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Fundamental Skills
Core Principles
 Communication
 Patient Safety
 Moving and Handling
 Risk Assessment
 Infection Control
Video Link
• Introduction
• General Preparation
• Z track Technique
• Deltoid Site
• Dorsogluteal Site
• Ventrogluteal Site
• Vastus Lateralis
• Conclusion
Preparation of Patient
 Assess the patient
 Promote comfort and relaxation
 Explain reason for injection
 Describe procedure
 Check if any allergies / history of anaphylaxis
 Invite questions
Preparation of Patient
 Check prescription: RIGHT patient, RIGHT drug,
RIGHT time, RIGHT route, RIGHT dose and doctor’s
 Correct positioning of the patient
 Avoid over exposure of patient
SC Injection Technique
 Maximum volume (0.5 – 2ml)
 Aseptic procedure
 Skin preparation (local policy)
 Pinch up skin to isolate fat from muscle
 Insert needle at 45˚ or 90˚ angle
 Inject slowly at a rate of 1ml per 10sec
 Withdraw needle smoothly
 Document the procedure according to NMC and
local policy
Tissue Layer penetration
Subcutaneous Injection
Subcutaneous injection sites
Pinch – Up Technique for SC
Safe Disposal of Sharps
 Immediately after use
 Never resheath or bend used needles
 If possible, dispose of needle and syringe as single
 Don’t overfill sharps boxes
 Report any accidents / incidents in accordance with
local policy
Cuts and abrasions in any area of exposed skin should be covered
Well fitting clean gloves must be worn during procedures where there may
be contamination of hands by blood/body fluids
Hand washing
The use of gloves does not preclude the need for thorough hand washing
Where there is a possibility of blood spillage
Eye protection
where there is a danger of flying blood splashes
Sharps container
Needles are not to be resheathed prior to disposal into an approved sharps
Cocoman, A. Murray, J. (2008) Intramuscular injections: a
review of best practice for mental health nurses. Journal
of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 15, 424-434.
Cocoman, A. Murray, J. (2010) Recognizing the evidence
and changing practice on injection sites. British Journal of
Nursing, Vol 19, No 18, 1170-1174.
Gittens, G. (2009) Skin disinfection and its efficacy before
administering injections. Nursing Standard, Vol 23, No
39, 42-44.
Malkin, B. (2008) Are techniques used for
intramuscular injection based on research evidence?
Nursing Times, 104: 50/51, 48-51.
WHO, (2010) WHO best practices for injections and
related procedures toolkit. Geneva, WHO.