Download Minutes 26.02.2014 - Moorfield House Surgery

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Moorfield House Surgery
Patient Reference Group (PRG)
Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 26 February 2014
Elaine Wood
Margaret McDonald
Joan Prewer
Barrie Colman
Ann Roberts
Carol Garforth
David Walker
Janet Field (Senior Receptionist)
Kevin Wood
Robert McDonald
Frances Ingram
Geoff Bowes
Rob Atkinson
Sally Hall (Lead Nurse)
Rosalind Walker
Gill Donaldson (Practice Manager)
Apologies: Judith Parsons (Chair)
Dr Jonathan Taylor
Gill Donaldson chaired the meeting as the Chair was on holiday and Dr Taylor
had an emergency home visit at 6pm and it was very unlikely that he would get
back to attend.
Minutes & action from last meeting minutes
The action point regarding DNA’s was an item on this meeting’s agenda. All
other outstanding action points had been dealt with.
Patient Survey Results & Action Plan
A copy of the patient survey results was distributed and members of the group
were given an opportunity to read through them.
The meeting agreed that the results were once again very good, with the majority
of responses for all questions were either very good or excellent.
On the Survey there was an opportunity for patients to give their feedback or
suggestions on how we could improve the practice and services and feedback or
suggestions on how the clinicians good improve.
The comments made by patients in both categories were discussed in general.
Where there had been negative comments with regards to the clinical team,
these had been discussed with them. The majority of comments were very
positive and some patients had stated that they felt that no change was required.
Action Plan
The following suggestions were extrapolated from the survey, which was felt
could contribute towards an action plan of improvements. These were discussed
in detail.
Drinks Machine – following discussion, it was agreed that this was not
feasible. We had had a cold water drinks dispenser in both waiting rooms,
but this caused heath and safety problems, as children played with the
dispensers and the floor and chairs were wet. If any patient required a drink
of water, this could be requested at the reception desk.
 Saturday Morning Openings and later evening surgery hours– at present
there are no plans to open on a Saturday morning or to extend our current
opening hours. We currently open on a Monday morning at 7.30am. We had
opened in the past on a Saturday morning, at the expense of closing one
afternoon per week. The practice had offered an emergency clinic on the
Saturday between Christmas and New Year. We were open for 3 hours and
only 4 patients were seen in that period.
 More Appointments through the day – we have change the structure of our
appointment system as agreed with the PRG previously. GPs need time to
do all the administrative tasks including referrals, reading hospital letters,
reviewing blood and other test results, as well as home visiting, and if we
were to increase the number of appointments offered, this would impact on
their administration time.
 Send text message reminder for blood tests – unfortunately, our clinical
system doesn’t allow us to send out reminders via text. However, we agreed
that we would look at how we could do this and report back to the next
 Online booking services – we currently offer an online booking service. It
was agreed to undertake an advertising campaign to more widely advertise
this service. At present, we use two different websites for online appointment
bookings and prescriptions, and it was agreed that we would look to see if we
could streamline this so that we only use our website. To report back
progress at the next meeting.
 Concerns about noise coming from GP rooms in the waiting area
upstairs. This has been raised before, and we have looked taken measures
to eliminate this. Problem identified that the TV volume is not loud enough;
however, some patients complain that the volume is too loud. It was agreed
to get an independent soundproofing consultant to give us advice on what we
can do to improve the situation. It was also agreed to put a notice in the
upstairs waiting room asking patients to report to staff if they can overhear
consultations – we would then increase the volume on the TV. It was
identified that it is only people who have deep resonating voices, or patients
who may have hearing problems who talk loudly. To report back progress at
the next meeting.
 The waiting room could be a little more cheerful. Discussion took place
with regard to this. The posters that are put in the waiting areas should be
informative on health issues and that notices are in relation to practice issues
i.e. how to ask for a Chaperone. Unfortunately there is little we can do to
make the waiting rooms more cheerful.
GD reported back on the last 4 months DNA figures; now that we are informing
patients of the numbers. These are put on the GP and nurse doors on a monthly
basis. The figures on average remain the same, with slight fluctuations month on
month. Discussion took place about texting appointment reminders to patients,
which our clinical system allows us to do without no additional work input from
the staff. However, in order to be able to do this, we need to obtain explicit
permission from patients.
It was agreed from April to provide forms for patients to complete giving us their
permission to use their mobile no’s to remind them of booked appointments.
It was also agreed to continue to inform patients on a monthly basis the number
of missed appointments.
Post Meeting Note
We will also inform patients the number of missed appointments using the right
side of prescriptions.
Care Quality Commission
GD updated the meeting on the CQC and the inspection visit. It was agreed that
when we knew of when our inspection visit was taking place, GD would inform all
members of the PRG so that, if they wanted to, they could come in on the day
and speak to the CQC Inspectors.
Any Other Business
 – a member of the group raised this and how patients could
opt out if desired. GD informed the meeting about this, how information had
been in the waiting rooms since last year and that information and opt out
forms are available on our website. GD informed the group that if patients
rang or spoke to reception face to face and they wished to opt out then the
Receptionists would put the relevant codes on their records and make a note
whether it was a telephone or face to face conversation regarding this. If we
received a written request i.e. letter or the appropriate opt out form available,
then this would be scanned onto the patients records as well as the codes. If
patients wanted to opt back in then they just had to inform the practice.
Date & Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be in September 2014 – date and time to be confirmed to
members in August 2014.