Download Nestlé`s Himeji factory implemented Japan`s first cascade

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Environmental Investment
Nestlé’s Himeji factory implemented Japan's first cascade
refrigeration system using CO2 and ammonia refrigerants
rather than ozone-depleting substances in 2005. Shimada
factory also implemented at May 2011. The ozone-safe
refrigerants, CO2 and ammonia, circulate within the system
and are not released into the atmosphere. This
revolutionary new technology is not only environmentally
beneficial but is also very safe and cost-effective. Nestlé
developed this technology before anyone else in any
Natural refigerants refrigerator building
in Himeji factory
industry worldwide. This system is used for the
freeze-drying of NESCAFÉ GOLD BLEND.
Flow of cascade refirigerator with CO2 and NH3
The industrial world, including members of other
industries, will be sure to watch Himeji factory's
implementation of its new CO2/NH3 cascade
refrigeration system closely.
at Himeji factory
NH3 refirigerators
CO2 refrigerators
at Himeji factory
at Himeji factory
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