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Chapter 5: Earth’s Energy and Mineral Resources
Section 2 – Renewable Energy Resources Study Guide
Inexhuastible energy resources are sources of renewable energy that are constant and will
not run out in the future.
Inexhaustible energy resources include the Sun, wind, water, and geothermal energy.
Solar Energy
Solar energy is energy from the Sun.
As the Sun’s energy heats the Earth, it causes circulation in Earth’s atmosphere and
oceans. Global winds and ocean currents occur due to solar energy.
People use solar cells to actively collect energy from the sun.
Solar energy is clean and inexhaustible, but it does have some disadvantages.
o Solar cells don’t work very well on cloudy days, and they do not work at all at
Energy from
Energy from
Windmills can be used to generate electricity. When a large number of windmills are
placed in one area for the purpose of generating electricity, the area is called a wind
Wind energy is nonpolluting and free, does little harm to the environment, and produces
no waste.
The disadvantage is that only a few regions of the world have winds that are steady and
strong enough to produce electricity.
Electricity produced by water power is called hydroelectric energy.
o To generate the electricity, a large dam is built to retain water.
o As the water is released, its force powers generators that make electricity.
Energy from
the Earth
Hydroelectric power has disadvantages. When dams are built, upstream lakes fill with
sediment and downstream erosion increases. Wildlife habitats can be damaged when
areas are flooded.
Energy obtained by using not magma or hot, dry rocks inside Earth is called geothermal
Geothermal energy is the same type of energy that causes volcanoes to erupt of water to
shoot up as geysers.
Bodies of magma heat large reservoirs of groundwater. Geothermal power plants use
steam from the reservoirs to produce electricity.
Energy resources that can be replaced in nature or by humans within a relatively short
period of time are referred to as renewable energy resources.
Biomass energy is energy derived from burning organic materials such as wood, alcohol,
and garbage.
Wood is the most widely used biomass fuel.
Burning wood has disadvantages. Gases and small particles pollute the air when wood is
burned. When trees are cut down, natural habitats are destroyed.
In some areas, alcohol and garbage are being used to generate energy.
Recycling is using old materials to make new one.
By reducing our use of resources, reusing resources whenever possible, and recycling
resources, like aluminum, we can conserve our natural resources. (The 3 R’s)