Download SCHEDULE 1B Specification for the Supply and

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Dorset Procurement
Supply & Delivery of Food Products
Schedule 1B
Specification for the Supply and Delivery of Dry and Ambient Foods.
1. Dorset County Council is seeking a supplier to supply & deliver Dry and ambient
foods Monday – Friday including Public Holidays (with the exception of Christmas
Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day to sites within Dorset – these will include
residential homes and day centres (Tricuro), DCC sites, Borough of Poole sites
and schools and academies who choose to use the framework arrangement.
The majority of sites will require a delivery 52 weeks per year, (schools will
require deliveries during term time only, and residential outdoor education sites
are usually operational March – July and September – October).
This specification sets out the requirements of DCC and any other Contracting
Body or Affiliate calling off goods and services under the Framework Agreement.
All products supplied under this Framework Agreement must comply with all
relevant requirements of any acts, orders, regulations and codes of practice
-which may be in force when the products are supplied, these shall include but
not be limited to:
 Food Labelling Regulations 1996
 Food Safety Act 1990 (as amended)
 Weights & Measures Act 1985
 Meat Products (England) Regulations 2003
 Food Additives (England) Regulations 2009
 The Materials and Articles in Contact with Food (England) Regulations
 EC General Food Law regulation 178/2002
 The Food Safety Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013
 EC Food Hygiene Regulation 852/2004
 EC Food Production Regulation 853/2004
 EU (FIC) Food Information Regulations 2014
2.2 No genetically modified food/ produce is to be supplied under this framework
agreement, although the Supplier shall keep the Contracting Officer informed of
all developments relating to the potential introduction of GM Food in order that
the Council can monitor possible quality risks or benefits.
2.3 There will be a number of sites which will require small value orders, and may
require smaller quantities of goods including split cases - this should be taken
into consideration when tendering.
2.4 The Supplier will have a fully documented Quality Assurance system in place.
2.5 There must be no minimum order charge, or delivery charge.
Dorset Procurement
Supply & Delivery of Food Products
Schedule 1B
3.1 All eggs and egg products must comply with the British Lion Quality
4.1 The Supplier must be able to provide a full product specification, which provides
as minimum: a full declaration of contents, composition and nutritional data.
4.2 The Supplier must be able to demonstrate a system whereby this data is
kept current and can be supplied within 48 hours of request.
4.3 The Supplier must be able to supply full traceability of all products supplied on
this Framework agreement upon request.
4.4 There must be detection methods within production processes in order to
eliminate or reduce the risk to a minimum of contamination by foreign objects.
4.5 The Supplier will provide The Contract Manager with information and data
relating to products or sales as requested. The Supplier must provide bi –
monthly data reports of purchases/products by establishment/ products/size/
quantity and value this is to be sent electronically to the DCC Contract Officer
and representatives of other contracting bodies as notified.
4.6 If the Food Standards Agency should issue any notifications relevant to products
supplies on this Framework Agreement, the Supplier will provide the relevant
information and data.
The Supplier must work in partnership with The Contract Manager or his
representative to develop a suitable Price List Order Form for Sites on the
Framework Agreement, this will ensure that establishments are all buying the same
products, resulting in economies of scale. Schedule 4B will form the initial basis of
the PLOF at the commencement of the contract. The PLOF will be reviewed on a
regular basis jointly by the Supplier and Contract Manager – at 6 monthly contract
review meetings or as required.
6.1 The Supplier must be able to deliver to all establishments listed on Schedule
5. Other establishments may be added or removed from this framework be
the Contract Manager during the Framework Agreement period.
6.2 The Supplier will provide the temperature recording of the chilled vehicle in
which the goods have been delivered– either hand written on the delivery note
or a valid print out from the vehicle on every delivery to every site.
Dorset Procurement
Supply & Delivery of Food Products
Schedule 1B
6.3 The products shall be loaded and secured in such a way to ensure
that they are delivered in a good condition. The Supplier shall
minimise packaging to reduce waste, all packaging should be reusable
or recyclable where possible, provided that it does not affect food
6.4 Every delivery shall be accompanied by a delivery note addressed to
the site named on the order.
6.5 Proof of delivery shall only be considered on production by the
Supplier of a copy of the delivery note signed by site representative.
6.6 Deliveries must be made to sites no earlier than 7am and no later than
11am unless by local agreement with the site concerned.
6.7 Delivery vehicles should be should be clean internally and externally,
be roadworthy and have tracking devices fitted to them.
6.8 The Supplier is required to have adequate delivery equipment (e.g.:
sack trolleys, tail lifts etc.) and sufficient personnel to deliver products
to any area of the end user’s premises. (Please note Oh Crumbs at
Weymouth is situated on the first floor).
7.1 The Supplier must send electronically a copy of the price list directly to all sites,
contracting parties’ representatives and the Contracting Officer at Dorset
Procurement. The price list must clearly state the period which it covers and
arrive a minimum of 7 days prior to the date from which it is effective.
7.2 The Supplier must clearly state on their price list the country of origin of each
7.3 The Supplier must state a clear description of each product.
7.4 The Supplier must clearly state which products are from the South West
The Supplier must be able to demonstrate that the purchase prices offered on this
Framework agreement are competitive within the marketplace. Throughout the
Framework Agreement period the Council reserves the right to obtain prices from
other competitors and government authorities and compare these against the
Supplier’s prices.
9.1 The prices submitted in Schedule 4B Pricing, will apply from the commencement
of the Framework Agreement. This will be revised annually from the commencement
Dorset Procurement
Supply & Delivery of Food Products
Schedule 1B
date & thereafter on the anniversary of the Framework. The Council will not usually
agree to price increases greater than the annual rate of RPI.
9.2 The Council will not discuss any price proposal submitted by the Supplier without
supporting evidence and transparent calculations of how the proposed revised price
has been reached.
9.3 Price revisions will not be implemented without the agreement of the Council.
9.4 Prices of products supplied under this Framework Agreement shall be on the
basis of net delivery price excluding VAT. Where VAT is applicable this will be
clearly marked.
10. Orders
10.1 Sites will place orders via telephone, fax or email before 3pm on the day
preceding the delivery
10.2 The Supplier must have in place an order tracking system to enable them to
advise customers of the progress of their delivery if necessary.
11.1 DCC will require one consolidated invoice at the end of each month with a
breakdown of all deliveries which each site has received along with prices of each
11.2 Tricuro will require one consolidated invoice at the end of each month with a
breakdown of all deliveries which each site has received along with prices of each
11.3 Schools should be invoiced directly.
11.4 The Borough of Poole sites will use a Purchasing Card when placing orders.
12.1 The Supplier shall be committed to the protection of the environment and
promote sustainable development, especially ways in which to eliminate waste,
recycle & re-use.
12.2 Delivery boxes for goods must be collected and re-used or recycled as
12.3 The Supplier will work with the council to suggest ways of delivering sustainable
procurement including the use of more sustainably sourced and produced /
harvested goods.