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Robert Anderson
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Dalhousie University
Tupper Medical Building
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 1X5, Canada
Tel: (902) 494-1063
Fax: (902)-494-5125
E-mail: [email protected]
Present Rank:
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Faculty of Medicine
Dalhousie University
B.Sc. with Honours (Biochemistry) 1970
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
Dr.rer.nat. (Physiological Chemistry) 1973
University of Cologne
Cologne, West Germany
Post-doctoral Experience
1973 - 1974
Institute for Physiological Chemistry
University of Cologne
1974 - 1976
Department of Biochemistry
University of Ottawa
Commonwealth Scholarship (declined)
1970 - 1973 Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Scholarship
1984 - 1993 Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Scholarship
1993 - 2003 Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation Associateship
National Science Council of Taiwan Visiting Professorship
1976 - 1982 Assistant Professor
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, U. Western
1982 - 1984 Associate Professor (with tenure)
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, U. Western
1984 - 1989 Associate Professor/AHFMR Scholar
Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, U. Calgary
1989 - 1993 Professor/AHFMR Scholar
Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, U. Calgary
1993 - pres Professor (DMRF Associate 1993-2003)
Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Dalhousie Univ.
2007 - 2008 Visiting Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology,
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Undergraduate Courses
1978 - 1984 Microbiology and Immunology 480, Supervision of
Research and Project Course for Honours students in
Microbiology and Immunology, Univ. of Western Ontario
1978 - 1984 Microbiology and Immunology 462b, Supervision of an
Advanced Virology Course (Fourth Year Honours),
University of Western Ontario
1985 - 1993 Biology 521 (2 - 4 lectures), University of Calgary
1986 - 1993 Medicine 440, Infectious Disease Elective (2 -3 lectures),
University of Calgary
1989 - 1993 Medicine 302 (2 lectures), University of Calgary
1989 - 1993 Medical Microbiology (2 lectures), University of Calgary
1990 - 1993 Preceptor for Medicine 340/440, University of Calgary
1993 - 1994 Tutor, COPS Program, Dalhousie University
1993 - 2000 Medical PIM Unit lectures, Dalhousie University
1993 - pres Microbiology 3114 lectures, Dalhousie University
1993 - pres Microbiology 4114 lectures, Dalhousie University
2000 – pres Microbiobiology 4116 2 lectures alt yrs. Dalhousie U
2004 - 2006 Tropical Diseases BM671 lectures, Thammasat University
Graduate Courses
1976 - 1984 Microbiology and Immunology 563a, Supervision of
Current Topics in Virology Course, University of Western
Ontario (10 lectures)
1984 - 1993
1986 - 1993
1993 - pres
Medical Microbiology MDSC 612 lectures,
University of Calgary
Advanced Virology MDSC 613.04 10 lectures,
University of Calgary
Microbiology 5114 Advanced Virology lectures and cosupervision, Dalhousie University
Graduate student Supervisory Experience
1978 - pres
Supervision of fourteen graduate students and twenty-plus
honours/ summer students
1979 - 1982 Chair, External Seminars Committee
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
University of Western Ontario
1979 - 1984 Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
University of Western Ontario
1985 - 1988 Chair, Search Committee for Program in Molecular
Biology of Infectious Diseases
Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
University of Calgary
1989 - 1992 Chair, Adjunct Appointments Committee
Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
University of Calgary
1989 - 1993 Member, Executive Committee
Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
University of Calgary
1990 - 1991 Chair, Physicians Evaluation Committee
Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
University of Calgary
1992 - 1993 Chair, Graduate Education Committee
Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
University of Calgary
1994 - 1999 Chair, Graduate Studies Committee
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Dalhousie University
1994 - 2000 Member, Planning Committee
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Dalhousie University
2002 Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Dalhousie University
1986 - 1988 Faculty of Medicine Representative for Faculty of Science
Council, University of Calgary
1987 - 1990 Member, Biosafety Committee
University of Calgary
1989 - 1990 Member, AHFMR Awards Committee
University of Calgary
1997 - 2000 Faculty of Medicine Representative on IWK-Grace
Scientific Review Committee, Dalhousie University
1999 - 2000 Member, Physiology and Biophysics Departmental
Survey Committee
2002 - pres
Member, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Departmental Survey/Search Committee
2003 - pres
Member, International Medical Directors Group, Dalhousie
University (2003)
Membership in Professional and Learned Societies
Member of American Society for Virology
Professional Service
Grant Panels
Member CIHR Virology and viral pathogenesis
grants panel
2000Member US Military Infectious Disease Grants Panel of the
American Institute for Biological Sciences
Invited member, MRC Grants Committee for Virology and
Viral Pathogenesis.
