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BIOS 2310 Review Part 1
___1. Which nitrogen base occurs in RNA but not in DNA
a. deoxyribose b. ribose c. cytosine d. uracil e. thymine
___2. A nitrogen base that occurs in DNA in equal quantities with guanine.
a. deoxyribose b. ribose c. cytosine d. uracil e. thymine
___3. Which process would include a net movement of sugar molecules through a
membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration?
a. osmosis b. diffusion c. active transport
d. passive transport
___4. The diffusion of water molecules into and out of cells is called
a. endocytosis
b. pinocytosis
c. osmosis
d. homeostasis
___5. A red blood cell placed in distilled water will swell and burst due to the diffusion of
salt from the red blood cell into the water
water into the red blood cell
water from the blood cell into its environment
salts from the water into the red blood cell
___6. What type of solution were the blood cells placed in for #5.
a. hypotonic
b. isotonic
c. hypertonic
___7. Humans make energy available for cell activity by transferring the potential
energy of glucose to ATP. This process occurs during
a. aerobic respiration only
b. anaerobic fermentation only
c. both aerobic respiration and anaerobic fermentation
d. neither aerobic respiration nor anaerobic fermentation
___8. Which of the following processes releases the greatest amount of energy?
the oxidation of one glucose molecule to lactic acid molecules
the oxidation of one glucose molecule to carbon dioxide and water molecules
the conversion of two monosaccharide molecules to a lactose molecule
the conversion of several glucose molecules to glycogen
___9. In animal cells, the energy to convert ADP to ATP comes directly from
a. hormones
b. sunlight
c. organic molecules
Assignment continues on the back of the page.
d. inorganic molecules
___10. Vigorous activity of human voluntary muscle tissues may result in the production
of lactic acid. Insufficient amount of which gas would result in the buildup of lactic acid in
muscle cells?
a. carbon dioxide b. nitrogen
c. oxygen
d. hydrogen
___11. Anaerobic fermentation of glucose is a less efficient energy-releasing system
than aerobic respiration of glucose. One of the reasons for this is that in anaerobic
a. lactic acid contains much unreleased potential energy
b. water contains much released potential energy
c. oxygen serves as the final hydrogen acceptor
d. oxygen is high in stored energy
___12. The sequence of bases in a DNA molecule directly specifies
a. the sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule.
b. the sequence of fatty acids in a lipid molecule.
c. the sequence of sugars in a carbohydrate molecule.
d. the color of an organism's eyes.
___13. Carbon dioxide is released during
a. glycolysis
b. Kreb’s cycle c. electron transport
___14. Which of the following is NOT a component of a nucleotide?
a. phosphate
b. lipid
c. sugar
d. nitrogen base
___15. The purpose of the DNA master plan is to produce
a. glucose b. lipids
c. proteins d. starch
___16. For protein synthesis, the DNA message must first be transcribed. What
molecule does this?
a. transfer RNA
b. ribosome RNA c. messenger RNA d. amino acid
___17. In cellular respiration, the energy from sugar molecules is transferred to
a. messenger RNA
b. ATP
c. carbon dioxide d. oxygen
___18. How many nucleotides specify one amino acid?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. several hundred
___19. What tRNA anticodons correspond to the mRNA nucleotide sequence
___20. What DNA sequence codes for the tRNA anticodon CAU?
a. GUA
b. CAT
c. GTA
d. UAC
___21. ________are organic molecules that have the function of starting and
regulating chemical reactions.
a. enzymes
b. lipids
c. carbohydrates
d. cofactors
___22. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Each DNA molecule is a single gene.
b. Each DNA molecule is in the shape of a double-stranded helix.
c. mRNA molecules are in the shape of a double helix.