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LO: I will describe various objects
in the sky
SUN: energy(heat & light) from Sun produces Earth's weather
Core: center of Sun,
nuclear fusion reactions
change hydrogen to
reactions release energy
core temperature 27 million degrees F
energy moves from the core to the surface
surface temperature 4 million degrees F
energy travels through space as electromagnetic waves of light
and heat
Earth is 93 million miles from Sun, receives only tiny amount of
Sun's energy
harmful rays are filtered by atmosphere, ozone and Earth's
Sun is much larger than Earth 840,000 miles diameter
Sun is medium sized star
On the first day of January 1801, Giuseppe Piazzi discovered an object which he first thought was a new
comet. But after its orbit was better determined it was clear that it was not a comet but more like a small
planet. Piazzi named it Ceres, after the Sicilian goddess of grain. Three other small bodies were discovered in
the next few years (Pallas, Vesta, and Juno). By the end of the 19th century there were several hundred.
ASTEROIDS: mountains of rock and metal that are
found between Mars and Jupiter (asteroid belt)
COMETS: chunks of rock and ice that orbit the Sun in long,
oval paths
as comets near the Sun, part of the comet begins to melt and turn to vapor
which causes a long, visible gas tail streaming behind the comet
Halley's Comet orbits the Earth every 76 years.
Last seen in 1986, will return in 2061
METEOROIDS: smaller pieces of rock and dust that fly around
the solar system, trail and dust of comets
METEORS (SHOOTING STAR): meteoroids that pass through
Earth's atmosphere; most burn up quickly before hitting Earth's
METEORITE: if a meteor hits Earth's surface, surviving chunk
of rock is called meteorite
STARS: great balls of gas that burn at tremendous
undergo nuclear fusion reaction changing hydrogen to
Sun is nearest star
very bright but seem dim because of their great distance
so far away that their
distances are measured in
the distance it takes light
to travel in one year.
(moving at 186,000 mps)
group of stars that appear
to form a picture in the sky