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Periodic Table
Grade Level Activities
6th Grade – 6.6A
1. Have a student toss a bean bag on an element.
2. Ask the following questions:
a. What type of element is this metal, metalloid, or nonmetal? Answers will vary depending on element chosen and
its placement on the periodic table.
b. Describe this element’s luster. Answers will vary depending on element chosen and its placement on the periodic
c. Describe this element’s conductivity. Answers will vary depending on element chosen and its placement on the
periodic table.
d. Describe this element’s malleability. Answers will vary depending on element chosen and its placement on the
periodic table.
3. Continue this process until you have discussed at least two metals, nonmetals, and metalloids.
4. Now have students toss both bean bags onto two different elements.
5. Ask the following questions:
a. How are the elements alike and different? Answers will vary depending on element chosen and its placement on
the periodic table.
b. If they are the same, how? If they are two metals, two nonmetals, or two metalloids, again discuss physical
properties of elements.
c. If they are different, how? If they are different, have students compare each physical property.
6. Continue this process until you have had several pairs of elements that are from different categories, metal, nonmetal, and
Chemistry – 5B and 5C
1. Have students look at the periodic table and determine the location in their minds of the following chemical families:
a. Alkali Metals
b. Alkaline Earth Metals
c. Halogens
d. Noble Gases
e. Transition Metals
2. Choose students to toss the bean bag on an element in each of the above chemical families.
3. Ask for each chemical family:
a. What types of elements are located in this chemical family, metals, nonmetals, and/or metalloids?
b. Describe the states of matter for this chemical family, solid, liquid, and/or gas. Answers will vary depending on
element chosen and its placement on the periodic table.
c. Describe the conductivity, malleability, ductility for the elements in this chemical family. Answers will vary
depending on element chosen and its placement on the periodic table.
d. How many valence electrons will each element in this chemical family have? Remember, transition metals vary.
e. Explain the reactivity for this chemical family. Valence electrons will be a hint for this question.
4. Periodic Trends:
a. Atomic Radii
i. Define atomic radius. The atomic radius is the radius of an atom which is comprised mostly of the electron
ii. Have a student toss a bean bag on two elements in the same group.
iii. Which of the chosen elements will have a larger atomic radius? Why? Answers will vary depending on
element chosen and its placement on the periodic table.
iv. Which element will have the smallest atomic radius in this chemical family? Why? Answers will vary for
each chemical family. Electrons added to the same energy level experience increasing attraction to the
nucleus due to successive addition of protons.
v. Which element will have the largest atomic radius in this chemical family? Why? Answers will vary for
each chemical family. Each period on the table adds a new energy level to the electron cloud.
vi. Have a student toss a bean bag on two elements in the same period.
vii. Which element will have a larger atomic radius? Why? Answers will vary depending on element chosen
and its placement on the periodic table.
viii. Which element will have the smallest atomic radius in this period? Why? Answers will vary for each
period. Electrons added to the same energy level experience increasing attraction to the nucleus due to
successive addition of protons.
ix. Which element will have the largest atomic radius in this period? Why? Answers will vary for each period.
Each period on the table adds a new energy level to the electron cloud.
x. Have a student walk a pathway along the periodic table to illustrate the overall periodic trend for atomic
radii. Increases down a group and decreases across a period.
Ionic Radii
i. Define ionic radius. Ionic radius is the radius of an atom after adding or removing electrons.
ii. Have a student toss a bean bag on an element.
1. If it is an element that will make a cation, ask how the size of the atom will change if we remove
an electron? Cations, positive ions, are smaller than their uncharged atoms.
2. Compare the size of cations on each side of the element chosen, if possible.
3. If it is an element that will make an anion, ask how the size of the atom will change if we add an
electron? Anions, negative ions, are larger than their uncharged atoms.
4. Compare the size of anions on each of the element chosen, if possible.
iii. Continue for several elements so students will understand that depending on the type of element and its
ability to make positive or negative ions, will determine the trend.
iv. Have a student walk a pathway along the periodic table to illustrate the overall periodic trend for ionic
radii. Ionic radii decreases across a period for metals, increases across a period for nonmetals, and
increases down a group.
i. Define electronegativity. Electronegativity is a measure of the ability of an atom in a chemical compound
to attract electrons.
ii. Have a student toss the bean bag on the most electronegative element in the periodic table. Fluorine
iii. Why is Fluorine the most electronegative element in the periodic table? Fluorine has the greatest ability
to attract electrons when forming a chemical compound.
iv. Describe the electronegativity as it moves away from Fluorine in the halogen family. The electronegativity
will decrease down the group. This is actually true for all chemical families.
v. Describe the electronegativity as it moves across a period. Increases as the element gets closer to
vi. Have a student walk a pathway along the periodic table to illustrate the overall periodic trend for
electronegativity. Increases across a period and decreases down a group.
Ionization Energy
i. Define ionization energy. The energy required to remove an electron from an atom. The ionization energy
will increase for each additional electron removed from an atom.
ii. Have a student toss a bean bag on two elements in the same group.
iii. Which of the chosen elements will have a larger ionization energy? Why? Answers will vary depending on
element chosen and its placement on the periodic table. Electrons are easier to remove from large atoms
because they are farther from the nucleus.
iv. Which element will have the smallest ionization energy in this chemical family? Why? Answers will vary
for each chemical family. Electrons are harder to remove from small atoms because they are closer to the
v. Which element will have the largest ionization energy in this chemical family? Why? Answers will vary for
each chemical family. Electrons are easier to remove from large atoms because they are farther from the
vi. Have a student toss a bean bag on two elements in the same period.
vii. Which of the chosen elements will have a larger ionization energy? Why? Answers will vary depending on
element chosen and its placement on the periodic table. Electrons are easier to remove from large atoms
because they are farther from the nucleus.
viii. Which element will have the smallest ionization energy in this period? Why? Answers will vary for each
period. Electrons are harder to remove from small atoms because they are closer to the nucleus.
ix. Which element will have the largest ionization energy in this period? Why? Answers will vary for each
period. Electrons are easier to remove from large atoms because they are farther from the nucleus.
x. Have a student walk a pathway along the periodic table to illustrate the overall periodic trend for
ionization energy. Increases across a period and decreases down a group.