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If evolution is true, then
man is the most evolved
“thing” in the universe,
and man is “in charge”
If the Bible is true (and it is),
and man and the universe
was created,
so God is the creator and
therefore the owner of
EVERYTHING…including us!
That means we need to
1.Find out who God is
2. Find out what He wants
3.Then DO what He says!!
Last week we looked at
evidence that every planet in
our own solar system provides
that disproves evolution and
billions of years.
The density is wrong for
some planets.
Some planets are
spinning the wrong way.
Magnetic fields are on some
planets that shouldn’t have them
and are not on other planets that
should have them.
Some magnetic fields
are way off axis!!
The gas giants are too big.
Surfaces of some planets should
look different than they do.
The sun is burning
incredible amounts of
energy every second…
why is the sun still here?
The sun is spinning too slow
We are loosing the moon and
it should be MUCH further
away by now
(which would end life)
The Earth is slowing down and
should be MUCH slower by
now (which would end life)
Short period comets should
be long gone, but we still
see lots of them.
The answer for the
comet problem is the
Ort Cloud which is
nobody has ever seen it, they just assume it is there!!
Some planets material is
wrong for their position in
our solar system.
Science believe a waterless
planet has features formed
by water, but there could not
have been a flood on a
planet full of water!!
Some very small planets and
moons that should be cold
are still warm
They are cooling and they
can’t cool forever!!
Some planets and moons that
should be hot are stone cold.
The evolutionist theory says that
the solar system formed billions
of years ago from a large
swirling, rotating cloud of gas
and dust.
This theory does NOT hold up,
and the answer the evolutionist
give most often...
So if our own solar system
disproves the evolutionary
model, how did we get here??
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning
God created
the heavens and the earth.
Let’s look at some more of the
unique designs of our planet
(that would be coincidences
for evolutionists) …
Colorless, odorless, without taste
No living thing can live without it
2/3 of you is water!
So big deal, we need water and we
have it on Earth…. it IS a BIG deal
It has an unusually high boiling
point and low freezing point which
allows us to live in an environment
of fluctuating temperatures changes
while keeping our bodies at a steady
98.6 degrees
97% of the Earth’s water is in
the oceans, but there is some
BAD NEWS!!! Even though
water is essential to life,
ocean water is not
BUT there is a system designed
which removes salt from the water
and then distributes that water
throughout the globe!!
Evaporation takes the ocean water,
leaving the salt, and forms clouds
which are easily moved by the wind to
disperse water over the land for
vegetation, animals and people. It is a
system of purification and supply that
sustains life on this planet, a system of
recycled and reused water.
Is a universal solvent. This property
of water means that thousands of
chemicals, minerals and nutrients
can be carried throughout our bodies
into the smallest blood vessels.
Is chemically inert. Without
effecting the makeup of the
substances it carries, water enables
food, medicines and minerals to be
absorbed and used by the body.
Has a unique surface tension. Water
in plants can flow upward against
gravity, bringing with it life-giving
water and nutrients to the top of
even the tallest trees.
And the evolutionists will say…
so we have life on earth, big
deal, it was just an accident!!
Isaiah 45:18
The Lord created the heavens.
He is the God who formed the
earth and made it.
He did not want it to be empty,
but He wanted life on the earth.
This is what the Lord says:
"I am the Lord. There is no other God.
1. Cosmic evolution
2. Stellar/planetary evolution
3. Chemical evolution
4. Organic evolution
5. Macro evolution
science 6. Micro evolution
So we have talked about 1. the origin of
the universe and 2. planetary evolution,
now we will look at number 3…
Chemical evolution.
I have asked some questions
about the Big Bang like….
Where did the dirt come from
How do you pack all the matter
of the universe into a singularity
Why do some planets rotate
backwards, etc., etc.
To be fair, evolutionists do have
answers to those questions
Let’s look at their theory…
It is supposed that the universe
started as pure energy, not matter.
The energy from the big bang
cooled down as the universe
expanded. Some of the energy
turned into matter…
hydrogen and helium gas.
(this happened in the first few seconds of the big bang)
Then over billions of years, these gases,
hydrogen and helium, collapsed to form
stars and galaxies of stars
(no EMPIRICAL evidence as to why
or how this could happen)
During supernovas, the stars created the
heavier elements in their core by fusion
and then exploded, distributing these
elements into space.
