapeutic purposes.
Indications and contraindications for electrotherapy.
66. Biophysical basis and physiological action of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic
fields on the body. Fundamentals of use for therapeutic purposes. Indications and
contraindications for the using.
67. Biophysical basis and physiological effect of light therapy (infrared, ultraviolet,
visible and laser). Ultrasound, physiological mechanisms of action. Indications and
contraindications for the using.
68. Classification of resorts regardind of natural factors action on the organism (climate,
spa, mud). Indications and contraindications for sanatorium treatment.
69. Biophysical basis and physiological effect of light therapy (infrared, ultraviolet,
visible and laser). Ultrasound, physiological mechanisms of action. Indications and
contraindications for the using.
Head of Department Internal Medicine №1
VNMU them. M.I Pirogov
MD, Professor
M.A. Stanislavchuk