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H011 - 001
LATIN AMERICA: Geography & Climate
Name: ____________________________________________________
Homework: LATIN AMERICA: Geography & Climate
Due: FRI. 17 APRIL 2015
Global History 1 H
INSTRUCTIONS: read the following article … then answer the questions which follow
Latin America is generally understood to
consist of the entire continent of South
America in addition to Mexico, Central
America, and the islands of the Caribbean
whose inhabitants speak a Romance
language (Spanish, Portuguese, or Creole).
The peoples of this large area shared the
experience of conquest and colonization
by the Spaniards and Portuguese from the
late 15th through the 18th century as well
as movements of independence from
Spain and Portugal in the early 19th
century. Even since independence, many
of the various nations have experienced
similar trends, and they have some
awareness of a common heritage.
However, there are also enormous
differences between them. Not only do
the people live in a large number of
independent units, but the geography and
climate of their countries vary immensely. Terms you need to know: “cultural diversity …
ethnic diversity”. Due to Spanish and Portuguese exploration many people are Roman
Catholics (Christianity).
H011 - 001
LATIN AMERICA: Geography & Climate
Since the time of the Spanish conquest, the economic development in Mexico, Central
America, and the Caribbean region—which constitute the northern portion of what often is called
Latin America—has been much less pronounced. The failure to attract large numbers of immigrants
(aside from African slaves and East Asian laborers in the West Indies), the fragmentation of Central
America and the Caribbean into small colonies or sovereign nations, and the perennial political
instability throughout the region have all inhibited development. The quantity or quality of natural
resources has been less crucial than social and political factors in relegating these lands to
peripheral or so-called underdeveloped status within the world economy. (New England, for
example, prospered despite distinctly mediocre physical resources.) Whatever economic well-being
these Latin American and West Indian countries now enjoy depends to a large extent on the export
of minerals and the products of plantations, forests, and the sea and on the infusion of foreign
capital and expertise. This has given rise to an economic system in which only a small number of
individuals in certain advantaged areas of the region have benefited from the wealth generated by
economic development, while the great majority of the region's population has remained
impoverished and little affected.
South America has two major mountain systems of contrasting nature. Bordering the Pacific
Ocean to the west, the geologically young cordilleras of the Andes extend along the entire
continent from north to south. Stretching along the continent's northern and eastern sides are the
ancient Guiana and Brazilian highlands, which are much lower in elevation and slope gently to the
west; farther south are the Patagonian plateaus. Lowlands—the basins of the Orinoco, Amazon,
and Paraguay-Paraná rivers and the plains of the Pampas—separate the highlands from one another.
Taken as a whole, the relief of the continent shows a great imbalance: the major drainage divide is
far to the west along the crest of the Andes. Thus, rain that falls only 100 miles east of the Pacific
may flow to the Atlantic, 2,500 miles away.
South America extends over a wide latitudinal range, thus encompassing a great variety of
climates. South America's broadest extent is in the equatorial zone, so that tropical conditions
prevail over more than half of the continent. Elevation, particularly in the Andes, is another
important climatic control.
H011 - 001
LATIN AMERICA: Geography & Climate
The continent's demographics reflect an unusual settlement history: South America is a
“hollow continent,” with most of the population concentrated around its margins. The highest
population densities are found in the old Indian core areas of the Andes, the former slave areas of
northeastern Brazil, and the areas of European immigration in southern Brazil, Uruguay, and
Argentina. The interior is relatively empty because of the decline in Indian populations, poor
communications with coastal areas, and the absence of economic opportunities capable of
attracting large numbers of immigrants. Another characteristic of South American demography is a
high rate of population growth in tropical regions coupled with moderate growth in the temperate
southern cone. The high tropical growth rates, however, have begun to diminish.
Both South American demography and history can be explained through the changing
patterns of birth and death rates and immigration caused by Spanish and Portuguese conquest and
by subsequent economic development. After the conquest, diseases such as smallpox, measles,
malaria, and yellow fever decimated Indian populations, leading to a long-term pattern of high
death rates and declining or stagnant populations, even where fertility was high. Beginning in the
area of European migration and extending throughout the continent after World War II, innovations
in public health, such as safe drinking water and vaccines, have resulted in a dramatic drop in
death rates everywhere except remote rural areas and urban slums.
… Land … diverse … mountains (the Andes .. nicknamed: the Cordilleras .. the backbone) + rivers:
the Amazon, Rio de la Plata .. Rio Grande .. tropical rainforests .. islands (the Caribbean) .. desert
(the Atacama in Chile) .. the Climate … hot .. tropical … hurricanes in late summer- early fall
… … leads to “cultural / ethnic diversity” … also “regionalism” … people in a particular area
getting together
H011 - 001
LATIN AMERICA: Geography & Climate
1. Which is a valid generalization about Latin America?
1. Most Latin Americans live in isolated farm villages.
2. The majority of the governments in Latin America are communist.
3. Most Latin Americans are descendants of immigrants from Africa.
4. Latin America is a region of racial and cultural diversity.
2. The term "Latin America" most accurately refers to the
1. areas of the Western Hemisphere south of the United States
2. countries that belong to the Organization of American States (OAS)
3. continents of North and South America
4. countries that have close economic ties with Spain
3. In many Latin American nations, reliance on the production of a single cash crop has led to
1. economic dependence on other nations
2. rapid repayment of foreign loans
3. a high per capita gross national product
4. development of a strong industrial economy
4. During the 1980s, a major problem in many economically developing countries was the
1. fear of competition with industrialized countries
2. decreasing numbers of potential employees in these countries
3. increasing foreign debt in these countries
4. shortage of markets in industrialized nations
5. Which language and religion are most closely associated with the culture
of most nations in Latin America?
