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The Rise of the Nazi Germany and
the Holocaust
killing; or
destruction by fire”
Hitler Biography
• b. 1889 in Austria
• Art student in Vienna
• Anti-Semitic feelings began in his
– Threatened good Germanic culture
– Despite urban legend, it does not
appear Hitler was Jewish
• Moved to Munich, Germany in 1913,
entered the military. Served in WWI
• mustard gas attack in Belgium, Oct.
1918. (temporarily blind)
Review: Treaty of Versailles (1919)
• Germany had to pay for all civilian damages
• Germany also lost her colonies & lg. portions of German
– Alsace Lorraine (valuable landfull of minerals)
• A 30-mile strip on the right bank of the Rhine R. was
• Limits were placed on German armaments & military
• Humiliating to most Germans
Rise of Hitler
• National Socialist German
Workers’ party (NAZI)
– 1920= 40 members, 1923=35,000
– Adopt swastika as symbol (1920)
– history
birth, life, death, & IMMORTALITY
The Nazis took the symbol and
….you know the rest
Beer Hall Putsch (1923)
• failed attempt at revolution
in Munich (Bavaria)
– Home of right wing citizens
• Used SA (stormtroopers)
• Reinactment (show 0-1:30
and then @ 5:45)
– From Rise of Evil (2003)
• Arrested & writes Mein
Kampf “my struggle” in
– Describes how to fix
Mein Kampf
• Democrats, Communists =BAD
• Most of his hatred  Jews!
• German people were of the
highest racial purity &
destined to be the master race
• Throughout Mein Kampf, Hitler refers to Jews as
parasites, liars, dirty, crafty, sly, wily, clever,
without any true culture, a sponger, a middleman,
a maggot, eternal blood suckers, repulsive,
unscrupulous, monsters, foreign, menace,
bloodthirsty, the destroyer of Aryan humanity,
and the mortal enemy of Aryan humanity...
Decline of Germany leads to
Hitler’s success
• Rise of Nazism? Why?
– Debts from WWI
– Terrible unemployment
– Massive InflationGreat Depression
Review from American Odyssey-p. 397
40% of Germans vote for Nazi party
Hitler becomes Chancellor
1933 Hitler is ELECTED
Reichstag (German Parliament)
gives Hitler power to…
– make laws
– control budget
– approve treaties
• Hitler abolished the office of President, declared
himself Fuehrer>>>>a totalitarian dictator
Steps toward fascism
• Definition: the nation & the race were more
important than the individual.
– Uber Patriotism-If you are not like us, out with you
– Civil Rights suspended
• Armed SA & SS forcefully threw out old
legislators and replaced them with Nazis
– SA= “Brown shirts” Stormtroopers.
– Schutzstaffel (SS) : Hitler's personal
bodyguards & guards for
concentration camps
• Political enemies placed in early concentration
World at War
• A New Germany
– The World At War : A New Germany
(watch 5:25-12:26 & 15:14-18:10)
Guiding questions (add to your notes):
• 1. How did Hitler restore confidence in
the German people?
• 2. How did using the SS during the
“Night of Long Knives” enhance
Hitler’s power?
Review of Video clip & additional info
• “Brown shirts” (SA) Their original role
was enforcing Fascist rule.
– "All opposition must be stamped into the
• SS and Nazi officials spread rumors that
the ~ 4M SA wanted to be the official
Nazi army.
• Night of Long Knives (p. 396)
– Estimated 200-1000 people killed for
political reasons. About half were SA men.
What have we seen so far
regarding the Nazi agenda?
• Anti-Semitism
• Aryans are master race
• Jewish doctors, lawyers, police, teachers and
stores were boycotted. Jews banned from
government jobs.
• Those who pose a threat are killed or put in
camps. (i.e. The SA, journalists, Communists)
• Goal: Return Germany to greatness
A sense of community
• Working and eating together
• Public works program for the
unemployed. (Like FDR’s)
• Create a new Berlin
• Huge public rallies & speeches
• Work! Health! Great support for
• World at War: The New Germany
(Watch from 19:15-29:24)
Guiding Question: How did Hitler
inspire the German masses?
Review of Propaganda
• A type of message aimed at
persuading the opinions or
behavior of people.
• propaganda can be:
– deliberately misleading,
– it pulls at your emotions
– often has negative connotation
• Examples may include: Animal
cruelty, children in Africa, The US
army, breast cancer, etc
• "Hitler is building. Help
him. Buy German goods." Promoting German rail
• "Before: Unemployment,
hopelessness, desolation,
strikes, lockouts. Today:
Work, joy, discipline,
camaraderie. Give the
Führer your vote!"
German National Catechism(1934)
• 25 program points of the Nazi Party
– What is a race?
– What are the major races?
• White, black, and yellow.
– What were and are the particular
characteristics of the Nordic race?
• Courage, bravery, creative ability and
desire, loyalty.
– The German people is, along with
the English, Danish, Norwegian and
Swedish, the most racially pure of
the European peoples.