Some of the heavier elements
that were exploded into space,
from supernova's, then began
to stick together and formed
the earth and other planets.
(now there is a RELIGION that would
take LOTS of faith…
I don’t think I have that much faith!!!)
Let’s look at some problems
with this theory.
Evolutionists say the stars
created the heavier elements in
their core by fusion.
That defies observable scientific
data that we have. You can’t use
fusion to get anything heavier
than iron… where did the heavier
elements come from?
Evolutionists say the stars
Then exploded and sent the
heavier elements into space,
which then “stuck” together to
form planets.
All I can say to that is…
EMPIRICAL proof please!!!
Missing monopoles
Magnets have two “poles”—a north
pole and a south pole. A
“monopole” is a hypothetical (no
one has ever found one) massive
particle that is just like a magnet but
has only one pole. So a monopole
would have either a north pole or a
south pole, but not both.
Particle physicists claim that
many magnetic monopoles should
have been created in the high
temperature conditions of the big
bang. Since monopoles should be
stable, they should still be here.
But monopoles have not been
found. The fact that we don’t
find any monopoles suggests
that the universe never was that
hot. This indicates that there
never was a big bang.
The flatness problem
The expansion rate of the
universe is very finely balanced;
this condition is called “flat.” If
the matter density were greater
the universe would collapse upon
itself , if it were less, the universe
would rapidly fly apart.
Since any deviation from perfect
flatness tends to increase as time
moves forward, then the universe
must have been even more precisely
balanced in the past than it is today.
The further you get away
from something, the greater
the error becomes.
If the base of the
two legs of the
St. Louis Arch
would have been
off by any more
than .003 of an
inch, they would
not have been
able to get the
last piece in!
So, at the moment of the big
bang, the universe would have
been infinitely flat (perfect). But
the laws of physics allow for an
infinite range of values. The Big
bang cannot explain this. It is a
“coincidence” that just left
improbable and hit impossible.
Of course, since God created
it, “balance” is expected since
the Lord has fine-tuned the
universe for life.
Where is the antimatter?
Physics tells us that whenever
matter is created from energy,
such a reaction also produces
antimatter in EXACTLY
equal amounts… there are
no known exceptions.
If it was pure energy in the dot that
exploded, not matter, and the matter
(hydrogen and helium gas) was created
from the energy as the universe
expanded, then where is the antimatter?
The visible universe is comprised
almost entirely of matter…with only
trace amounts of antimatter anywhere.
This is a devastating problem for the big
bang, but no problem for creation.
God created the universe to be
essentially matter only…and it’s a good
thing He did.
When matter and antimatter come
together, they violently destroy each
other. If the universe had equal amounts
of matter and antimatter (as the big bang
requires), life would not be possible.
Missing Population III stars
The big bang theory can only account
for the existence of the three lightest
elements (hydrogen, helium and trace
amounts of lithium). So how did we get
the other 90 or so naturally occurring
elements ?? Even people who believe in
the Big Bang will admit the theory does
NOT explain how it could happen.
Many believe that heavier elements
are formed with nuclear fusion
during supernovas. (even though this
process has never produced anything
heavier than iron). The explosion
then distributes the heavier elements
into space. Second and third
generation stars are thus
“contaminated” with small amounts
of these heavier elements
If this story were true, then the first
stars would have been comprised of
only the three lightest elements
(since these would have been the
only elements in existence initially).
Some of those stars should still be
around today. Such stars would be
called “Population III” stars. But,
they have not been found anywhere.
Bottom line is evolution can
NOT explain how the naturally
occurring elements got here
with the exception of hydrogen
and helium.
(they can theorize how the
others got here up to iron, but
can’t even theorize past that)
With all the problems we have
talked about, as well as MANY
others too numerous to include, it
is not surprising that quite a few
secular astronomers are beginning
to abandon the big bang.
We are going to look at some
more proofs that the world
CAN’T be billions of years
old and some people who
helped start this myth.
James Hutton
In his book,
“Theory of the
Earth”, he claimed
the Earth was much
older than what the
Bible said.
He used the principle of
uniformitarianism which means
the present is the key to the past.
