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Propozycja projektu z prowincji Potenza (Włochy)
We are searching partners with competences on the themes of EU LOW CARBON strategies.
Due to its geographical exposure and levels of spending on energy the Province of Potenza in the
Southern Italian Basilicata Region has been long very active in developing and implementing an
integrated approach tackling climate change. The Province is committed to test and introduce
initiatives promoted by the European Community and the United Nations. The Province led a
successful previous INTERREG IVC project called RENERGY – Regional Strategies for Energy
Conscious Communities, which ended in Dec 2014. One of the focal areas of RENERGY was
emphasizing the role of local/regional governance bodies in developing/implementing sustainable
energy policies and furnish these bodies with sufficient competences, powers & knowledge. In this
thematic area the challenge to involve and motivate stakeholders (regarding especially energy
consumers) is perceived broadly as a major problem for public authorities. In fact, motivation and
awareness of consumers are of high significance to influence their behavior and support more
conscious energy decisions. In RENERGY, some bottom-up initiatives supporting end users behavior
change could have been explored only to a limited extent, therefore the Province intended to examine
further this topic through interregional cooperation. Partners facing comparable challenges were
sought through various channels with specific attention to the changed partner requirements of the
new Interreg Europe Programme. From the RENERGY partnership Durham County Council and
Kaunas University of Technology expressed their interest in participation, nevertheless the majority of
LOCARBO partners are new. A key issue in developing the partnership was the relevance of a
Structural Funds measure at each partner that needs be addressed during this new project together
with the capacity of the partner to influence the measure. Furthermore, partners with complementary
experience were looked for to secure meaningful content for the experience exchange. As part of
building the partnership partners provided inputs on their current situation and the relevance of the
project idea. It was jointly decided that the thematic focus would be narrowed down to the built
environment since it is relevant for all and significant improvements are envisaged in the respective
operational programmes in this field.
School of Engineering –
Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering (LISUT)
85100 Potenza (Italy)
Propozycja współpracy z Ministerstwa Gospodarki, Inwestycji i MŚP Malty
Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business of Malta is interested to join as partner in
project proposals under the INTERREG EUROPE Programme.
The Ministry for the Economy Investment and Small Business is responsible for the promotion of
entrepreneurship. The aim is to design an entrepreneurship strategy which mainly focuses
Entrepreneurship in general be it within Youths, women and also aspiring entrepreneurs.
The action plan for the strategy formulation is the following:
- Stock taking of the current state of play as regards entrepreneurship – what actions are being
implemented, programmes, infrastructure in place etc.
- Identify gaps within the current system and put forward suggestions on how to close those gaps.
- Monitor and review the strategy annually.
A research study of the current state of play will be performed in order to identify any gaps within the
system whilst simultaneously look at best practices used by foreign institutions that best fit our
scenario. A pilot project will then be implemented utilising the data gathered and test if the best
practices identified work for the local scenario.
The Ministry is mainly responsible for investment attraction while also oversees SMEs operational
environment. Through the entities and directorates falling under its remit the Ministry strives to reach
these goals whilst also supports other initiatives which aid the local economic environment.
- Enterprise Policy and Schemes Directorate
- Funds and Programmes Division
Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business of Malta
Oferta Izby Przemysłowo-Handlowej Rumunii
zainteresowanej podjęciem współpracy w ramach projektu Interreg EUROPA
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) is a nongovernmental, independent, nonprofit, public utility organization, with legal identity, intended to represent, support and defend the
general interests of the business community in Romania.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania has the role to promote and pursue the
development of industry, commerce, services and agriculture, in line with market economy
CCIR is the most important representative organization of the Romanian business environment and
holds a key role in promoting the interests of the Chambers System, as well as of the Romanian
business community.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania collaborates with public, central and local
institutions, being a voice within governmental committees and working
groups, Parliament,
Government and Presidency consultative organizations.
CCIR collaborates with over 170 organizations worldwide and is an active, rightful member of the
following international representative organizations: ICC – The International Chamber of Commerce,
Eurochambres – The Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry, ABC – The
Association of Balkans Chambers of Commerce and Industry, BSEC-BC – Black Sea Economic
Cooperation Business Council.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania participates through contributions of the
Romanian Chamber System to studies, position papers, brochures developed at European level
through regional and international bodies of which is a member.
CCIR identifies the opportunities for participation within EU funded projects, in transnational consortia,
relevant to the Chamber System in Romania.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania protects and promotes the economic interests of
the Chamber System and of the business community on external level, generates initiatives on
international level in order to enhance strategic partnerships, initiates and negotiates agreements for
international economic cooperation in the benefit of the Chamber System and the business community
in Romania, promotes investment opportunities and disseminates Romanian investment projects
through the Chambers of Commerce network.
CCIR has extensive experience in the development of EU-funded projects and studies at a national
and/or European level through previous collaborations with institutions from Romania and abroad.
To support the implementing of regional development policies, and programmes tackling investments
for growth, job creation, and European Territorial Cooperation (ETC), we would like to express through
the present Letter of Intent our interest and willingness to participate as partner in relevant projects
under the Investment Priorities 1b and 3d, in the framework of INTERREG EUROPE 2014-2020
We strongly believe that the objectives set through Investment Priority 1b will significantly improve the
business environment, facilitating economic growth and innovation, aspects that represent one of
CCIR’s main strategic objectives.
CCIR is an active supporter of SMEs, which represent the growth engine of the Romanian economy,
constantly assisting them in their endeavor to develop and expand towards new markets and innovative
solutions, and to this reason, relevant project under Investment Priority 3d are also of interest to us.
We are confident that the cooperation will be mutually beneficial, representing a first step for future
common projects.
Analysis, Policies and Public Affairs Department
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR)