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Biology 102
Chapter 7
Organelle Structure and Function
Name ___________________No. ___
Date _______________ Class ____
On the left side of the page, click Cell Biology. In Table of Contents, click on Cell Models.
Read the information and fill in the blanks below.
Living cells are divided into ___ types - _______________ and _______________
(sometimes spelled prokaryotic and eukaryotic). This division is based on internal
___________________. The following pages can provide graphic roadmaps to the
organization of both of these cell types
Eucaryotic: The cells of protozoa, higher plants and animals are highly _______________.
These cells tend to be _______________ than the cells of bacteria, and have developed
specialized mechanisms that may be necessary to support their larger size.
Procaryotic: cells are _____________ in structure, with no recognizable ______________.
They have an outer ___________ that gives them ___________. Just under the rigid cell
wall is the more fluid _________________. The ________________ enclosed within the cell
membrane does not exhibit much structure when viewed by electron microscopy.
Now, click on Take me to the BACTERIAL CELL. Click on each structure located inside the
bacteria cell, and use the information to complete the following.
Internal Structure: Bacteria have a simple internal structure, and no membrane-bound
_______ in the bacterial cell is generally confined to this central region. It
isn't bound by a membrane, and is visibly distinct (by transmission
microscopy) from the rest of the cell interior
give the cytoplasm of bacteria a granular appearance in electron
micrographs. Though _________ than ribosomes in eukaryotic cells, these
inclusions have a similar function in translating the ___________ message
in messenger RNA into the production of peptide sequences (proteins).
Click on each structure located on the surface of bacteria cells, and complete the following.
Surface Structure: Beginning from the outermost structure and moving inward, bacteria have
some or all of the following structures:
Composed of peptidoglycan (polysaccharides + protein), maintains the
cell wall
overall _________ of bacterial cells. ___ primary shapes in bacteria are
_________ (spherical), _________ (rod-shaped) and ___________ (spiral).
lipid ___________ much like the plasma membrane of other cells; numerous
membrane __________ moving within/upon this layer that are primarily responsible for
__________________ of ions, nutrients and waste across the membrane.
Click on each of the appendages of the bacteria cell, and complete the following.
Bacteria may have the following appendages:
hollow, ____________ structures made of ___________ that allow bacteria to
___________ to other cells. A specialized pilus, the sex pilus, allows the
transfer of ________ from one bacterial cell to another.
Function in ____________; long appendages which ___________ by means of
a "motor" located just under the cytoplasmic membrane. Bacteria may have
one, a few, or many flagella in different positions on the cell
Click on Cell Models on the left side of the page. Click Take me to the Animation. Click on Animal Cell.
Click on each structure/organelle in the animal cell and fill in the information about each one below.
1. Nucleus – the most _________ organelle in any eukaryotic cell; enclosed in a ________ membrane
and ______________ with the surrounding cytosol via (by way of) nuclear ________. In the nucleus,
the _____ is responsible for providing the cell with unique characteristics. DNA is similar in every cell,
but depending on the cell type, some genes may be turned on or off – that’s why a ___________ is
different from a __________, and a muscle cell is different from a __________. When a cell is
dividing, chromatin condenses into______________, that are more easily seen with a microscope.
2. Nucleolus – prominent structure in the __________; produces____________, which move out of the
nucleus and take positions on the ____________________________________, where they play a
critical role in protein synthesis.
3. Cytosol – what we call “cytoplasm” – the “soup” within which the cell ____________ reside; where
most cellular _______________occurs. Made mostly of ___________; full of ____________ that
control cell metabolism.
4. Centriole – group of 9 fused _____________. Microtubules & centrioles are part of the __________.
5. Golgi– a membrane-bound structure with a _________ membrane. It is a stack of membrane-bound
vesicles that are important in ______________macromolecules for transport elsewhere in the cell.
6. Lysosome – common in _________ cells; contain hydrolytic __________ necessary for intracellular
____________. In white blood cells, lysosomes release their contents to _______________ the
bacteria. Uncontrolled release of lysosome contents can cause cell ________. (suicide sac)
7. Cell membrane – double layer of _______________ ( phosholipid bilayer) acts as a barrier to
uncontrolled flow of water.
8. Mitochondria – provide the __________that a cell needs to move, divide, etc.; the power centers for the cell; membranebound organelles and like the nucleus, they have a _________-layered
membrane. The inner membrane is folded to __________________________ so that more food
(sugar) can combine with oxygen to produce ______, the primary energy source for the cell.
9. Vacuole – a membrane-bound ____ that plays a role in intracellular __________ and the release of
_______ products. In animal cells, vacuoles are generally _______. In plants, vacuoles are ______
and play several roles. They _______ nutrients and waste, they help increase cell size during growth,
and they act like ____________ animal cells. Plant cell vacuoles regulate turgor pressure(water
pressure). Without enough water, turgor pressure drops and the plant _______.
10. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum – network of membrane-bound vesicles and ____________; a
continuation of the nuclear membrane; appears smooth when viewed with the electron microscope.
11. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum – appears “pebbled” when viewed with the electron microscope
due to the number of ___________ on it’s ________. Proteins synthesized on these ribosomes
collect in the endoplasmic reticulum for ___________ throughout the cell.
12. Ribosomes – packets of ____ and _________ that play a crucial role in prokaryotic and eukaryotic
cells; the site of ___________ synthesis; each ribosome is made up of ___ parts.
13. Cytoskeleton – helps in maintaining cell ________, but it’s primary function is in cell __________,
The internal movement of cell______________, cell _____________ and muscle fiber contraction; it
consists of both micro__________ and micro__________.
Now, click on Plant Cell. Click on each of the structures/organelles in plant cells that are not found in
animal cells and fill in the information about each one below.
1. Cell wall – rigid, ____________ wall made up of polysaccharides, usually ____________; provides
and maintains the _________ of plant cells and serves as a protective ___________. Water collects
in a plant cell’s ____________ and pushes against the cell wall to provide ___________ for the plant.
2. Chloroplasts – specialized organelles found in all higher plant cells. Chloroplasts contain the pigment
_________________, which is why the plant is ________. Chloroplasts have a double outer layer.
This is where the process of _____________________ takes place.
On the left side of the page, click Puzzles. Work the jigsaw puzzles on animal and plant cells.
Good Luck!