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FAQ for Self-Consumption Solar Energy System
1) What is a self-consumption solar energy system?
The self-consumption solar energy system is a sustainable energy solution that allows you to
produce clean energy independently and consume it within your home.
2) Why should I install a self-consumption solar energy system?
a) Cuts down your carbon footprint
b) Improves energy security, decreases dependence on conventional electricity
c) Technology designed and warranted for long service life
3) What equipment do I need to install and where will it be installed?
The system consists of solar modules, micro inverters and multigate set that are connected to your
distribution box. The micro inverter will be installed together with solar panels while the multigate set
will be probably next to DC power distribution box.
4) Do I still need to purchase electricity from the utility company after installing this system?
Yes, you will need the electricity supply from utility company when the generation is insufficient for
your usage, or when the system stops generating after the sun goes down as the system does not
include energy storage.
5) Do I need to apply for electricity generation licence for the system?
Systems below 24kWp for single-phase, or 72kWp for three-phase do not require electricity
generation licence.
6) Can I sell the electricity generated?
This solution is for self-consumption. However, you may also rewire the system to connect to the
utility grid and sell the electricity generated through the Feed-in Tariff or net metering schemes
(coming soon, waiting for SEDA Malaysia announcement) regulated by the Sustainable Energy
Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia.
7) How do I know which system capacity suits my home?
The system can be constructed to an optimum size based on your energy requirements and budget.
Generally, a larger system is recommended if the electricity usage is higher during daytime.
8) What is the smallest system I can install?
The smallest system begins at 0.5kWp with 2 solar modules.
9) Can I increase the system capacity after installation?
Absolutely! You can gradually expand your system as your energy usage and financial resources
10) Does the solar energy system require bright sunshine to generate electricity?
The system can generate electricity even on a cloudy or rainy day as long as there is enough
daylight. The greater the intensity of sunlight, the higher the generation potential.
11) Where are the solar modules installed?
The solar modules are best installed where there is optimal exposure to the sunlight and free of
shading, in most cases the rooftop.
12) Can I install the system if my roof is facing the north/south?
Yes, north or south-facing roofs are optimal location to install the solar modules as the modules will
have maximum exposure to the sunlight from sunrise through sunset.
13) How do you confirm the technical feasibility? Will you conduct a site survey?
The feasibility can be easily determined if provided the site’s roof plan and elevation plan. If the
plans are not available, ERS will conduct a non-obligatory site survey to confirm the technical
14) My roof is very old. Can you install on it?
We need to be informed in advance if the roofing materials are fragile. If there is no plan to
refurbish your roof before the installation, we will need to make an on-site assessment to confirm.
15) Can I monitor the solar energy system? Do I need to pay anything for it?
Yes. The self-consumption solar energy system comes with free monitoring solution that allows you
to keep tabs on your daily energy output and system performance even when you’re away via
16) How long is the product warranty?
The solar modules comes with 10 years product warranty and 25 years performance warranty; the
SMA micro inverter and multigate set come with 5 years product warranty which can be extended
to up to 20 years. ERS Energy provides 3 years workmanship warranty on the electrical and
mechanical works.
17) What happens if my roof starts to leak after the installation?
If the leakage was caused by the installation, ERS Energy will repair without charge.
18) What if customer regrets after smaller kWp was installed and would like to enlarge the kWp
size? Is it only collecting the additional kWp money price?
Yes, we can just add on the cost IF installation not done. If installation complete, it's like buying
another set
19) What if customer’s house unable to install the solar system with the size chosen, should it
be refund for the extra?
Yes, we will just refund the extra.
20) If power failure or short circuit, will Multigate set still be function?
No. It will stop deliver the energy within 2 seconds.
21) How much electricity can the system generate?
: System size in kWp x 3.4 Peak Sun Hour x Number of Days
Example 1 : 2kWp x 3.4 Peak Sun Hour x 1 Day
= 6.8kWh approximately in 1 day
Example 2 : 2kWp x 3.4 Peak Sun Hour x 30 Days = 204kWh approximately in 30 days
22) How much can I potentially generate with the self-consumption solar energy system?
Formula : System size in kWp x 3.4 Peak Sun Hour x Number of Days x Applicable Electricity
Example : 2kWp x 3.4 Peak Sun Hour x 30 Days x RM 0.516 = RM 105.3 approximately in 30
days 1.5kWp x 3.4 Peak Sun Hour x 30 Days x RM 0.516 = RM 78.9 approximately
in 30 days 1kWp x 3.4 Peak Sun Hour x 30 Days x RM 0.516 = RM 52.6
approximately in 30 days 0.5kWp x 3.4 Peak Sun Hour x 30 Days x RM 0.516 = RM
26.3 approximately in 30 days
23) What is the minimum TNB Bill to adopt Solar Starter Kit?
0.5 kWp
RM 77 (300 kWh residential usage) + [0.5 kWp system size X 3.4 Peak Sun Hour x 30 Days X
RM 0.516 (Current applicable Electricity Tariff)] “kWh rate”
= RM 103.3
1 kWp
RM 77 (300 kWh residential usage) + [1 kWp system size X 3.4 Peak Sun Hour x 30 Days X
RM 0.516
(Current applicable Electricity Tariff)] “kWh rate”
= RM 129.6
1.5 kWp
RM 77 (300 kWh residential usage) + [1.5 kWp system size X 3.4 Peak Sun Hour x 30 Days X RM
0.516 (Current applicable Electricity Tariff)] “kWh rate”
= RM 155.9
2 kWp
RM 77 (300 kWh residential usage) + [2 kWp system size X 3.4 Peak Sun Hour x 30 Days X
RM 0.516
(Current applicable Electricity Tariff)] “kWh rate”
= RM 182.3
24) How many panels will the different kWp of solar system requires?
- 2 Panels
- 4 Panels
- 6 Panels
- 8 Panels