1. Arabic and Islam
3. Spanish and Roman Catholicism
2. Hindu and Hinduism
4. Chinese and Buddhism
H011 - 001
LATIN AMERICA: Geography & Climate
6. The Panama Canal and Suez Canal are
1. deserts
2. archipelagos
3. strategic chokepoints
4. capitals of countries
Throughout history, people have lived on savannas, in deserts, in mountains, along river valleys, along
coastlines, and on islands.
7. This statement demonstrates that people
(1) adapt their surroundings
(3) organize similar forms of government
(2) develop a common language
(4) prefer to live in isolated areas
8. Which geographic feature made it difficult to unify South America?
(1) Andes Mountains
(3) Straits of Magellan
(2) Gulf of Mexico
(4) Argentinian pampas
9. The development of early civilizations usually depended on
(1) the formation of democratic governments
(2) a location near large deposits of gold and silver
(3) the existence of large armies
(4) a plentiful water supply and fertile land
10. Which characteristic describes the traditional middle class family in Latin America?
1. The family unit is usually very small.
3. The family worships its ancestors.
2. Adolescent girls have a great deal of social freedom.
4. The father is the head of the family.
11. A major environmental problem affecting Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia has been
1. air pollution 2. deforestation
3. disposal of nuclear waste
4. acid rain
12. Which generalization about the geography of Latin America is accurate?
1. Geographic features prevented foreign imperialism.
2. Harsh climatic conditions have prevented the development of large-scale agriculture.
3. The lack of geographic barriers facilitated the development of transportation and communication systems.
4. Great variations in latitude and land forms resulted in a diversity of climates.
13. Which factor best accounts for the existence of cash-crop production as the major form of agriculture in
many Central American nations today?
1. demand of world markets for such crops
3. inadequate supply of water and other natural resources
2. lack of modern agricultural technology
4. peasant ownership of most farmlands
14. A major problem for many Latin American countries has been the
1. payment of their debts to foreign countries
3. rapidly decreasing population
2. shortage of water
4. shortage of labor in agricultural areas
"Poor weather conditions in coffee-producing countries often lead to rises in coffee prices in the United States."
15. This statement best illustrates the idea of
1. balance of trade
3. supply and demand
2. subsistence agriculture
4. economic competition
16. In Latin America, the mountainous terrain has contributed to
1. the development of a good infrastructure
3. social equality and political unity
2. the varied climates found in the region
4. extensive agricultural production
17. In Mexico and India, the Green Revolution has been successful because it has
1. promoted democratic reform
3. introduced Western culture and values
2. increased agricultural productivity
4. established economic equality among the people
H011 - 001
LATIN AMERICA: Geography & Climate
18. The main concern regarding the destruction of the rain forests in areas of Brazil and sub-Saharan Africa is that
cities will become seriously overcrowded
the temperature of the Earth's surface may increase
the per capita income in economically developed nations may increase
water supplies in these areas will increase
19. Which statement about the population of Latin America today is most accurate?
1. Most of the population is concentrated in interior regions.
2. Migration from rural areas to urban areas is increasing
3. Little cultural or ethnic diversity exists among the people.
4. The birthrate is declining rapidly.
20. A major problem that has slowed the economic development of Latin America has been
1. few good harbors
3. the shortage of unskilled labor
2. the abundance of resources
4. the lack of investment capital
21. The pampas in South America are a
1. vast desert with little economic value
2. major coffee-producing area
3. source of coal and iron
4. fertile agricultural and cattle-producing region
22. During the late 20th century, in which area did deforestation become a serious problem?
1. Great European Plain
2. Amazon Basin
3. Deccan Plateau 4. Great Rift Valley
23. Inca terrace farming and Aztec floating gardens are examples of
1. the ability of civilizations to adapt to their region's physical geography
2. slash-and-burn farming techniques
3. Mesoamerican art forms symbolizing the importance of agriculture
4. colonial economic policies that harmed Latin American civilizations
24. Which environmental issue most concerns Central Africa, the Amazon River Basin, and the Malay Peninsula?
1. nuclear contamination
2. desertification
3. overpopulation
4. deforestation
25. Which geographic factor most limited the growth of Latin American unity of the early 19th century?
1. the region's diverse landforms
3. most of the region's rivers flowed north to south
2. the region's location close to the equator
4. the region's lack of natural resources