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Vision – The future belongs to
the Intelligent Enterprise.
Mission – Sirma enables the transition of
In our software, we incorporate a feel
for human thought:
We navigate companies throughout the intelligent
enterprise transformation and use cognitive
technologies for:
our clients towards the Intelligent Enterprises
of the 21s Century through cognitive business
technology solutions that give them
a competitive edge.
Retrieve and manage information
Intelligently and flexibly govern business processes
Bolster decision making
Sirma Cognitive Business Solutions
Challenges that organizations have to address:
Unprecedented speed of technological, business
and society transformations
A huge number of competitors
How to undertake this transition:
Sirma’s approach
3 SHIFTS (Data, Process, Engagement)
2 key PLAYERS (AI and Human Intellect)
in the process of organizational transformation.
Complete interaction between the both - AI and Human Intellects in all stages of organizational transition toward
the intelligent enterprise:
Utilize data available in different information silos
Improve overall business processes in the organization, fast and accurate decision making
Increase engagement toward organizational activities and operations
Sirma delivers products and solutions which benefit organizations, helping them to:
Process a huge amount of data and analytical information in order to retrieve valuable operational information from disparate sources
Configure flexible processes, intelligent document management, and collaborative environments
Make strategic, AI assisted decisions
The foundation Sirma Cloud
Products, solutions & services
Sirma develops an ecosystem of cognitive technologies,
functional modules, knowledge models and vertical business
solutions and products, called the Sirma Cloud. In the kernel
of Sirma Cloud we build Sirma Cognitive Platform, based on
cognitive technologies that enable modelling of complex
information systems, processes and collaboration:
Make critical business decisions based on semantic
data analyses
Process automation
Key platforms and systems are
migrating to the cloud
Chat bot
Chronic disease platform
Multifunctional and
omnichannel platforms
Personal health terminal
MarketVidia - end-to-end,
in-store marketing platform
CAD/CAM – Package &
Display Designer Suite
LOYAX - loyalty management
Scan & Fit Measure,
Alex Tool Matching
Mobile OCR
Text Analytics
Sirma Platform
Dynamic Semantic
Publishing Platform
Cyber Security
Creating vertical cognitive business solutions based
on modelling, not coding
Speeding up the process
Sirma Enterprise Platform
Bank cards & transactions as a
service – SCARDS&LOYAX
Data Centre & Cloud
Predictive analytics
Back office processes
Understanding of customers,
sales forecasts and predict
customer behavior
Customer satisfaction and
engagement via multiple
communication channels –
mobile, social, in-product
messaging, interactive
content, etc.
Diabetes: M – diabetes
management app
Personalized services
Anti-Money Laundering
Fraud detection
Risk assessments
Comprehensive health
monitoring and management
of diabetes condition
Health records data
management, optimizing
patient routes or treatment
Collect, assess and share
patient information - personal
EHR in the cloud
Face Detection &
CAD software for design of
packages and POS displays
Demographic data
Industrial visual measurements
and engineering analyses
Footfall and sales funnel
Quality management
Textual analyses of
unstructured data
Insert linked semantic tags
Retrieve, link, structure, and
enrich information for objects
and concepts, from disparate
Automated data collection
Create quality content
Overall loyalty management
Check content reliability
Process a huge amount of
data, retrieve and structure
valuable operating information.
Work with open and linked data
Flexible business processes,
intelligent documents,
innovative collaborative
environment – e.g. Financial
Management, HR, Marketing
& Sales, Product Development
Personalize content
Complete range of
Enhanced user experience
Intelligent search,
recommendations and
content enrichment
Core Cyber Security for
software applications.
Omnichannel communication
Provide more flexible and
exciting reading experience
Increase customer satisfaction
and brand engagement
Security – national, borders,
commercial applications
Text recognition of captured
images from smartphone
Identify fake news, rank by
popularity, make factsheets
Information Security
Sirma Platform Structure:
1. Cognitive Core – this is the very heart of our cloud ecosystem
and includes core cognitive technologies as computer vision, text
analytics, GraphDB, semantic database, cognitive MDM, inference
engines, data mining, pattern matching and other AI services. Their
interactions serve the next layers, providing cognitive functionality
and algorithms.
2. Functional Modules - the next layer comprises functional models.
Here are located components which allow modelling of flexible and
adaptive business processes, intelligent documents - content
creation and management, collaboration, applications and data
integration. The modules in this layer enable us to quickly create
smart business applications in different domains. Hence, the ability
to use cognitive technology from the kernel, empowers Sirma to
design such "smart" solutions that are crucial factors to
"The Intelligent Enterprise" transition.
Intelligent cooperation in
the cultural heritage space
Create vertical business
solutions based on ontologies
Intelligent transformation of
each type of organization corporate, public, state,
non-governmental,cultural, etc.
3. Knowledge Models - we create vertical business solutions utilizing
knowledge models. They consist domain ontologies, knowledge bases,
processes, policies, interaction, data mapping, system models and
modelling tools.
Common problems
and challenges we solve:
The products we create for each industrial vertical and sub vertical,
are different, as well as the specific goals, however, the set of technologies
we utilize, enable business to resolve common problems and challenges:
Handling exponential data growth
Allowing adaptive business processes
Breaking down silos – we provide holistic 3600 access to data from
a variety of data sources (internal & external) and turn it into valuable
information, relationships and patterns
Extracting valuable information from hidden data – our cognitive
algorithms mine information from sources like video, images, IoT data
Modelling of powerful business applications without writing new code.
We use the language and knowledge of the business experts to define
the behavior of information systems and deliver business value gradually
in an agile manner
Embracing complexity – adequately representing interrelations and knowledge
structures; utilizing machine learning and intelligence to proactively enhance
human capabilities
Enabling meaningful collaboration for the synergy of group intelligence.
Challenges we tackle while embrace cognitive technologies across enterprises are powerful driving forces
for business transformation toward The Intelligent Enterprise.Our AI based products and solutions help
companies gain considerable benefits and competitive advantages, not replacing people, on the
contrary – make their work more efficient, and their decisions more accurate.
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