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Wang 1
David Wang
Professor Charles Becker
Urban Economics
1 March 2013
Beijing Land Market
Over the last two decades, Beijing’s housing market has experienced tremendous growth that
coincides with China’s overall economic growth and new free market housing policies. This rapid
growth is an interesting case study into the development of modern cities, as old housing is
privatized or demolished to make way for new infrastructure, commercial developments, and
housing projects. As the Central Business District expanded, the city began to spread out towards
the urban fringes. Zheng and Kahn seek to examine the classic urban monocentric model in a city
experiencing massive new development. Building upon the monocentric model, Zheng and Kahn
also consider Brueckner, Thissé, and Zenou’s (BTZ) theory of amenities to explain the similarities of
Beijing to European cities, where high-income residents locate close to the city-center. Beijing is
quite similar to Paris, as the city center (designated to be the Tiananmen Square area) and nearby
CBD contain many urban amenities that attract higher-income residents. In fact, much of Beijing’s
current urban form can be explained using the monocentric city model. In addition, the
capitalization of local public goods adds further insights into this developing urban form.
Before explaining the findings from the test of the monocentric model in Beijing, it is
important to explain the three data sets used in the tests. The first, a housing project data set, is a
record of 920 new housing projects, which contain an average of 791 housing units each, in the
Beijing market between 2004 and 2005. These data are representative of the housing units
purchased by Beijing homebuyers as there is little re-sale present in the market. Since the projects
are spread geographically around Beijing, their prices can be used to test the relationship between
the housing prices and distance from the City Center. The second, a land parcel data set, includes
information about all land parcel auctions from 2004 to June 2006. These auctions are the first step
for developers to lease land to build a new housing project. Once again, the selling prices of these
open-auctions of land are used as a proxy for real estate prices. The third data set is a detailed
analysis of housing projects and their proximity to various local public goods, including public
transit (subways, bus stops), high schools, major universities, crime levels, and environmental
amenities (air quality, parks).
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The testing of the monocentric model in Beijing is a fairly straightforward process. However,
the controls used in the equation are extremely important. The estimation equation is
πΏπ‘œπ‘”(π‘ƒπ‘Ÿπ‘–π‘π‘’π‘—π‘žπ‘‘ ) = 𝐡 βˆ— π·π‘–π‘ π‘‘π‘Žπ‘›π‘π‘’ π‘‘π‘œ 𝐢𝑖𝑑𝑦 πΆπ‘’π‘›π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘—π‘žπ‘‘ + π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘™π‘  + π‘ˆπ‘—π‘žπ‘‘ (1),
where j is a parcel or project at location q in year t. The controls are dummy variables for the region
of Beijing in which a land parcel (or housing project) is located and the date of the land parcel
auction (or housing project sell date). These regions are defined by four quadrants using Tiananmen
Square as the origin. The inclusion of these controls is an appropriate way to control for any
inherent differences in the regions that a simple distance measure would not be able to capture. For
example, by controlling for quadrant (region of Beijing), the results show that land prices in the
Southeast are 41% cheaper relative to the Northeast. If this region control were omitted, bias could
be introduced into the coefficient for the effect of distance on land price. This estimation equation
is run twice, once for the land parcel data and once for the housing project data. With the
estimation on land parcel data, it was found that an extra kilometer of distance from the CBD
reduces land price by 4.8% (including both commercial and residential land). However, when
restricting the regression to only residential parcels, the land price gradient falls to 4.3%. As Zheng
and Kahn suggest, this result may be due to agglomeration economies, where β€œland closer to the
CBD is more valuable for non-residential users.” When estimating the equation for the housing
project data, only a slight decrease in price of 2% per kilometer away is found with an R2 value of
0.175. Although Zheng and Kahn do not explain this result, it is possible that since controls for
transportation were not included, there could be limited conclusions to be made about the housing
Another interesting characteristic of Beijing’s urban form is the relationship between the
zoning rules provided by the Land Authority under the Beijing Master Plan. Using a regression
similar to (1), but replacing the dependent variable with FAR, the floor-to-area ratio (a measure of
density on a parcel of land) declines with distance from the City Center. However, this decline in
density is limited to commercial land parcels and is not significant with residential land parcels. In
other words, tall commercial buildings are located towards the City Center, while residential building
heights are relatively flat across the city. Government urban planning forces may be causing this flat
construction density. With Tiananmen Square, a historic landmark, at the City Center, the city’s
urban planning commission set restrictions on the height of nearby buildings. At the same time, the
planners want to increase building height as the distance from Tiananmen Square increases, in order
to create a skyline for the city. Thus, the flat density gradient of the residential buildings may result
Wang 3
from the combination of the urban planning pushing up building height and market forces pushing
down building heights with distance. Therefore, to summarize, land and real estate prices decrease
with respect to distance from the City Center. However, the zoned density of residential projects
does not fall with distance from the Center.
The final portion of the paper concerns the monocentric model with additional
considerations for the capitalization of local public goods in the real estate prices. Since
homeowners in China do not pay residential property tax, the value of the public goods should have
a higher effect on property prices. Normally, a concern with studying the capitalization of public
goods is whether they are exogenously or endogenously determined. Zheng and Kahn argue that
due to the former planning economy, Beijing is a good candidate for such a study. The central or
city government, without necessarily any consideration for market forces, planned the locations of
public goods, such as schools, parks, and universities. Other local public goods measured include
public transportation stops, air quality, crime levels, university distance, and also university quality
(through entrance exam scores). Zheng and Kahn use standard hedonic methods to estimate the
capitalization effects. Using ordinary least squares, equation (2) is estimated, where the dependent
variable is the log of the price per square meter of housing in project j located in community q at
time t:
πΏπ‘œπ‘”(π‘ƒπ‘Ÿπ‘–π‘π‘’π‘—π‘žπ‘‘ ) = 𝐡1 βˆ— 𝑋1𝑗 + 𝐡2 βˆ— 𝑋2π‘ž + π‘ˆπ‘—π‘žπ‘‘ (2)
X1j represents the physical characteristics of an average unit in a new project. Zheng and Kahn
claim that this control succeeds due to the conformity amongst the housing units in the projects,
where each unit has similar building structure, internal space, and decoration. In addition, since
these projects are all new construction, they should all be of approximately the same age and this
factor should be already controlled. Another interesting variable added to the regression is a dummy
variable controlling for whether the project is built by a state-owned enterprise (SOE). Since SOEs
are owned by the state, they do not have an incentive to aggressive push for sales above expected
market values, resulting in projects that are on average 10% cheaper than private housing projects.
Zheng and Kahn examine the individual effects of the public goods by running the
regression multiple times, adding a variable for an additional local public good with each subsequent
regression. For example, the first regression includes only the variable for the nearest subway stop
distance, while the second regression includes both the subway stop distance and also distance to the
nearest bus stop. With the addition of each public good, the regression’s R2 value increases. The
regression’s explanatory power increases when controlling for distance to local public goods. From
Wang 4
the analysis, we find that air quality, parks, universities, and schools affect home prices, while transit
and crime have no significant effect. Crime may not have any effect because it is mostly
concentrated around the city fringe, where migrant workers congregate. These workers have huge
demand for living and may outweigh any negative capitalization of crime.
Zheng and Kahn’s testing of the monocentric model in Beijing provides a consistent
explanation of the shape of Beijing’s urban development. Her collection of data is broad and
consideration of alternate regressions shows the completeness of her analysis. Her use of local
public goods in Beijing to study capitalization effects is interesting and her assumption that these
goods are exogenously determined is quite reasonable, as China was centrally planned. However,
the location of some public goods, such as the old universities, Tsinghua University and Beijing
University, were determined even before the central planning. In the past, these universities perhaps
were located due to endogenous reasons, though it is unlikely that any capitalization effects carried
over to the current state after the revolution of the twentieth century. In addition, we cannot easily
attribute causality in any of the regressions. It may be appropriate to run some difference-indifference estimators to compare directly the differences between land parcels. This may further
parse out causal effects of distance. It is difficult to think of additional data that could be collected,
but perhaps further exploration could be done into the transportation systems. Since Beijing
recently changed the subway system to a flat fee, transportation costs from far distances in the city
should be decreased and may affect some of the results in the monocentric model view of the city.
This sudden change in transportation cost may provide an opportunity for some fixed effects
estimators of before and after prices. Nevertheless, Zheng and Kahn’s study provides valuable
insights into the urban development of a large city within an economy in transition. The unique data
available after China’s many market reforms gives a great starting point to test the monocentric city
model without bias from historical norms.
Wang 5
Works Cited
Zheng, Siqi, and Matthew E. Kahn. β€œLand and Residential Property Markets in a Booming
Economy: New Evidence from Beijing.” Journal of Urban Economics 63.2 (2008): 743–757.