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Yoga Interventions for Energetic Alignment following M.R.I.
As the aging process becomes demystified and the boundaries of modern healthcare
continue to expand with treatment modalities and investigations, the use of Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI) for routine investigations has grown exponentially. From
joint / organ specific scans to the whole body this is deemed the safest option of
choice compared to Ct Scans and the high amounts of Ionizing radiation produced.
Physicians continue to inform the public that these interventions are very safe but as
with any intervention the devil is in the detail and individuals, can have side effects
from MRI scans.
Yoga practitioners already understand that the body is more than the sum of its
components and at a level of the physical laws of the universe there is a complex
interaction between Gravity, Electromagnetism, and Nuclear forces. The auric field is
viewed as an etheric energy grid due to the electro-magnetic forces at play and the
complex network of various Chakras and Nadis at the subtle level. The actions of
Anna-Maya Kosha and Prana-Maya Kosha are vital to the functioning of this field.
Energetically and physiologically this is the Guna’s at play through the physical
energy sheaths
During our lifetime, primarily due to our hectic pace of life and the constant and
prolonged bombardment of Electromagnetic fields the body can become fatigued,
diseased and predominantly Tamasic. EMF bombardment may viewed as the
“elephant in the room” and little thought is given to the way that this may affect the
Autonomic nervous system and subsequent hormone production. Types of pollution
can include Motors, Transformers, Modern lights, TV, Video and cell phones, the
latter of which people frequently sleep with next to their heads. These fields tend to
be weakest in front of a device and have stronger fields omitting at right angles from
the weaker ones.
The eyes and the Pineal gland are particularly sensitive to EMF, and as the Pineal
gland regulates hormonal secretions particularly melatonin. Any prolonged exposure
can effect sleep cycles and the circadian rhythms leading to chronic fatigue and
stress within the immune system which could affect Auto immune responses. This
theory can be tested by spending time in nature away from artificial fields where we
tend to become refreshed; less stressed and sleep better. Indeed prolonged chronic
stress can increase the Tamasic mind/body complex and result in chronic co morbidities.
Magnetic exposure in addition, has been known to stress the limbic brain causing an
increase in the sympathetic nervous system activity. This can directly affect the
adrenal glands and corresponding endocrinal responses. Currently not enough
research has been undertaken to quantify and qualify the results of a concentrated
magnetic field on both chakras and Nadis and if the affects would be beneficial or
negative. One school of thought particularly in the Yogic circles is that all disease is
caused by a disruption of the pranic distribution which is seen as not PsychoSomatic but actually Somato-Psychic. This was touched upon by the work of Dr
Sheldon in his book (Oxygen breakthrough – 30 days to an illness free life).
So returning to modern diagnostic tools an MRI may be an invaluable way of
screening and planning further treatment, however we may need to be more aware
of the risks and side effects particularly for energy sensitive individuals. Quantum
Physics informs us that the body after all, and the whole of reality is ultimately
holographic. It can be affected by electrons and photons which can exhibit both
coherent and incoherent effects on, and within the body. This in Yogic terms is the
effects of Prakriti and the subtle dance and interactions as expressed through the
Guna’s namely Tamas, Rajas and Sattvas.
As the use of MRI has grown exponentially and is not monitored at a national level
we would do well to look at some of those historical substitutes that were routinely
used and in hindsight are now considered as bio hazards. Amalgam fillings is a
prime example once considered safe and now classified as a level II bio hazard by
the FDA.
A 2009 study on the “biological effects and safety in MRI” (ncbi. indicated
that it would be prudent to avoid unnecessary examinations according to the
precautionary principle. The study went on to highlight a previous paper by (Bonassi
et al 2009) that EMF’s generated during MRI seem to have Genotoxic effects on the
cells in relation to micro nuclei induction. As with all research, studies can be
contradictory and it may appear that not enough research has been undertaken as to
the effects of intensive magnetic exposure within the body. Remember an MRI
produces three simultaneous fields within the body, Static MF, Gradient MF and RF
An MRI works by a strong magnetic field being created by passing an electric
current through the wire loops. While this is happening, other coils in the magnet
send and receive radio waves. This triggers protons in the body to align themselves.
Once aligned, radio waves are absorbed by the protons, which stimulate spinning.
Energy is released after "exciting" the molecules, which in turn emits energy signals
that are picked up by the coil. This information is then sent to a computer which
processes all the signals and generates it into an image. The final product is a 3-D
image representation of the area being examined.
This is not a natural process for the body and can be thought of sub atomically as if
hitting the brain against the Cranium it will shock the cells and tissues albeit briefly.
This has been indicated in papers such as (Ali MA. Magnetic resonance imaging and
associated alteration in some biophysical properties of blood. Rom. J.
Biophys. 2007;17:277–286), where the paper concluded that erythrocytes decreased
as did ESR during MRI, however after the procedure there was a rapid return to
normal conditions.
