Download Soil Layers Activity - Student

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Soil Layers – Student Activity
Soil is broken into six (6) distinct layers; with each layer having unique characteristics, qualities,
and importance within the soil profile. In teacher assigned groups, we are going to further
discuss each of the horizons in a project based learning method.
Three Dimensional Model - Soil Horizons Profile;
 Must include all six (6) horizons – justification must be included.
o O Horizon
o A Horizon
o E Horizon
o B Horizon
o C Horizon
o R Horizon
 Must provide/ attach (paper) bullet point information:
o Texture
o Defining qualities (color, size, shape, etc.)
o Alliteration to specific Horizon
 Brain Anchor
Timeline for this activity includes;
 January 25th – Group work time (Full class period)
 January 26th – Group planning (only 10 minutes of class – teacher checkpoint)
 January 30th – Group assembly (only 15 minutes of class)
 January 31st – Presentation/ class discussion (must be completely assembled at the
beginning of class)