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Scientific Method
1. What's a scientific hypothesis?
2. What's the difference between a dependent and an independent variable?
3. What is a controlled experiment?
4. Know about each of the steps of the scientific method: (know this order too)
Observation, hypothesis, controlled experiment, theory, verification
5. Know the following: scientific theories do not become laws, and laws do not become theories, they are two
different things. Scientific theories are well tested explanations and scientific laws are well tested descriptions
6. What are the three parts of an atom and what are their charges?
7. How do you determine the number of each of those parts using a periodic table?
8. What does it mean for an atom to be stable?
9. Compare and contrast ionic vs covalent bonds.
10. Where in water do you find polar covalent bonds?
11. What kind of bonds form between two different water molecules?
12. Are these bonds strong or weak? How do you know?
13. What are two properties of water due to hydrogen bonds that are involved in moving water up a plant?
14. Other properties of water to know: universal solvent, it expands when frozen, large bodies of water moderate
15. What does it mean to be organic?
16. What are the four macromolecules of life?
17. Know basic functions for the four macromolecules of life.
18. What is a monomer of a carbohydrate?
19. What is a monomer of a protein?
20. What is a monomer of a nucleic acid?
21. What are the types of nucleic acids?
22. What's one characteristic all lipids share?
23. What macromolecule group are enzymes in?
24. What do enzymes do? (know answer in terms of activation energy)
25. How can an enzyme get denatured? (what is denatured?)
26. Recognize the structure of glucose, a nucleotide, and a basic amino acid.
What are the three parts to the Cell Theory?
What's the main difference between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells?
What organelles do prokaryotic cells have?
Give examples of both cell types.
What are some main differences between plant and animal cells?
Know the following organelles: chromatin, mitochondria, chloroplast, vacuole, ribosomes, nucleus, nucleolus,
lysosome, cell membrane, golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum (know both structure and function)
What is the order that proteins travel through the endomembrane system from production to export?
What is meant by the “phospholipid bilayer is semipermeable?”
What's the difference between active and passive transport (in terms of types of molecules transported,
concentration gradient, and energy usage)
What is the energy molecule that drives active transport?
Compare and contrast diffusion and osmosis.
What happens to cells placed in solutions that are hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic?
What is the difference between endocytosis and exocytosis?
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
40. What are the reactants and products of photosynthesis?
41. What are the two stages of photosynthesis?
42. In what organelle does photosynthesis take place? Where in that organelle do the two stages occur?
43. What happens to water during photosynthesis? What significant byproduct does this produce?
44. What is the role of ATP production during photosynthesis?
45. Overall, what is the main point of photosynthesis?
46. What is the overall purpose of cellular respiration?
47. In what organelle does cellular respiration take place?
48. What are the three stages of cellular respiration?
49. Where does each stage occur within the cell?
50. What are the reactants and products of cellular respiration?
51. What is the role of ATP made from cellular respiration? (which stage makes the most ATP?)
52. What does photosynthesis make that cellular respiration needs? (two things)
53. What does cellular respiration make that photosynthesis needs? (two things)
54. What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?
55. What is fermentation?
Cell Reproduction
56. What is the role of mitosis during the human life cycle?
57. Put these stages of the cell cycle in order: P, C, I, M, T, A
58. What is the most important stage in Interphase...what happens?
59. After mitosis, what's the genetic relationship between the two new daughter cells and the parent cell?
60. What type of cells does mitosis make? (somatic or gametic)
61. Draw a simple sketch of the 4 stages of mitosis (PMAT) with a cell from an organism with a diploid number of 4.
62. What affect can a mutation in DNA have on the regulation of the cell cycle?
63. What causes a tumor to form?
64. What is the difference between a malignant and a benign tumor?
65. What is the name of cancerous cells spreading throughout the body?
66. What is the role of meiosis during the human life cycle?
67. Compare and contrast sister chromatids and homologous chromosomes
68. What's the diploid number of human chromosomes? Give an example of a type of cell that has this number.
69. What's the haploid number of human chromosomes? Give an example of a haploid human cell.
70. What's the main chromosome movement during meiosis? (like when double file, what separates first, when single
file, what separates second)
71. After meiosis, what's the genetic relationship between each of the new daughter cells?
72. After meiosis, how do the new cells compare to the parent cell?
73. What type of cells does meiosis make? (somatic or gametic)
74. What happens when crossing over occurs?
75. Mitosis = ____ploid to _____ploid and Meiosis = ____ploid to _____ploid.
76. What is a karyotype?
77. What information can be learned from looking at a karyotype?
78. Why is sexual reproduction an advantage over asexual reproduction?
79. In what ways can asexual reproduction be an advantage over sexual reproduction?
Human Reproduction
80. How is spermatogenesis different from oogenesis?
81. Know the functions of the parts of the female reproductive system: ovary, oviduct, uterus, cervix
82. Know the functions of the parts of the male reproductive system: testes, scrotum, epididymis, vas deferens,
prostate, urethra
83. Put in order: fertilization, implantation, blastocyst, ovulation, cleavage, zygote
84. Where does fertilization occur? Where does the embryo/fetus develop?
85. In what trimester do all of the major organs develop?
86. What trimester does the developing baby mostly work on weight game and lung development?
87. What are the functions of the placenta and the umbilical cord during gestation?