Download Creole- mixture of French and African Languages

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Creole- mixture of French and
African Languages
This language is spoken in the
country of Haiti. The people are
referred to as Haitians or Creoles.
• Native (indigenous) peoples of the Americas
or Asia
• Mixture of Spanish and native blood. Found in
Mexico and Central America.
• Peninsulares was a term to refer to a person
who during Spanish Colonial times lived in the
new world but was born in Spain. Their name
referred to the Iberian Peninsula where Spain
is located. In these times the Spanish colonial
had an almost caste like system with
Peninsulares on top followed by criollos,
mestizos, natives, mulatos, zambos and lastly
North Anatolian Fault: Strike-slip fault
Located in Turkey
Eurasian Plate and the Anatolian Plate
What would this cause???
San Andres Fault
•The San Andreas Fault is a continental transform fault that extends roughly 810 miles
through California in the United States
Eritrea (country in Africa)
• Geography:
Location: Eastern Africa, in the Horn of Africa
bordering the Red Sea in northeast.
Area: 117,600 km². (45,405 sq. mi.)
Terrain: Central highlands straddle escarpment
associated with Rift Valley, dry coastal plains,
and western lowlands
Monsoon Winds
• A monsoon is a seasonal change in the
direction of the prevailing, or strongest, winds
of a region. Monsoons cause wet and dry
seasons throughout much of the tropics.
Monsoons are most often associated with the
Indian Ocean.
Coriolis Effect
• a belt of calms and light baffling winds north
of the equator between the northern and
southern trade winds in the Atlantic and
Pacific oceans.
Trade Winds
• any of the nearly constant easterly winds that
dominate most of the tropics and subtropics
throughout the world, blowing mainly from
the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere,
and from the southeast in the Southern
Rainshadow Effect
• A rain shadow is a dry area on the lee side of a
mountainous area (away from the wind). The
mountains block the passage of rainproducing weather systems and cast a
"shadow" of dryness behind them.
• A vast semiarid grass-covered plain, as found
in southeast Europe, Siberia, and central
North America.
• A usually triangular alluvial deposit at the
mouth of a river.
Ring of Fire
• The Pacific Ring of Fire is an arc around the
Pacific Ocean where many volcanoes and
earthquakes are formed.
Great Plains
Grassland prairie region of North America,
extending from Alberta, Saskatchewan, and
Manitoba, in Canada, south through the westcentral United States into Texas.
Appalachian Mountains
(create a physical barrier and
• are a system of mountains in eastern North
Rocky Mountains
• The Rocky Mountains, commonly known as
the Rockies, are a major mountain range in
western North America.
What provides the energy that drives
the water cycle?
• The direct Sunlight
Describe Oceania as a region
• is a region centered on the islands of the
tropical Pacific Ocean.
The Ethnic and religious composition
of the Eastern Mediterranean region
• Arabs
Which religion established the concept
of monotheism?
• Judaism
The major source of conflict between
the two branches of Islam is
disagreement over what?
• Sunni = believe that Mohammad intended for
the Muslim community to choose a successor
by consensus
• Shia= believe that Mohammad chose his sonin-law, Ali, to be his successor.
What places and things do Hindus
consider sacred?
• Cows
• Ganges River
What beliefs do followers of
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam share?
• Monotheism= all three religions believe in one
God only.
Generalize the social status trends of
women in the Arab nations of the
Eastern Mediterranean.
• Women lack the same opportunities as men in
the Middle East.
Example: Women are not equal to men.
Women have to cover their faces,
and body.
Women need husbands permission
to go public places.
Why is the United States one of the
most ethnically diverse countries in
the world?
• United States, have strong safeguards in place
to protect the rights of ethnic and religious
Why is French spoken in some
countries of North Africa?
• The Establishment of European colonization
• Cultural Diffusion = the spread of ideas.
Why did indigenous communities in
South America develop as isolated
• Lack of Communication
• Physical Barrier
• Rainforest
Why is the lingua franca of many parts
of East Africa not an indigenous
Why and how different places on Earth
receive different amounts of direct
sunlight at the same time?
• The tilt of the earth
Describe the savannas of West Africa?
• Savannas=
Where do most dramatic variations in
the amount of sunlight occur?
How do Monsoons affect China and
India differently?
• Heavy rains
• Property damage
• May- October rainy seasons
What causes solar radiation to warm
• Axis
• Tilt of the earth
What 3 areas of Earth work together
so life in the biosphere thrives?
• Atmosphere ( Sky)
• Hydrosphere ( Water)
• Lithosphere
How does the sun activate the water
Evaporation, the changing of water from a liquid to a gas
Condensation, the changing of water from a gas to a liquid
Sublimation, the changing of water from a solid to a gas
Precipitation, the process by which water molecules condense to form drops heavy
enough to fall to the earth's surface
Transpiration, the process by which moisture is carried through plants from roots to
leaves, where it changes to vapor and is released to the atmosphere
Surface runoff, the flowing of water over the land from higher to lower ground
Infiltration, the process of water filling the porous spaces of soil
Percolation, groundwater moving in the saturated zone below the earth's surface
What factors impact India’s climate?
Air Pressure
Mountain Barriers
Continental Location
Ocean Currents
Scientist Theorize that Earth’s physical
features are created by what
• Plate Tectonics
Why are average temperatures cooler
in places like Quito and Tibet?
Quito, Ecuador
• Due to its location on the
equator, temperatures stay
roughly the same all year
• The latitude of the location
determines how much solar
radiation is received.
Latitude influences the
angle of incidence and
duration of day length
According to Scientist, in what climate
do more than half of all plant and
animal exist?
• Biome = A biome is a large geographical area
of distinctive plant and animal groups, which
are adapted to that particular environment.
• Rainforest
What religious groups influence life in
nations bordering India?
• Hinduism
• Sikhism
• Islam
Why does most of the agriculture of
Southern Europe occur along the
coastal Plain?
• Southern Europe is located along Rivers
• Fertile Soil
What are the two most densely
populated continents in the World?
• Current World Population by Continent. ***
Antarctica contains about 1,000 researchers &
scientists from various countries. There are no
native inhabitants. Note: Asia contains 59% of
Earth's human population.
Canadian Shield
• Ancient Rocky Plateau covering the Easter half
of Canada. Also known as Laurentian Plateau.
The Glaciers are carved out of the
Great Lakes
• A group of Islands