Download Kyoto Protocol - An international agreement that seeks to limit CO2

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Climate Change: Chapters 13 - Almost There Review Answers
Define the Following:
Climate – The long term, prevailing atmospheric conditions.
El Niño – Winds push warm water eastward in the Pacific Ocean. Increased rainfall in the southern part of the US.
La Niña – The cold phase of the El Nino- Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) – Environmentally significant because their chlorine atoms can destroy many
stratospheric ozone molecules.
Greenhouse Gases – Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide. They trap heat that is radiated upward
from Earth.
Global Warming – A predicted increase in Earth’s average temperature caused by human activities and the
subsequent release of gases such as carbon dioxide.
Kyoto Protocol - An international agreement that seeks to limit CO2 emissions from developed countries.
Which of these conditions causes rain?
 cold, dry air sinks
 cold, moist air rises
 warm, dry air sinks
 warm, moist air rises
 warm air is more dense - False
 cold air is more dense – True
 cold air rises and warms as it rises – False
 warm air rises and cools as it rises - True
 hot air can hold more water vapor than cold air - True
 cold air can hold more water vapor than warm air - False
Describe what Charles Keeling found out about CO2 levels in the in the atmosphere: CO2 levels are higher in winter and
lower in summer, but the winter highs are higher each year and the summer lows have not fallen as far.
What effect does a mountain range have on the climate of a region in regards to these factors?
 Temperature on the mountain – Average temperatures are lower at high elevations than at the base.
 Coastal rainfall – The coastal side of the range usually has higher levels of rain.
 Inland rainfall - A desert is often found on the inland side of the range.
In what way do latitudes impact climate? (hint: what factor changes with latitude?) More solar energy falls on areas
that are closer to the equator than to the poles.
Which gas has the biggest impact in driving the greenhouse effect? Water vapor
What do greenhouse gases do to the Earth’s temperature? Trap heat near the surface of the Earth
What causes the seasons? The Earth’s tilt, if not tilted then the Earth would no longer have seasonal changes in
 Carbon dioxide levels haven’t risen over the last 30 years. -False
 Only fossil fuels, not living plants, release carbon dioxide when burned. - False
 Global temperature and carbon dioxide concentration are related. - True
 Reforestation is one way we are attempting to slow global warming. - True
 Oceans are the source of most water that falls as precipitation- True
 Coastal areas have more moderate climates than inland areas- True
 Ocean currents redistribute warm and cold masses of water- True
Why are we concerned more about global warming now, when we know the Earth has been far hotter and far cooler
than it is today? Global warming may occur much more rapidly than it did during precious climate changes.
What has happened to average global temperatures during the 20th century? Risen some years and fallen others, but
has increased overall.
Ozone blocks what kind of radiation? Ultraviolet radiation
Why is that kind of radiation dangerous to us? It can damage genetic material in cells.
Where does thinning of the ozone occur? Over both polar regions Will it take many years to reverse? Yes
How long does it take CFCs to break down? 60-120 years
A rise in global temperature will have what effects on the following? (circle one)
 sea level – rise or decline
 erosion of beaches – rise or decline
 polar ice mass – increase or decrease
 frequency of major storms – increase or decrease
 frequency of major droughts – increase or decrease
During summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere experiences which season? Winter
Stratospheric Ozone is destroyed by chlorine atoms released from CFCs.
What did the following agreements do?
Montreal Protocol (1987) An international agreement that limits CFC production.
Kyoto Protocol (2001) An international agreement that seeks to limit CO2 emissions from developed countries.
What is the difference between weather and climate? Temperature and sunlight right now describes the weather.