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Geometry Honors Final Review ANSWERS
[1] False
[2] CD; ray
[3] AB
[4] 7.25
[5] 13º; 50º
[6] The figure is not a polygon because not all sides are segments.
[7] The figure is not a regular polygon because it is not equiangular.
[8] 7
[9] Sample answer:
[10] OU , OR, or OT
[11] Sample answer: A chord intersects the circle at two points, whereas the tangent only
intersects at one point.
[12] [B]
[13] 50; Each number is a successive odd number more than the preceding number.
[14] 81; Each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers.
[16] 3n – 4
b g
n n –1
; 11,175
[18] a  152 , b  28 , c  152 , d  76 , e  90 ,
f  118 , g  62 , h  62 , j  152
[19] 180
[20] congruent
[21] x  49
[22] 78°
[23] x  5
[24] No
[25] Lines l and m should not be marked parallel because the sum of the two angle measures
shown would have to add to 180 for the lines to be parallel and they do not.
[27] Orthocenter
[28] 80°
[29] x  22
[31] BG
[32] [C]
[34] 5
[36] [D]
[37] Yes. The distance from the circumcenter to the vertices is equidistant.
[38] 77
[39] x  80 ; y  80
[40] x  21
[41] By the Triangle Inequality Conjecture, the sum of 17 cm and 31 cm should be greater than
54 cm. To correct this, QP and/or PR should be increased to represent possible values of side
lengths for QPR.
[42] CB
[43] 155°
[44] 45º
[45] ΔABF = ΔEDF
[48] Yes
[49] mB = 107º
[50] 8; 1440º
[51] 135º
[52] 7 cm
[53] 110º
[55] 4.5
[56] y  128