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Guided Notes Section 18.3: The Solar System (Planets/Formation of Solar System)
1. The 4 inner planets are:
a. _______________
b. _______________
c. _______________
d. _______________
i. All are relatively small and have __________, __________ surfaces.
2. Mercury has extreme _________________.
a. Mercury is pocket with ___________, just like our __________.
b. Mercury is so close to the __________ that its surface has temperatures of over
397˚C, which is hot enough _________________________________________.
c. On the __________ side of the planet, the temperature drops to an extremely
cold -170˚C.
d. Mercury would be a very unlikely place to find __________ because:
i. very extreme _________________
ii. hardly any ___________________
iii. no __________
3. Venus’s thick ____________ cause a greenhouse effect
a. Venus has a very thick atmosphere made of mostly __________ dioxide that traps
__________ and keeps the surface temperature about 400˚C.
b. The surface of __________ has mountains and __________.
c. Venus is about the same size as __________.
d. Venus would be a very unlikely place to find _________ because:
i. sulfuric _________ in the atmosphere is corrosive
ii. high atmospheric ____________ (90X that of Earth!)
iii. Extremely high _________________
4. Earth has ideal conditions for _____________ creatures
a. Earth is the _________ planet with large amounts of liquid _________ on its
b. Earth’s atmosphere contains __________, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide
c. Temperatures are moderate and ____________ around the whole ___________.
5. Many missions have been sent to ___________.
a. The Martian _____________ Olympus Mons is the _______________ mountain
in the solar system. It is almost ________ the height of Mt. Everest!
b. Mars has polar _____________ that contain at least some ________. Features
suggest that ____________ used to flow across the surface as a ___________.
c. Mars has an _______________________, but it is mostly carbon dioxide and
much ____________ thinner than Earth’s.
6. The _______________ belt divides the _____________ and ___________ planets.
a. Asteroid: a small, ____________ object that ____________ the sun, usually in
a band between the orbits of Mars and _____________.
b. ______________ range in diameter from 3 km to 700 km.
c. Is it likely that an asteroid will hit the Earth directly? ___________________
7. The outer planets are:
a. _________________
b. _________________
c. _________________
d. _________________
e. _________________
i. All (except Pluto) are much ______________ than inner planets and have
thick, ______________ atmospheres.
ii. For this reason, they are called the “_______ _____________”.
iii. Why can’t spacecraft land on the outer planets?
8. Jupiter is the __________________ planet in the solar system.
a. Jupiter is big enough to hold ___________ Earths!
b. Jupiter’s atmosphere shows swirling clouds of hydrogen, ____________, methane,
and ammonia, and banded structures that appear to be __________
____________ and huge ___________.
c. The Great Red Spot is a huge ______________ about _________ the diameter
of Earth that has existed for hundreds of years.
9. All of the gaseous outer planets have __________ and _____________.
a. Galileo was the first to use a _______________ to look at the planets and he
found 4 ____________ orbiting _____________.
b. These were the first __________ to be seen orbiting a planet other than
c. Satellite: any object, either ___________ or _______________, that orbits a
10. Saturn has a spectacular system of ____________.
a. Saturn’s rings are narrow bands of tiny particles of dust, _________, and _____.
b. Competing gravitational forces from ____________ and its many _______ hold
the particles in place around the ____________.
c. Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune also have _________, but they are much
_____________ and harder to detect than Saturn’s rings.
11. Uranus and Neptune are _________ giants.
a. Uranus and Neptune are similar to each other in ___________ and _________.
b. Both are _____________ than Saturn and Jupiter, but are _________ enough to
hold very thick, gaseous atmospheres.
c. Their upper atmospheres contain _____________, which gives both planets a
____________ color.
d. Uranus has _______ known moons, and Neptune has _________.
e. Both planets have faint ___________.
12. ____________ is an oddball planet.
a. In 2006, Pluto was downgraded to a “___________ planet”.
b. Pluto’s moon, ____________, has a diameter almost ___________ as large as
Pluto itself.
c. Pluto has a __________, gaseous atmosphere and a solid, _________ surface.
d. Pluto’s orbit is at an ____________ to the rest of the solar system and some
scientists believe that Pluto was captured by the gravity of the sun some time
________ the formation of the rest of the __________ _____________.
Formation of the Solar System
13. The age of the solar system is around _________ billion years.
a. The most widely accepted model of the formation of the solar system is the
_____________ model.
b. Nebular model: a model that describes the ________ and the solar system
forming together out of a cloud of _________ and _________.
14. The solar system may have formed from a rotating _________.
a. According to the ______________ _________, the sun formed from a cloud of
dust and gas that collapsed due to _____________.
b. As it collapsed, it formed a flat, rotating ___________.
c. The ________ was formed in the _________, and the ____________ formed
from the material farther out .
d. This explains why all of the planets lie in one _________ and also why the planets
orbit in the same _______________ that the _______ rotates.
15. The planets formed by accretion: the process by which _________ particles collide and
_________ together to form large masses.
a. Radiation from the _______ exerted _________ on the rest of the gas and dust
in the disk.
b. The _____________ material was pushed farther away and combined to form the
outer ________ ___________.
c. The heavier, ______________ material were left behind and formed the solid,
___________ planets.