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Biology 20 – Energy and Matter
Exchange in the Biosphere Review
Are the components of the biosphere?
Kind of consumer is a herbivore? A carnivore? An omnivore?
Is the typical shape of an ecological pyramid?
Is eutrophication?
Is a trophic level?
Is detritus? What kind of organism consumes it?
Is biological amplification/magnification/bioaccumulation?
Are the main reservoirs for carbon in the biosphere?
Are the steps in the phosphorous cycle?
Are the steps in the nitrogen cycle?
Is a carbon sink? An example?
Are the connections between the 4 biogeochemical cycles?
Trophic level has the most biomass (normally)?
Biogeochemical cycle is implicated with global warming? With acid rain? With algal bloom?
Compounds are made of carbon? Of nitrogen? Of phosphorous?
Can energy be transferred from one place to another?
Much energy is passed on from one trophic level to another?
Does an increase in a tertiary consumer affect the other members of its food chain?
Do organisms lose and replace their water in humid conditions? In dry conditions?
Can humans interfere with the phosphorous cycle?
Do the 2 laws of thermodynamics apply to energy and matter transfers in the biosphere?
Is incoming solar energy reflected/absorbed? What could change these numbers?
Do humans interfere with biogeochemical cycles? What are the side effects?
o Acid rain, global warming/greenhouse, deforestation, heavy metals, urban sprawl,
Is energy lost during each successive energy transfer?
Is there more energy at the bottom of an ecological pyramid than at the top?
Is water so important to living organisms?
Would eating a producer directly provide more energy than eating a herbivore?
Is the albedo higher/lower on Earth?
Does nitrogen fixation occur? What kind causes this to happen?
Is phosphorous stored in the biosphere?
Does water go as it travels through the hydrological cycle?
Differentiate between…
Photosynthesis and chemosynthesis
Autotroph and heterotroph
Primary/secondary/tertiary consumers, producers, decomposers, detrivores
The productivity of rainforests and deserts/ deep sea and tidal zones
Would a pyramid of biomass be inverted?
Would a pyramid of numbers be inverted?
Does algal bloom occur? What are the effects?