Download Omomayowa Olawoyin Title: Analysis of the Cognitive Level of

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Wednesday, September 17, 11­12 in PKH 487
Speaker: Omomayowa Olawoyin
Title: Analysis of the Cognitive Level of Student Discourse Elicited by Teacher Responses to Pivotal Teaching Moments
Abstract: The study of pivotal teaching moments (PTMs) is taking primary focus in the realm of mathematics education research. PTMs are described as critical instances within a lesson that are initiated by student interruptions and provide an avenue for teachers to modify instruction in a way that will affect students’ understanding (Stockero & Von Zoest, 2013). How a teacher chooses to respond to these moments may influence the cognitive level(s) of student discussion in the classroom. While many researchers have focused on identifying specific PTMs and teacher responses to PTMs, very little is known about how these responses impact discourse.
This study examines a three –level relationship between PTM types, how teachers respond to them, and the resulting student discourse. We focused on five types of PTMs and teacher responses in a set of third and fourth grade mathematics lessons and categorized student discourse using a classroom observation protocol. After conducting a one­way ANOVA and Tukey­Kramer test on the data collected, it was found that teachers who pursued student thinking received a higher level of student discourse than teachers who ignored/dismissed PTMs, simply acknowledged them, or emphasized mathematics. Results of this study may prove helpful for identifying concrete ways that educators can increase the cognitive level of student discourse within their classrooms.