1986 - 1990 Member, MRC Grants Committee for Microbiology and
Infectious Diseases
1987 - 1990 Member, AHFMR Fellowship Committee
Grant Review (Agencies)
CIHR, MRC, NSERC, NHRDP and Alberta Agricultural Research
1990 & 2001 Sabbaticals at the US Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical
Sciences (AFRIMS), Bangkok, Thailand
2003 negotiation of Memorandum of Understanding between Dalhousie and
Thammasat Universities for cooperation in teaching and research;
development of 10 lectures in Tropical Diseases and presentation at
Thammasat University; establishment of collaborative research program.
2004 Sabbatical at Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand; research,
teaching and medical student exchange
awarded CIHR-funded Global Health Research grant for vaccine research
for respiratory viruses including SARS (Principal applicant: R. Anderson,
Dalhousie; co-applicants: W. Chaicumpa, Thammasat University, K. Lin
and C.H. Chang, Kaohsiung University, Taiwan). This grant establishes a
network of three universities (Dalhousie, Thammasat and Kaohsiung) for
the purpose of vaccine development against respiratory viruses.
1977 - 1978 MRC Grant ($15,000/yr) - "Host Cell Functions Involved in
Persistent Measles Virus Infections"
1979 - 1981 MRC Grant ($36,542/yr) - "Cell Membrane Involvement in
Persistent and Productive Virus Infections"
1982 - 1984 MRC Grant ($51,568/yr) - "Cell Control of Synthesis and
Assembly of Membrane Macromolecules"
1984 - 1986 MRC Grant ($56,000/yr) - "Cell Control of Macromolecular
Synthesis and Assembly: Relationship to Viral Permissiveness"
1986 - 1989 MRC Grant ($57,000/yr) - "Viral Cell-killing Functions"
1987 - 1987 AHFMR Technology Transfer Grant ($25,000/yr) - "Lipid Product
Development for Skin-Care"
1988 - 1989 AHFMR Technology Transfer Grant ($71,000/yr) - "Lipid Product
Development for Skin-Care"
1989 - 1992 MRC Grant ($69,000/yr) - "Host Control of Viral Cell-killing
1990 - 1993 NSERC ($20,000/yr) - "Membrane Lipid Structure and Function in
Deinococcus radiodurans"
1992 - 1995 MRC Grant ($71,000/yr) - "Membrane and RNA targets of
cytopathic viral proteins"
1995 - 1996 IWK-Grace ($15,000/yr) - "Role of the alveolar macrophage in
RSV infection of BALB/c mice" (co-applicant with A. Stadnyk)
1993 - 1997 NSERC ($20,000/yr) - "Radiation resistance functions in
Deinococcus radiodurans"
1997 - 1999 MRC ($61,000/yr) "Immunopathology of RSV infection" (coapplicants: A. Issekutz, G. Johnston, A. Stadnyk)
1998 - 2002 NSERC ($27,000/yr) "Monocyte, cytokine and endothelial cell
activation by dengue virus"
1999 - 2002 MRC ($61,000/yr) "Immunopathology of RSV infection" (coapplicants: A. Issekutz, A. Stadnyk)
CIHR ($86,000/yr) “Pathogenesis of dengue virus”
CIHR ($400,000/yr) co-applicant "Mucosal vaccines" (PI: Lorne
CIHR ($90,000/yr) "A collaborative proposal to produce effective
vaccines against respiratory viruses, including SARS"
CFI ($2,176,726 total) "Establishment of the Canadian Centre for
Vaccinology (Halifax) with laboratories for basic, translational
and multidisciplinary research and facilities for human challenge
studies" (PI: Scott Halperin)
ID Biomedical Corp Contract ($150,000) "Evaluation of IDB
Proteosome adjuvant/delivery systems formulated with
recombinant Trx-RSV G proteins as vaccine candidates"
Gates Foundation Grand Challenges in Global Health ($5.6M
for 5 years) “Linking innate and specific immunity to develop
single dose vaccines for neonates.” (PI: Lorne Babiuk)
CIHR ($147,000/yr) "Viral triggers of inflammation and vascular
PUBLICATIONS (Peer Reviewed Manuscripts)
Stoffel, W., Anderson, R. and Stahl, J. (1975) Studies on the asymmetric
arrangement of membrane-lipid-enveloped virions as a model system. Hoppe-Seyler's Z.
Physiol. Chem. 356, 1123-1129.
Anderson, R., Livermore, B.P., Volcani, B.E. and Kates, M. (1975) A novel
sulfonolipid in diatoms. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 409, 259-263.
Anderson, R., Kates, M. and Volcani, B.E. (1976) Sulfonium analogue of lecithin
in diatoms. Nature 263, 51-53.
Anderson, R., Kates, M., Baedecker, M.J., Kaplan, I.R. and Ackman, R.G. (1977)
The stereoisomeric composition of phytanyl chains in lipids of Dead Sea sediments.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 41, 1381-1390.
Lucas, A., Flintoff, W., Anderson, R., Percy, D., Coulter, M. and Dales, S. (1977)
In vivo and in vitro models of demyelinating diseases: tropism of the JHM strain of
murine hepatitis virus for cells of glial origin. Cell 12, 553-560.
Anderson, R., Livermore, B.P., Kates, M. and Volcani, B.E. (1978) The lipid
composition of the non-photosynthetic diatom, Nitzschia alba. Biochim. Biophys. Acta
528, 77-88.
Anderson, R., Kates, M. and Volcani, B.E. (1978) Identification of the sulfolipids
in the non-photosynthetic diatom, Nitzschia alba. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 528, 89-106.
Lucas, A., Coulter, M., Anderson, R., Dales, S. and Flintoff, W. (1978) In vivo
and in vitro models of demyelinating diseases: II. Persistence and host-regulated
thermosensitivity in cells of neural derivation infected with mouse hepatitis and measles
viruses. Virology 88, 325-337.
Anderson, R. and Dales, S. (1978) Biogenesis of poxviruses: glycolipid
metabolism in vaccinia-infected cells. Virology 84, 108-117.
Kates, M., Tremblay, P., Anderson, R. and Volcani, B.E. (1978) Identification of
the free and conjugated sterol in a non-photosynthetic diatom, Nitzschia alba, as
24-methylene cholesterol. Lipids 13, 34-41.
Anderson, R., Kates, M. and Volcani, B.E. (1979) Studies on the biosynthesis of
sulfolipids in the diatom, Nitzschia alba. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 573, 557-561.
Anderson, R. (1979) Regulation of glycolipid biosynthesis: effects of virus
infection and drug-induced translational inhibition on glycolipid metobolism.
Biochemistry 18, 2395-2400.
Anderson, R., Cheley, S. and Haworth-Hatherell, E. (1979) Comparison of the
polypeptides of two strains of murine hepatitis virus. Virology 97, 492-494.
Thompson, B.G., Anderson, R. and Murray, R.G.E. (1980) Unusual polar lipids of
Micrococcus radiodurans strain Sark. Can. J. Microbiology 26, 1408-1411.
Anderson, R. and Bilan, P. (1981) Replacement of mouse LM fibroblast choline
by a sulfonium analog. Effects on membrane properties as determined by virus probes.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 640, 91-99.
Cheley, S. and Anderson, R. (1981) Cellular synthesis and modification of murine
hepatitis virus polypeptides. J. Gen. Virol. 54, 301-311.
Cheley, S., Anderson, R., Cupples, M.J., Lee Chan, E.C.M. and Morris, V.L.
(1981) Intracellular murine hepatitis virus-specific RNAs contain common sequences.
Virology 112, 596-604.
Cheley, S., Morris, V.L., Cupples, M.J. and Anderson, R. (1981) RNA and
polypeptide homology among murine coronaviruses. Virology 115, 310-321.
Auer, R.N., Del Maestro, R.F. and Anderson, R. (1981) A simple and
reproducible experimental in vivo glioma model. Can. J. Neurol. Sci. 8, 325-331.
McGarry, R.C., Anderson, R. and Singhal, S.K. (1982) Regulation of humoral
immune responses by a bone-marrow-derived glycolipid-like molecule. Cell. Immunol.
71, 293-302.
Mizzen, L., Cheley, S., Rao, M., Wolf, R. and Anderson, R. (1983) Fusion
resistance and decreased infectability as major determinants of coronavirus persistence.
Virology 128, 407-417.
Anderson, R. (1983) Alkylamines: novel lipid constituents in Deinococcus
radiodurans. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 753, 266-268.
Siddell, S.G., Anderson, R., Cavanagh, D., Fujiwara, K., Klenk, H.D., Laporte, J.,
MacNaughton, M.R., Pensaert, M.A., Stohlman, S.A., Sturman, L. and van der Zeijst,
B.A.M. (1983) Coronaviridae. Intervirology 20, 181-189.
Cheley, S. and Anderson, R. (1984) A reproducible method for the detection of
specific RNA sequences by dot-blot hybridization. Anal. Biochem. 137, 15-19.
Vreeland, R.H., Anderson, R. and Murray, R.G.E. (1984) Cell wall and
phospholipid composition and their contribution to the salt tolerance of Halomonas
elongata. J. Bacteriol. 160, 879-883.
Sorensen, O., Beushausen, S., Puchalski, S., Cheley, S., Anderson, R.,
Coulter-Mackie, M. and Dales, S. (1984) In vivo and in vitro models of demyelinating
diseases. VIII. Genetic, immunologic and cellular influences on JHM virus infection of
rats. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 173, 279-297.
Mizzen, L., Hilton, A., Cheley, S. and Anderson, R. (1985) Attenuation of murine
coronavirus infection by ammonium chloride. Virology 142, 378-388.
Anderson, R. and Hansen, K. (1985) Structure of a novel phosphoglycolipid from
Deinococcus radiodurans. J. Biol. Chem. 260, 12219-12223.
Hilton, A., Mizzen, L., Macintyre, G., Cheley, S. and Anderson, R. (1986)
Translational control in murine hepatitis virus infection. J. Gen. Virol. 67, 923-932.
Anderson, R. and Bhatti, A.R. (1986) Fatty acid distribution in the phospholipids
of Francisella tularensis. Lipids 21, 669-671.
Anderson, R., Daya, M. and Reeve, J. (1987) An evaluation of the contribution of
membrane lipids to protection against ultraviolet radiation. Biochim. Biophys. Acta
905, 227-230.
Lin, W.S., Wong, F. and Anderson, R. (1987) Role of superoxide in
radiation-killing of Escherichia coli and in thymine release from thymidine. Biochem.
Biophys. Res. Commun. 147, 778-786.
Mizzen, L., Macintyre, G., Wong, F. and Anderson, R. (1987) Translational
regulation in mouse hepatitis virus infection is not mediated by altered intracellular ion
concentrations. J. Gen. Virol. 68, 2143-2151.
Mizzen, L., Daya, M. and Anderson, R. (1987) The role of protease-dependent
membrane fusion in persistent and lytic infections of murine hepatitis virus. Adv. Exp.
Med. Biol. 218, 175-186.
Daya, M., Cervin, M. and Anderson, R. (1988) Cholesterol enhances mouse
hepatitis virus-mediated cell fusion. Virology 163, 276-283.
Kooi, C., Mizzen, L., Alderson, C., Daya, M. and Anderson, R. (1988) Early
events of importance in determining host cell permissiveness to mouse hepatitis virus
infection. J. Gen. Virol., 69, 1125-1135.
Macintyre, G. and Anderson, R. (1989) A model for persistent murine
coronavirus infection involving maintenance via cytopathically infected cell centres. J.
Gen. Virol., 70, 763-768.
Daya, M., Wong, F., Cervin, M., Evans, G., Vennema, H., Spaan, W. and
Anderson, R. (1989) Mutation of host cell determinants which discriminate between lytic
and persistent mouse hepatitis virus infection results in a fusion-resistant phenotype. J.
Gen. Virol. 70, 3335-3346.
Huang, Y. and Anderson, R. (1989) Structure of a novel glucosamine- containing
phosphoglycolipid from Deinococcus radiodurans. J. Biol. Chem. 264, 18667-18672.
Anderson, R. (1989) Molecular considerations for the laboratory diagnosis of
Japanese Encephalitis Virus. S.E. Asian J. Trop. Med. Pub. Hlth. 20, 605-610.
Reeve, J., Kligman, L.H. and Anderson, R. (1990) Are natural lipids UVscreening agents? Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 33, 161-166.
Daya, M., Wong, F., Cervin, M., Evans, G., Vennema, H., Spaan, W. and
Anderson, R. (1990) Mouse fibroblast mutants selected for survival against mouse
hepatitis virus infection show increased resistance to infection and virus-induced cell
fusion. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 276:59-66.
Macintyre, G., Kooi, C., Wong, F. and Anderson, R. (1990) On the membrane
cytopathology of mouse hepatitis virus infection as probed by a semi-permeable
translation inhibiting drug. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 276:67-72.
Kooi, C., Cervin, M. and Anderson, R. (1991) Differentiation of acid pHdependent and -nondependent entry pathways for mouse hepatitis virus. Virology 180,
Huang, Y. and Anderson, R. (1991) Phosphatidylglyceroylalkylamine: A novel
phosphoglycolipid precursor in Deinococcus radiodurans. J. Bacteriol. 173, 457-462.
Macintyre, G., Curry, B., Wong, F. and Anderson, R. (1991) Hygromycin B
therapy of a murine coronaviral hepatitis. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 35:2125-2127.
Cervin, M. and Anderson, R. (1991) Modulation of coronavirus-mediated cell
fusion by homeostatic control of cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism. J. Med. Virol
Macintyre, G., Woods, D.E. and Anderson, R. (1991) Hygromycin B inhibits
synthesis of murine coronavirus RNA. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 35:2630-2633.
Anderson, R., King, A.D. and Innis, B. (1992) Correlation of E protein binding
with cell susceptibility to dengue 4 virus infection. J. Gen. Virol. 73, 2155-2159.
Anderson, R. and Huang, Y. (1992) Fatty acids are precursors of alkylamines in
Deinococcus radiodurans. J. Bacteriol. 174:7168-7173.
Daniel, C., Anderson, R., Buchmeier, M.J., Fleming, J.O., Spaan, W.J.M., Wege,
H. and Talbot, P.J. (1993) Identification of an immunodominant linear neutralization
domain on the S2 portion of the murine coronavirus spike glycoprotein and evidence that
it forms part of a complex tridimensional structure involving both S1 and S2. J. Virol.
Anderson, R. and Wong, F. (1993) Membrane and phospholipid binding by
murine coronaviral nucleocapsid N protein. Virology 194, 224-232.
Wong, F. and Anderson, R. (1993) Involvement of lipids in membrane binding
of MHV nucleocapsid protein. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 342, 203-208.
Osiowy, C., Horne, D. and Anderson, R. (1994) Antibody dependent enhancement
of Respiratory Syncytial Virus infection by sera from young infants. Clin. Diag. Lab.
Immunol. 1, 670-677
He, R.T., Innis, B.L., Nisalak, A., Usawattanakul, W., Kalayanarooj, S., Wang, S.
and Anderson, R. (1995) Antibodies which block virus attachment to Vero cells are a
major component of the human neutralizing antibody response against dengue virus-2. J.
Med. Virol. 45, 451-461.
Osiowy, C. and Anderson, R. (1995) Neutralization of respiratory syncytial virus
after cell attachment. J. Virol. 69, 1271-1274.
Huang, Y. and Anderson, R. (1995) Glucosyldiglyceride structures in
Deinococcus radiodurans J. Bacteriol. 177, 2567-2571.
Wang, S., He, R.T., Patarapotikul, J., Innis, B.L. and Anderson, R. (1995)
Antibody-enhanced binding of dengue virus to human platelets Virology 213, 254-257.
Tantivanich, S., Suphanaranonda, K., Balachandra, K. and Anderson, R. (1995)
Detection of respiratory syncytial virus from clinical specimens: comparison between
reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and tissue culture. S.E. Asian J. Trop.
Med. Publ. Hlth. 26, 684-688.
Stadnyk, A., Gillan, T. and Anderson, R. (1997) Respiratory syncytial virus
triggers IL-6 in BALB/c mouse alveolar macrophages in the absence of virus replication.
Cell. Immunol. 176, 122-126.
Anderson, R., Wang, S., Osiowy, C. and Issekutz, A.C. (1997) Activation of
endothelial cells via antibody-enhanced dengue virus infection of peripheral blood
monocytes. J. Virol. 71, 4226-4232.
Wang, S., He, R. and Anderson, R. (1999) PrM- and cell-binding domains of the
dengue viral E protein. J. Virol. 73, 2547-2551
Mader, D., Huang, Y., Wang, C., Fraser, R., Issekutz, A., Stadnyk, A. and
Anderson, R. (2000) Liposome encapsulation of a soluble recombinant fragment of the
respiratory syncytial (RSV) G protein enhances immune protection and reduces
pulmonary eosinophilia associated with virus challenge. Vaccine 18, 1110-1117.
King, C., Marshall, J.S., Alshurafa, H. and Anderson, R. (2000) Release of
vasoactive cytokines by antibody enhanced dengue virus infection of a human mast
cell/basophil line. J. Virol. 74, 7146-7150.
King, C., Anderson, R. and Marshall, J.S. (2002) Dengue virus selectively induces
human mast cell chemokine production. J. Virol. 76, 8408-8419.
Chang, C.-H., Huang, Y., Issekutz, A,C., Griffith, M., Lin, K.H. and Anderson,
R. (2002) IL-1 released from epithelial cells after adenovirus type 37 infection activates
ICAM-1 expression on human vascular endothelial cells. J. Virol. 76, 427-431.
Huang, Y. and Anderson, R. (2002) Enhanced immune protection of a liposomeencapsulated recombinant respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine using immunogenic
lipids from Deinococcus radiodurans. Vaccine 20, 1586-1592.
Huang, Y. and Anderson (2003) A single amino acid substitution in a recombinant
G protein vaccine drastically impairs protective immunity against respiratory syncytial
virus (RSV). Vaccine 21, 2500-2505.
Chang, C.-H., Huang, Y. and Anderson, R. (2003) Activation of vascular
endothelial cells by IL-1 released by epithelial cells infected with respiratory syncytial
virus. Cell. Immunol. 221, 37-41.
Anderson, R. (2003) Manipulation of cell surface molecules by flaviviruses. Adv.
Virus. Res. 59, 229-274.
Chang, C.-H., Lin, K.-H. and Anderson, R. (2004) Towards an in vitro model for
acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis: cytokine-mediated vascular endothelial cell activation
triggered by enterovirus type 70 infection. J. Clin. Virol. 30, 19-23.
Hirsch, P., Gallikowski, C.A., Siebert, J., Peissl, K., Kroppenstedt, R., Schumann,
P., Stackebrandt, E. and Anderson, R. (2004) Deinococcus frigens sp. nov., Deinococcus
saxicola sp. nov., and Deinococcus marmoris sp. nov., low temperature and droughttolerating, UV-resistant bacteria from continental antarctica. System. Appl. Microbiol. 27,
Huang, Y. and Anderson, R. (2005) Modulation of protective immunity,
eosinophilia and cytokine responses by selective mutagenesis of a recombinant G protein
vaccine against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). J. Virol. 79, 4527-4532.
Benoit, A., Huang, Y., Proctor, J., Rowden, G. and Anderson, R. (2006) Effects
of alveolar macrophage depletion on liposomal vaccine protection against respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV). Clin. Exp. Immunol. 145, 147-154.
Knight, J.B., Huang, Y.Y., Halperin, S.A., Anderson, R., Morris, A., MacMillan,
A., Jones, T., Burt, D.S., Van Nest, G. and Lee, S.F. (2006) Immunogenicity and
protective efficacy of a recombinant filamentous hemagglutinin from Bordetella pertussis.
Clin. Exp. Immunol. 144, 543-551.
Brown, M.G., King, C.A., Sherren, C., Marshall, J.S. and Anderson, R. (2006)
A dominant role for FcRII in antibody-enhanced dengue virus infection of human mast
cells and associated CCL5 release. J. Leuk. Biol. 80, 1242-1250.
Chan, S.Y.V., Hilchie, A.L., Brown, M.G., Anderson, R. and Hoskin, D.W.
(2007) Apoptosis induced by intracellular ceramide accumulation in MDA-MB-435
breast carcinoma cells is dependent on the generation of reactive oxygen species. Exp.
Mol. Pathol. 82, 1-11
Benoit, A.C., Huang, Y., Maneewatchararangsri, S., Tapchaisri, P. and Anderson,
R. (2007) Regulation of airway eosinophil and neutrophil infiltration by galactosylceramide in a mouse model for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccineaugmented disease. Vaccine 25, 7754-7762.
Lin, C.-F., Lei, H.-Y, Lin, Y.-S., Liu, C.-C. and Anderson, R.. Patient and Mouse
Antibodies against Dengue Virus Nonstructural Protein 1 Cross-React with Platelets and
Cause Their Dysfunction or Depletion. American Journal of Infectious Diseases 4: 68-74,
Abstracts (International Meetings)
Kates, M., Anderson, R. and Volcani, B., E. Novel sulfolipids in diatoms. IUPAC
Meeting, August 1976, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Kates, M., Tremblay, P., Anderson, R. and Volcani, B.E. Identification of the free
and bound sterol of a non-photosynthetic diatom, Nitzschia alba. Meeting of the
American Oil Chemists' Society. May 1977, New York.
Cheley, S. and Anderson, R. Polypeptide homology between tropism-contrasting
strains of murine hepatitis virus. ICN-UCLA Symposium. March 1978, Keystone,
Colorado, U.S.A. (J. Supramol. Struct. Suppl 4, Abstract 766).
Cheley, S., Anderson, R. and Morris, V.L. Intracellular murine hepatitis
virus-specific RNAs contain common sequences. 5th International Congress of Virology.
August 1981, Strasbourg, France.
Anderson, R., Cheley, S. and Morris, V.L. Interrelatedness of murine
coronaviruses. American Society for Microbiology Meeting. March 1982, Atlanta,
Georgia, U.S.A.
Mizzen, L., Cheley, S., Rao, M., Wolf, R., Hilton, A. and Anderson, R. Host
cell-mediated persistence of murine coronavirus. American Society for Virology
Meeting, July 1983, East Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A.
Sorensen, O., Coulter-Mackie, M.B., Cheley, S., Anderson, R. and Dales, S. An
in vivo model for demyelinating disease. Coronavirus infection of rats. American
Society for Virology Meeting, July 1983, East Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A.
Coulter-Mackie, M.B., Sorensen, O., Cheley, S., Anderson, R. and Dales, S. In
vitro model for demyelinating diseases: persistent infection of rat Schwannoma cells by
coronaviruses or measles virus. American Society for Virology Meeting, July 1983, Ea
st Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A.
Del Maestro, R.F., McDonald, W. and Anderson, R. Superoxide dismutases,
catalase and glutathione peroxidase in experimental and human brain tumors. 3rd
International Conference on superoxide and superoxide dismutase, 1983.
Mizzen, L. and Anderson, R. Role of the plasma membrane in determining host
permissiveness to mouse hepatitis virus infection. 13th International Congress of
Biochemistry, Amsterdam, August 1985.
Anderson, R. and Hansen, K. Structure of a novel phosphoglycolipid from
Deinococcus radiodurans. 13th International Congress of Biochemistry, Amsterdam,
August 1985.
Macintyre, G., Hilton, A., Mizzen, L. and Anderson, R. Inhibition of host protein
synthesis in mouse hepatitis virus infection. 3rd International Coronavirus Symposium,
Asilomar, California, September 1986.
Mizzen, L., Daya, M. and Anderson, R. The role of protease-dependent
membrane fusion in determining the severity of mouse hepatitis virus infection. 3rd
International Coronavirus Symposium, Asilomar, California, September 1986.
Anderson, R., Mizzen, L., Macintyre, G. Wong, F. Translational control in mouse
hepatitis virus infection - evidence against a role for altered sodium ion concentrations.
4th Federation of Asian and Oceanic Biochemists Congress, Singapore, December
Kooi, C., Alderson, C., Daya, M. and Anderson, R. Uptake of mouse hepatitis
virus by cells of varying permissiveness. Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Virology, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, May 1987.
Daya, M., Cervin, M. and Anderson, R. Cholesterol-modulated expression of
mouse hepatitis virus-induced cell fusion. Conference on Regulation of Viral Gene
Expression, Washington, D.C., November 1987.
Kooi, C., Daya, M., Alderson, C. and Anderson, R. Cellular permissiveness to
murine hepatitis virus infection. 7th International Congress of Virology, Edmonton,
Alberta, August 1987.
Macintyre, G., Mizzen, L., Wong, F. and Anderson, R. The effect of altered
sodium ion concentrations on translational regulation during mouse hepatitis virus
infection. 7th International Congress of Virology, Edmonton, Alberta, August 1987.
Daya, M., Padda, J., Kooi, C. and Anderson, R. Inhibition of mouse hepatitis
virus infection by cyclosporine A. 1st Asia-Pacific Congress of Medical Virology,
Singapore, November 1988.
Anderson, R. Molecular considerations for the laboratory diagnosis of Japanese
Encephalitis virus. SEAMEO-TROPMED Technical Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, June,
Anderson, R., Kooi, C. and Cervin, M. A cell surface fusion-dependent
mechanism for mouse hepatitis virus entry. American Society for Virology 8th Annual
Meeting, London, Ontario, July, 9-13, 1989.
Anderson, R., Wong, F., Cervin, M., Daya, M. and Evans, G. Mouse fibroblast
mutants selected for survival against mouse hepatitis virus infection show increased
resistance to infection and virus-induced cell fusion. 4th International Symposium on Co
ronaviruses, Cambridge, England, July 16-21, 1989.
Macintyre, G., Kooi, C., Wong, F. and Anderson, R. Virus-cell membrane
interactions in an in vitro model for MHV persistence. 4th International Symposium on
Coronaviruses, Cambridge, England, July 16-21, 1989.
Huang, Y. and Anderson, R. Structural aspects of novel phosphoglycolipids from
Deinococcus radiodurans. International Glycobiology Symposium, Bethesda, Maryland,
U.S.A., April 29 - May 1, 1990.
Macintyre, G., Wong, F., Curry, B. and Anderson, R. Inhibition of mouse
hepatitis virus infection by hygromycin B. 8th International Congress of Virology,
Berlin, West Germany, August 26-31, 1990.
Daniel, C., Anderson, R., Buchmeier, M.J., Fleming, J.O., Spaan, W.J.M., Wege,
H. and Talbot, P.J. Identification of an immunodominant neutralization domain on the
murine coronavirus spike glycoprotein. ASV Meeting, Fort Collins, Colorado, U.S.A.,
July 7-11, 1991.
Anderson, R. and Wong, F. Involvement of lipids in membrane binding of MHV
nucleocapsid protein. 5th Coronavirus Symposium, Chantilly, France, September 13-18,
Osiowy, C., Horne, D. and Anderson, R. Enhancing antibodies in young infants
infected with Respiratory Syncytial Virus. 12th Annual Meeting of the American Society
for Virology, Davis, California, July 10-14, 1993
Anderson, R., Wang, S., Osiowy, C. and Issekutz, A. Dengue virus infection of
blood monocytes triggers activation of endothelial cells. 16th Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Virology, Bozeman, Montana, July 19-23, 1997
King, C.A., Marshall, J., Alshurafa, H. and Anderson, R. Dengue 2 virus infection
of human basophils/mast cells. 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Virology, Amherst, Massachusetts, July 10-14, 1999.