As the technology advances it is hoped that better evaluation tools will be developed
to assess short, medium and long term affects to health. However the scan is only
half of the story. Enter the Contrast Agent AKA Gadolinium the proverbial “Serpent
in the room” These agents are known to be both Nephrotoxic and Hepatotoxic and
side effects from these dyes can include:
Reactions such as rashes and in rare cases necrosis
For individuals with sensitivities to heavy metals and dyes this may be a big no no
and often patients do not realise that these dyes can be refused. They only add a
contrast to what is already a very thorough scan.
Considerations for Yoga Therapy post MRI
If you have opted for a contrast agent then rest must be observed if any symptoms
occur. For rarer reactions such as increasing headaches or necrosis, then medical
attention must be sought. For stabilising the body through Yoga the following
interventions may prove beneficial:
1 – Gentle physical Yoga that can be followed to affect an energetic change in the
Guna’s and the energy fields. Restorative poses will add an extra beneficial effect
and include: supported Sukhasana, Viparita Karani, Supported Setu Bandha
Saravangasana and Savasana. Try to avoid stimulating Yoga postures that may
Stimulate Adrenal processes. Adrenal hormones tend to be catabolic and can tire the
body. Encourage anabolic hormones if at all possible. Avoid caffeine and localised
EMP fields prior to sleep. This will help recovery
2 – The Practices of Yoga Nidra and Meditation will help recharge the body/ Mind
complex. Remember in a lot of chronic illness, the energy is Tamasic and a change
in the energetic state through body sensing and sense withdrawal can have a
profound effect on the autonomic nervous system.
3 – Nadi Shodhana for Sympathetic / Parasympathetic nervous balance and the
balancing of Ida / Pingala.
4 – Trataka to focus the mind and desensitize the Pituitary gland which can be
affected by intense magnetic fields.
5 - Prana Vidya, by drawing Prana from Mulhadara and storing at Ajna chakra with a
combination of the Ujjayi breath and awareness co-location. The stored prana can
then be taken to any affected body part or the whole auric field and used with
intention and attention to rebalance the major prana’s. Commence at Manipura with
an in breath and descend to Mulhadara before ascending to Ajna. On the outbreath,
breathe back to Manipura and the Prana and Apana become united.
6 – Meditation on the Pancha Kosha’s. This is done in order as the Kosha’s are
both conceptualised and concentric.
AnnaMaya Kosha is a closed system and includes Mulhadara, swadisthana and
Manipura Chakra’s. It includes the elements Earth (Prithvi), Water (Jala) and Tejas
PranaMaya Kosha is an open system of interaction and includes Anaharta and
Vishuddi chakras. It includes the elements Air (Vayu) and Ether (Akasha)
ManaMaya Kosha includes Ajna Chakra. The mind conceptualises the experience.
The trick is to remember that Mind and Prana are not separate. Think of the energy
and it will go and diffuse where directed.
Vijnanamaya Kosha offers the power of differentiation. By increasing differentiation,
this leads to increased integration
AnandaMaya Kosha or the blissful sheath can be accessed through positive
thoughts, Mantras and Bhakti yoga
AnnaMaya-kosha - Food Sheath
PranaMaya-kosha - Energy Sheath
ManaMaya-kosha - Mental Sheath
VijanaMaya-kosha - Wisdom Sheath
AnandaMaya-kosha - Blissful Sheath
Indeed meditation and a series of Yoga postures when combined together can be
very powerful when practiced in their own right.
AnnaMaya Kosha can be practiced by body awareness and combined with breath
and postures to integrate PranaMaya Kosha and help balance the 5 major Prana’s.
ManaMaya Kosha can be practiced with Trataka and Chakra Bedan.
Vijnanamaya Kosha can be deeply practiced with Yoga Nidra, Mantras and Tattwa
Shuddi. This is of particular relevance as concentration of the chakras and the
various elemental processes integral to the sheaths can affect a profound healing.
This is explained more in Laya Yoga.
AnandaMaya Kosha can be practiced with devotional Music and chanting with the
witness identified on completion of earlier practices.
These various techniques and strategies can be combined to decrease the chance
of energetic imbalance or a magnetic induced insult to the Kosha’s and
electromagnetic field following MRI. They in addition may help with recovery from
morbidities for which the initial investigations took place.
I am of no doubt that MRI’s are here to stay however the purpose of this article is to
draw attention to the fact that in health “all that glitters is not always gold”, if
investigations are needed and; post investigation and you feel out of sorts or that
something energetically is wrong, it may be due to the investigation itself and not the
pre-existing condition. The Yoga plan for aftercare may work for you in its entirety or
be adapted to suit your own individual circumstances.
I conclude by quoting a New York Times article of 2007 which states that what
makes Americans sick is an “epidemic of diagnoses”, that lead to an epidemic of
treatments which turn ordinary people into patients. Education and information is the
key to provide a road map for an accountable growth in the health sector.
Namaste James