He said since the earth is changing
VERY slowly now, it must have
taken millions of years to make it
as we see it now.
Where is the EMPIRICAL proof of
ANYTHING in that!!??
Yes, Hartville’s textbook talks about this!
Charles Lyell
Scottish lawyer
He wrote a
book called
“Principles of
Here are quotes from his book…
“Men of Superior talent
(like him) who thought for
themselves and were not
blinded by authority”
(the Bible)
Lyell also said his goal was to
“free the science from Moses”
Lyell said Niagara Falls must
be at least 35,000 years old
because of the erosion.
(for the first 5,800 years of Earths history,
most people thought the Bible was true and
the Earth was 6,000 years old.
So for him to say the earth was 35,000
years old was scandalous!! ).
This was later proven false and
proven that he “exaggerated”
the facts he got.
Actually Niagara Falls is good
evidence that the Earth CAN’T be
more than about 6,000 years old!!
Niagara Falls is
receding about
4.7 ft every year.
It has moved 7.5
miles from where
it started. If it is
billions of years
old, why is it not
all the way back Of course if it is about
to Lake Erie?
6,000 years old, it is
about where it should be.
Here are some more reasons
why the earth CAN’T be
billions of years old.
Oil wells can
have up to
20,000 psi!
This is much
more than the
weight of the
overlaying rock
The pressure
should equalize
in less than
10,000 years.
Sahara desert
is expanding.
It took about
4000 years to
get where it
is today.
(just about the
time from the
flood to now!)
Why isn’t it
This is the Methuselah Tree. It is the
oldest tree in the world and is estimated to
be 4300 years old.
During WW2
much of the Great
Barrier Reef was
destroyed, so it was
studied to see how
long it would take to
grow back.
After watching it for
20 years, it was
estimated it was less
than 4200 years old
When it rains about 30% of the
water runs directly back into the
oceans. When it does this it takes
salt with it. The oceans are getting
saltier everyday. Today the oceans
are 3.6% salt. They would be able
to do that in less than 5000 years.
Why aren’t the oceans more salty
than they are??
Don’t touch the formations, they are
MILLIONS of years old!!!!
Do cave formations prove the
earth is millions of years old??
started in
This picture was taken
in 1987 in a lead mine
in Australia. The mine
was shut down for 55
years. When they
went back in, they
found all kinds of
HUGE formations just
like a cave that is
supposedly “millions”
of years old!!
Two men!
Remember in science, empirical
evidence is something you can
know, test, and reproduce and if
you EVER get a different result
from your testing, it is NOT
empirical fact.
Cave formations are NOT proof
of millions of years.
Rock layers
So what about
the layers of
rock that we
see… how do
they form??
Let’s look at
more of Charles
Lyell is the person credited with
discovering the
“geologic column”.
He stated that the layers of rock
that we see were laid down very
slowly over millions of years and
each layer represents a different
time period.
This “geologic column” is the
evolutionists “bible”.
Each layer in the geologic column
has an “index fossil” and an age
assigned to each layer.
The way they know how old
the layers of rock are is by what
fossils are found in the layer.
And the way they know how old the
fossils are is by what layer of rock
they are found in.
This is called
“circular reasoning”, and the
American Journal of Science
even admitted this in their
“The intelligent layman has long
suspected circular reasoning in the
use of rocks to date the fossils and
fossils to date rocks. The geologist
has never bothered to think of a
good reply, feeling the explanations
are not worth the trouble as long as
the work brings results.”
The same publication
also said this…
“The rocks do date the fossils,
but the fossils date the rocks
more accurately.”
“80 to 85 percent of Earths surface
does not have even 3 geologic
layers appearing in correct
consecutive order”
The “geologic column” can only
be found ONE place in the
whole world
The textbooks!!
Is this in Hartville’s textbook???
Let’s see….
“Rock that
have no
provide little
that could
help in
can estimate
the ages of
rock layers
based on the
index fossils
they contain”
p.371 “Geologists determine the relative
ages of rocks and other structures (fossils)
by examining their places in a sequence.”
There are layers of rock, we can
clearly see that, but are the layers
different ages by millions of years??
Next week we are going to look
at some reasons why they
can’t be and problems with
the geologic column.