Mader, D., Wang, C., Huang, Y., Fraser, R., Stadnyk, A.W., Issekutz, A.C. and
Anderson, R. Protection against RSV infection with an intranasal, liposome-encapsulated
vaccine. 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology, Amherst,
Massachusetts, July 10-14, 1999.
King, C.A., Marshall, J.S. and Anderson, R. Selective production of RANTES
and IL-1 in dengue virus infected human basophils/mast cells. 19th Annual Meeting of
the American Society for Virology, Fort Collins, Colorado, July 8-12, 2000.
King, C.A., Anderson, R. and Marshall, J.S. Human mast cells produce
RANTES, MIP-1 and MIP-1 in response to dengue virus infection. Experimental
Biology 2001 Meeting, Orlando, Florida, March 31-April 4, 2001.
King, C.A., Sherren, C., Marshall, J.S., and Anderson, R. FcRII-dependent dengue
virus infection of human mast cells selectively induces T cell chemoattractants. 50th annual
meeting - American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Atlanta, Georgia, Nov. 1115, 2001
Anderson, R., Chang, C., and Huang, Y. Vascular endothelial cell activation by
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection of pulmonary epithelium. 12th Meeting of the
International Congress of Virology, Paris, France, July 27-Aug 1, 2002
Anderson, R. Identification of crucial amino acids in a recombinant G protein vaccine
required for protective immunity against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Viral Vaccines
2003 Conference, Edinburgh, UK, July 14-16, 2003.
Huang, Y. and Anderson, R. Mutational analysis of a recombinant G protein vaccine
for respiratory syncytial virus. Meeting of the American Society for Virology, Montreal,
Canada July 7-11, 2004.
Brown, M., King, C., Sherren, C., Marshall, J. and R. Anderson, R. Requirement of
FcRII in antibody-enhanced dengue virus infection of mast cells. Meeting of the American
Society for Virology, Montreal, Canada July 7-11, 2004.
Benoit, A., Huang, Y. and Anderson, R. Liposome-based vaccine against respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV): protective efficacy in BALB/c mice and differential reduction of
inflammatory cells by lipid adjuvants. Meeting of the American Society for Virology,
Montreal, Canada, July 7-11, 2004.
Brown, M.G., King, C.A., Huang, Y.Y., Marshall, J.S. and Anderson R.
Antibody-dependent dengue virus-induced apoptosis of a human basophil/mast cell line.
Meeting of the American Society for Virology, Pennsylvania State University, June 1822, 2005.
Burke, SM, Brown, MG, Zinn, S, Anderson, R, Issekutz, TB, Marshall, JS. (2006)
Virus associated stimuli induce CXCR3 ligand production by human mast cells. Oral
Presentation. American Association of Immunology Annual Conference (Boston, MA).
Graduated MSc and Ph.D. theses
Stephen Cheley, PhD - 1984
"MHV replication - a molecular study"
Lee Mizzen, PhD - 1986
"Host cell mediation of MHV persistence"
Anne Hilton, MSc - 1986
"Translational control in MHV infection"
Maleki Daya, PhD - 1989
"MHV Infections and the Host Cell Membrane"
Marguerite Cervin, PhD - 1990
"MHV - Lipid Interaction"
Cora Kooi, PhD - 1990
"Early Events of MHV Infection"
Georgina Macintyre, PhD - 1990
"Translational Regulation by MHV Infection"
Yan Huang, PhD - 1996
"Membrane lipids and recA of Deinococcus radiodurans"
Carla Osiowy, PhD - 1996
"Cellular and antibody interactions with respiratory syncytial virus"
Runtao He, PhD - 1997
"Characterization of dengue virus envelope protein"
Cheng Wang, MSc - 1998
"Cloning and expression of a respiratory syncytial virus G protein fragment and
investigation of its vaccine potential"
David Mader, MSc – 2000
“Vacine potential of prokaryotically expressed fragments of the respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV) F and G proteins”
Christine King, PhD - 2002
"Antibody-enhanced dengue virus infection of mast cells"
Anita Benoit, MSc - 2004
"Liposomal RSV vaccine: roles of lipid adjuvants and alveolar macrophages"
Michael Brown, PhD (expected 2008)
"Apoptosis in dengue virus pathogenesis"
PERSONNEL (last 10 years)
Present Position
Yan Huang
1988 - 1995
Postdoctoral Fellow
Dalhousie University
Carla Osiowy
1991 - 1995
Health Canada
Runtao He
1992 - 1997
Health Canada
Cheng Wang
1995 - 1998
Dalhousie University
David Mader
Dalhousie University
Christine King
Cambridge University
Anita Benoit
PhD student,
University of Ottawa
Chenghsien Chang
Associate Prof
Kaohsiung Medical
University, Taiwan
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