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Grow the Gradient: An interactive countercurrent multiplier game
Jessica R. Santangelo and Peter Daniel
Suggested questions to be used either prior to the Grow the Gradient! activity to assess student
understanding or as a summative assessment after completing the Grow the Gradient! activity.
1. The loop of Henle is found in which organ?
A. sarcomere
B. kidney
C. ovary
D. bladder
E. stomach
2. What is the function of the loop of Henle?
A. to concentrate urine to be excreted
B. to establish a concentration gradient in the medulla
C. to excrete urea into the urine
D. to filter the blood
3. What is moving out of the loop of Henle at this point?
Sodium (Na+)
4. Which loop of Henle generates a stronger/larger salt gradient? (A)
C. They generate the same salt gradient.
5. Water would not move out of the loop of Henle at this point
It is not actively transported out
It is moving into the loop
This part of the loop is not permeable to water
There is too much salt in the interstitial fluid
There is not enough salt in the filtrate
6. Where in the loop of Henle is the fluid inside the loop most concentrated? (Circle the
letter that corresponds with your answer.) (B)
7. The fluid flowing from the proximal convoluted tubule into the loop of Henle is ________ the fluid
leaving the loop of Henle on its way to the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct..
A. Much more concentrated than
B. Much less concentrated than
C. About the same concentration as
8. Where in the medulla surrounding the loop of Henle is the interstitial fluid the most
concentrated?(Circle the letter that corresponds with your answer.) (D)
9. Drugs such as Lasix, Bumex and Edecrin may be prescribed for patients who have heart failure.
They act by blocking the active transport of salts out of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle. What
impact do these drugs have on the salt concentration in the medulla?
A. Increase the concentration
B. Decrease the concentration
C. Do not change the concentration
10. Drugs such as Lasix, Bumex and Edecrin may be prescribed for patients who have heart failure.
They act by blocking the active transport of salts out of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle. What
impact do these drugs have on the concentration of urine?
A. Increase the concentration
B. Decrease the concentration
C. Do not change the concentration
11. Drugs such as Lasix, Bumex and Edecrin may be prescribed for patients who have heart failure.
They act by blocking the active transport of salts out of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle. What
impact do these drugs have on the volume of urine produced?
A. Increase the volume of urine produced
B. Decrease the volume of urine produced
C. Do not change the volume of urine produced
12. Someone with a deficiency of aquaporins in the loop of Henle or the collecting duct would produce:
A. A small volume of very concentrated urine
B. A large volume of very dilute urine
C. The same volume and concentration of urine as a healthy person
To be used if modifying to alter the length of the game board:
13. Which organism has the longest loop of Henle?
A. Desert Rat
B. Human
C. Cat
D. They are all the same