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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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CIS 405: Business Analytics
Winter Quarter 2015
Professor: Dr. Christie Fuller
Email: [email protected]
Office hours: My office is 205 in the College of Business
8:30-11:30, 1-2
9:00-11:30, 1-2
Phone: (318) 257-4011
Course Description: Fundamentals of Business Analytics will be examined. Topics will include problem
definition, data preparation, and the use of analytic techniques to solve business problems.
Prerequisite: QA 233
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course students will:
Understand the importance of business analytics in today's business environment
Be able to identify sources of data for analysis
Understand the fundamentals of preparing data for analysis, such as data scrubbing, consolidation and
Learn the most common types of business analytics algorithms, such as classification, estimation and
clustering, and understand where each is applicable
Learn to use appropriate software packages
Complete basic exercises in business analytics utilizing real-world data
Required Text: Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Relationship
Management (3rd Edition) by Gordon S. Linoff and Michael J. A. Berry. ISBN: 0470650931
Required materials: A flash drive will be required for submission of your final team project.
Required software: IBM Modeler will be used for this class. It will be available in room 104, via remote
desktop connection and in the Cyber Forensics Lab (COBB 104A). You will be issued a key fob for access to
the Cyber Forensics Lab. Access to the Cyber Forensics Lab is a privilege. Only CIS 405 students will have
access to this lab. You may not give access to friends and other students. Inappropriate behavior in the lab
will result in revocation of your access privileges. Details for fob checkout and remote access to the software
will be provided in class and on Moodle.
Individual Assignments:
There will be three to four homework assignments related to the course content, in addition to the group
project. Assignments will be posted on Moodle. All assignments must be turned in by the date and time
specified by your instructor. Assignments are typically due at the beginning of the class period. If you are
late to class, your work may not be accepted. Late work will receive a score of zero. Exceptions to this policy
are rare and will be made only under extreme and unusual circumstances. If such an exception is made,
related documentation must be submitted to the instructor within 7 calendar days of the original due date or
by the last day of the quarter, whichever is sooner. All homework assignments (aside from the group project)
are individual assignments. While you may ask me or your classmates questions, the work submitted should
be your own. I recommend that you retain any returned assignments.
Group Project: In addition to individual assignments, there will be a group project and presentation in this
course. Details will be posted on Moodle and discussed in class. Teams will be assigned by your professor.
There will be a peer review component to the group project grade, which may increase or decrease the points
an individual student receives for the group project. Failure to submit required peer review forms by the
deadline specified by your instructor will result in a subtraction of 10% (8 points) of an individual's grade for
the term project. The amount by which peer reviews may increase an individual student's grade for the term
project is 10%. There is no limit as to how much the peer reviews may decrease an individual student's grade
for the project. The instructor reserves the right to disregard anomalous ratings.
Exams:We will have 2 exams. If you must miss a test for any reason, you must let me know ahead of time,
except in the case of an emergency. If you miss the test for an unexpected reason, you must contact me as
soon as you can after the test date. If you have an unexcused absence on a test day, you will get a zero on
that test. If you have an excused absence for a test day, you will be allowed to take a comprehensive make
up test at the end of the quarter. All students eligible to take the makeup exam must take the makeup exam
by 5pm on Friday, February 27. You may be required to document the reason for your absence in order to
have the absence excused and to be eligible for the makeup exam. Test dates will be announced in class.
Documentation must be submitted to the instructor within 7 calendar days of the absence or the last day of
classes, whichever comes sooner. If you have an excused absence for more than one exam, you will be
required to take a separate comprehensive makeup exam for each excused exam absence. You do not need to
bring a scantron form for exams.
Term Project and Presentation 80
The grade scale for this class will be as follows:
A = 90-100% 360.00 points and above
B = 80-89%
320.00-359.99 points
C = 70-79%
280.00-319.99 points
D = 60-69%
240.00-279.99 points
F = Below 60% Below 240 points
I accordance with university policy, attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class period. Anyone
not present at that time will be marked absent. Do not disrupt class by asking to be marked present, if you
were not in present at the beginning of class.
Participation and Professionalism
As business students, it is important that you be able to conduct yourself in a professional and courteous
manner. Please refer to the College of Business Student Responsibilities for details on appropriate classroom
decorum. Additionally, no laptops, tablets, cell phones, smart phones, pdas or other electronic devices will be
allowed in class. There may be certain times where your instructor allows access to electronic devices to
facilitate a classroom exercise. Only at these specified times will electronic devices be allowed. These
devices must otherwise be turned off and put away. If an electronic device is visible during an exam, it will
be presumed that you are cheating on the exam and you will receive a zero for the exam. You may have an
opportunity to review the exam in class. If an electronic device is visible during an exam review period, it
will be presumed that you are engaged in academic dishonesty and you will receive a zero for the exam. The
professor will provide a place for you to store any electronic devices during the exam and exam review if you
do not have a suitable place to put the device so that is not visible. Further, the lab computers may only be
used at times specified during your instructor.
Tentative Course Outline
Chapter or Date
What is Data Mining and Why Do It?
Chapter 1
Data Mining Applications in Marketing and Customer Relationship
Chapter 2
The Data Mining Process
Chapter 3
Statistics 101: What You Should Know About Data
Chapter 4
Descriptions and Prediction: Profiling and Predictive Modeling
Chapter 5
Chapters 6,7,8
Test 1
January 12 or 14
Chapters 6,7,8
Survival Analysis
Chapter 10
Automatic Cluster Detection
Chapter 13
Market Basket Analysis and Association Rules
Chapter 15
Customer Signatures (Replacing Missing Data)
Chapter 18
Derived Variables
Chapter 19
Text Mining
Chapter 21
Test 2
February 9
Term Project due
February 26
Term Project Presentations
March 2
Please note: For many chapters listed, we will cover only a portion of the text.
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to read, understand, and adhere to the Louisiana Tech Academic Honor Code.
Violations of the honor code will be reported. In accordance with the Academic Honor Code, students pledge
the following: Being a student of higher standards, I pledge to embody the principles of academic integrity.
Students with disabilities
Qualified students needing testing or classroom accommodations based on a disability are encouraged to
make their requests to me at the beginning of the quarter either during office hours or by appointment. Note:
Prior to receiving disability accommodations, verification of eligibility from the Testing and Disability
Services Office is needed. Disability information is confidential. Information for Testing and Disability
Services may be obtained in Wyly Tower 318 or
Disaster preparedness
In the event that a disaster or other emergency results in campus closure, this course will continue via
moodle. You will be required to login to for further instructions. You may also refer
to or for updates. All Louisiana Tech students are strongly
encouraged to enroll and update their contact information in the Emergency Notification System. It takes just
a few seconds to ensure you’re able to receive important text and voice alerts in the event of a campus
emergency. For more information on the Emergency Notification System, please visit
The instructor reserves the right, when necessary, to modify the syllabus: alter the grading policy, change
examination dates, and modify the course content. The instructor also reserves the right to assign seats.
Modifications will be announced and discussed in class. Students are responsible for those changes.