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01 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
An Introduction to Critical Path Analysis
and Project Management
Key Stage 4
02 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
AKD is a long established engineering fabrication company working
primarily in the Onshore and Offshore markets. Vast experience in the
Project Management and execution of large decommissioning projects
offshore including upfront scope definition, scheduling and cost
estimating, piece small demolition and waste disposal.
You are given the role of project manager. Your task is to schedule the
activities in order to complete the decommissioning of the oil rig in
the shortest possible time for the most effective cost.
You will complete Tasks as outlined below in the “Project Management
Sheets”. Project Management Sheets are commonly used in the oil
and gas sector.
In completing this project you will develop your skills in the following
areas of mathematics:
Work in a group to successfully solve a problem
Revise Critical Path Analysis in the context of Decision
and Discrete Mathematics
03 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig continued
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
Nothing is designed to last forever. In most cases facilities are
designed to accommodate a commercial life span. In the case of
offshore installations i.e. Oil Rigs/Gas production platforms the
commercial life is based on the estimated capacity of gas/oil to be
extracted by the Oil Rig/Gas Production platform and the time frame
for undertaking this.
As facilities such as Offshore rigs and gas platforms near the end of
their operating lifetime the owners of the facility have a responsibility to
remove the entire facility back to the original site state.
The following individual tasks (activities) have to be completed for
the decommissioning project. Some of the tasks cannot be completed
before one or more of the other tasks have been completed.
The oil rig at the beginning looks like this:
At the end of the process it looks like this:
04 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig continued
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
Order these into a precendence table to Determine which tasks
need to be completed before others can take place.
A Transport Workers to rigs
2 days
B Ensure there is an electrical
supply to the rig
2 days
C Transport Supplies (food, tools etc)to rig
1 day
D Strip out the battery room
3 days
E Strip out Kitchen
5 days
F Strip out the Equipment room
4 days
G Strip out the office
3 days
H Perform risk assessment
1 day
J Create safety and emergency procedures
1 day
K Check the structure is safe for
the workers to live and work
5 days
MTransport equipment out of the rig
4 days
N Check Every room has been stripped
1 day
P Transport workers out of the rig
2 days
Q Final check on safety of rig
2 days
05 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig continued
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
Create a Cascade Chart to schedule the activities. You can either
decide to minimise cost or minimise time. This depends on what your
group thinks is more important.
06 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig continued
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
Create a presentation to the rest of the class on how you reached your
decisions and how you managed the project according to the criteria
in the brief. This should last around 10 miuntes.
01 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning an Oil Rig
Teachers Notes
Key Stage 4
02 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
This forms a functional skills project where the key areas that
students work on are team work, problem-solving and being able to
explain their solutions.
Year 10/11 students as part of a 3 lesson enrichment task on solving
problems using real-life mathematics.
3 x 1 hour lessons.
1 piece of A2 paper per group, attached Powerpoint.
Desired Outcome:
A presentation based on their Project Management..
Lesson Time
1 Introduction and Precedence Tables 1 hour
2 Resource Management
1 hour
3 Presentation
1 hour
03 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig continued
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
The following individual tasks (activities) have to be completed for
the decommissioning project. Some of the tasks cannot be completed
before one or more of the other tasks have been completed.
The students’ first task is to discuss in their groups which activities need
to be completed before others can start.
Hand out a copy of the activities below which have been pre-cut
out. Ask them to think about what ORDER the activities need to be
completed in for the project to be completed in the shortest time.
There will be many different answers for this depending on what your
group thinks. Before they start discuss issues such as minimising cost
and/or minimising time.
Possible discussion questions:
Which do you think is more important? Time or Cost? Why?
How could we go about solving this problem?
Spend 15 minutes in a discussion and decide which order the activities
need to completed in.
Ask groups to think about how you could structure the order of the
activities to make it easier to analyse. Hand out scrap paper to start
jotting down their ideas. All work is rough at the moment.
A Transport Workers to rigs
H Perform risk assessment
B Ensure there is an electrical
supply to the rig
J Create safety and emergency procedures
C Transport Supplies (food, tools etc)to rig
K Check the structure is safe for
the workers to live and work
D Strip out the battery room
MTransport equipment out of the rig
E Strip out Kitchen
N Check Every room has been stripped
F Strip out the Equipment room
P Transport workers out of the rig
G Strip out the office
Q Final check on safety of rig
04 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig continued
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
Spend 15 minutes in a discussion and decide which order the activities
need to completed in.
Ask groups to think about how you could structure the order of the
activities to make it easier to analyse. Hand out scrap paper to start
jotting down their ideas. All work is rough at the moment.
A Transport Workers to rigs
H Perform risk assessment
B Ensure there is an electrical
supply to the rig
J Create safety and emergency procedures
C Transport Supplies (food, tools etc)to rig
K Check the structure is safe for
the workers to live and work
D Strip out the battery room
MTransport equipment out of the rig
E Strip out Kitchen
N Check Every room has been stripped
F Strip out the Equipment room
P Transport workers out of the rig
G Strip out the office
Q Final check on safety of rig
Activities I and L are omitted because they look too much like 1.
05 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig continued
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
After a brief class discussion, introduce students to the idea of
a PRECEDENCE TABLE (see below) students should create a
PRECENDENCE Table. It should start like the one below.
Ask students to first construct a table in rough and then draw a neat
copy on their A2 piece of sugar paper.
A Transport Workers to rigs
2 days
B Ensure there is an electrical
supply to the rig
2 days
C Transport Supplies (food, tools etc)to rig
1 day
D Strip out the battery room
3 days
E Strip out Kitchen
5 days
F Strip out the Equipment room
4 days
G Strip out the office
3 days
H Perform risk assessment
1 day
J Create safety and emergency procedures
1 day
K Check the structure is safe for
the workers to live and work
5 days
MTransport equipment out of the rig
4 days
N Check Every room has been stripped
1 day
P Transport workers out of the rig
2 days
Q Final check on safety of rig
2 days
06 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig continued
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
Students will have to list which activities directly affect the activity in
order for it to commence on time. Tell students to not have more than
2 precedencies for any activity. Below is an example:
If a group struggles to get a precedence table set up then give them the
one below which they will be able to use for the remainder of the project.
A Transport Workers to rigs
C, J
2 days
B Ensure there is an electrical
supply to the rig
2 days
C Transport Supplies (food, tools etc)to rig
1 day
D Strip out the battery room
A, B
3 days
E Strip out Kitchen
A, B
5 days
F Strip out the Equipment room
D, E
4 days
G Strip out the office
D, E
3 days
H Perform risk assessment
1 day
J Create safety and emergency procedures
1 day
K Check the structure is safe for
the workers to live and work
5 days
MTransport equipment out of the rig
F, G
4 days
N Check Every room has been stripped
F, G
1 day
P Transport workers out of the rig
2 days
Q Final check on safety of rig
2 days
Each group is to give a short 5 minute presentation on how they reached their decision.
07 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig continued
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
Lesson Plan
Introduce lesson
10 minutes
Please see powerpoint for an introduction on this.
15 minutes
Students to discuss in their groups which order the tasks need
and explain the task
Ordering Tasks
to be completed in and which tasks need to be completed
before another can commence. Walk around encouraging
students to think critically about the project. Emphasize that
there is a need to minimise time and cost and that this can
have big implications for the profitability of a project. Ask
students to record their ideas initially in rough and then to
produce a precedence table in neat on A3 paper/sugar paper.
5 minutes
Students to give feedback to the whole group to share their
ideas and order of precedence.
Creating a
10 minutes
Precedence Table
Introduce the idea of a precedence table and ask students to
construct a neat copy on their piece of A2 sugar paper.
5 minutes per group
Talk about the importance of the minimisation of time and
cost. Explain that next lesson will be built on creating a correct
mathematical technique to help find the order of the activities.
08 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig continued
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
The aim of this lesson is to produce a CASCADE CHART. The idea is
that we can schedule the individual activities easily to decide whether
we want COST or TIME to be the optimising factor.
Obviously the more people we use the more expensive the project
but the quicker it will be completed. Conversely, the less people we
use the cheaper the project but it will take longer for the project to be
completed. The main objective is to produce CASCADE CHARTS for
the optimal time and optimal cost of the project. Tell them that in reality
each task is completed by a team of people.
The cost of a team of people per day is £5000 whether they are working
on an activity or not but if a team is hired they have to be transported
to the rig and together with a ‘call out’ fee this costs £20,000. Also each
time a team leaves it costs £6000. So for example, if a team is hired for
4 days this will cost 4 × £5000 plus the initial ‘call-out’ fee of £20,000
plus the £6000 for bringing them back; in total £46,000. Also for every
day the project is delayed there is a penalty charge of £7000 per day.
Students may use as many teams as they decide upon but this will have
an impact on the cost.
09 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig continued
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
The introduction of how to make CASCADE CHARTS is included on
the Powerpoint. Hand students a photocopy of the activities from the
photocopy PDF:
These are made at a horizontal scale of 1.5 cm per day. They are all proportional
and so can be cut out to be used for resource allocation.
Students should cut out the activities and create a CASCADE CHART based on
either OPTIMAL COST or OPTIMAL TIME. First of all they should move the activities
on their axes, once they have completed the diagram they are to write them in neat
on the poster and calculate the TIME and COST of each of the projects.
Any time left at the end of the lesson can be used for preparation of a presentation
for next lesson.
Alternatively the groups could work the optimum solution for the constraint that
they haven’t calculated.
Key Stage 4 – Groups can still create a CASCADE CHART from their
precedence table. Please choose the appropriate option on the powerpoint to go
through the extra information.
10 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig continued
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
Lesson Plan
Introduce lesson
10 minutes
Please see powerpoint for an explanation on how to create
and explain the task
Resource Analysis
the cascade charts.
30 – 40 minutes
Students to create a cascade chart for either optimal cost or
time. Once complete they are to copy onto their poster in neat
and calculate the final cost and time.
Groups who have finished early can be given the task of
starting work on their presentation for the next lesson.
5 minutes
Explain to students that they must prepare a 5 minute
presentation next lesson and they must prepare for it.
11 Engineering Project / Key Stage 4
Decommissioning An Oil Rig continued
Nurturing skills for a new
generation in Oil & Gas
The students should present their work to the rest of the class.
As teacher you can award some prizes for best presentation/best
teamwork etc. Create the order of presentation before it starts to
avoid contention and explain to the class that they must keep to their
five minutes to make this as realistic as possible. Explain to them that
they should be giving the presentation as if they are submitting a
solution to a business client. It has to be clear, easy to understand and
appealing for the audience.