• Which race must the National
Socialist race fight against?
– The Jewish race.
• Why?
– The goal of the Jew is to make
himself the ruler of humanity.
Wherever he comes, he destroys
works of culture. He is not a creative
spirit, rather a destructive spirit.
• Which European people
disregards the racial question?
– France. It has accepted large numbers
of blacks into its army. It has given
them the same political rights as the
• The cartoon shows a
Jew stealing a farm
before the Nazi
takeover, but
afterwards he is
stopped by the law.
(16 January 1934)
• The ugly Jew is holding
part of Russia under his
arm, branded with the
hammer and sickle. One
hand holds a whip. The
other hand holds bloody
• Every day
newspapers (even
those not hostile to
the Jews) report the
dishonest dealings of
Eastern Jews. “The
cleverness of Jewish
criminality is
• Caption: "The Jew in
his element: With
Blacks in a Parisian
night club. The Jew
bring people the
glittering world of
perversion as a way of
unnerving and enslaving
them. He seems to worry
as little about it as the
rats worry about the
plague they carry.
Before the extermination camps
• Nuremberg Race Laws (1935)
Nuremberg Laws-What they did!
• Stripped Jews of German citizenship
• Prohibited interracial marriages: No
Jew/German marriages
• Banned Jewish businesses (outside their
Jewish parts of town)
Nazi Education
• Teachers were expected to attack the lifestyle of the
• Exam questions demonstrate the government's antiSemitic stance:
• "A bomber aircraft on take-off carries 12 dozen
bombs, each weighing 10 kilos. The aircraft takes off
for Warsaw the international centre for Jewry. It
bombs the town. On take-off with all bombs on
board and a fuel tank containing 100 kilos of fuel,
the aircraft weighed about 8 tons. When it returns
from the crusade, there are still 230 kilos left. What
is the weight of the aircraft when empty ?"
Another type of question connecting
pure blood and importance of families
• "To keep a mentally ill person
costs approximately 4 marks a
day. There are 300,000
mentally ill people in care.
How much do these people
cost to keep in total?
• It implies they should be
In Biology classes
• "Racial Instruction" began @ 6
years of age.
• Hitler himself had decreed that
"no boy or girl should leave
school without complete
knowledge of the necessity
and meaning of blood
Healthy body, healthy mind
• PE became a very important part of the
curriculum. Hitler had stated that he
wanted boys who could suffer
pain.........."a young German must be as
swift as a greyhound, as tough as
leather, and as hard as Krupp's steel."
• PE took up 15% of a school's weekly
– Boxing became mandatory for boys.
• Those who failed fitness tests could be
expelled from their schools
Hitler Youth (1922-1945)
-HJ (Hitler Jugend)
• Ages 10-18 ( 2 subgroups, 10-14, 14 &
• viewed as future “Aryan Supermen”
• preached anti-Semitism
• uniforms very like those of the SA
• maintained training academies
– develop future Nazi Party leaders
• By Dec.1936, HJ membership= five
>>then mandatory.
Blood & honor
League of German Girls
(Bund Deutscher Mädel or
• Ethnic Germans, citizens, and free of
hereditary diseases
• Used campfire romanticism, summer
camps, folklore, and sports to
educate girls within the Nazi belief
– to train them for their roles in German
society: wife, mother, & homemaker.
– Like the boys, they served in the war as
• Care packages, sing to boost morale,
bandage wounded, etc.
Role of women
• Most were “Stay at home” moms
• all good German women married at a young age
• Law for the Encouragement of Marriage (1933)
– get a government loan of 1000 marks which was
about 9 months average income
– one child meant=25% of the loan didn’t have to be
paid back.
– Two children =50% of the loan need not be paid
– Four children = entire loan was cleared.
Role of women
No wearing make-up or trousers.
NO dyeing hair or perms
Only flat shoes were expected to be worn
A well built figure as slim women, so it was
taught, would have problems in pregnancy
• Women were also discouraged from smoking
• August 12th had been the birthday of Hitler’s
mother. On this day each year, the Motherhood
Cross was awarded to women who had given
birth to the largest number of children. The gold
cross went to women who had produced 8
children; silver was for 6 children and bronze
was for 4 children
• "Take hold of kettle, broom and pan,
Then you’ll surely get a man!
Shop and office leave alone, Your
true life work lies at home."
(November 1938)
Causes of Kristallnacht
15th anniversary of Hitler's
"Beer-Hall Putsch" of 1923
created an atmosphere that
encouraged street violence
Jewish Polish teen
assassinated German
diplomat in Paris. Reason?
17,000 Polish Jewish
citizens had been expelled
from Germany==retaliation.
Read the following handout on
• Assignment #2
• Actively read
– Jot down 4-5 pieces of CM
that demonstrates you were
thinking about Kristallnacht
"Night of Broken
• Jewish homes were ransacked
• ~ 8,000 Jewish shops, towns and villages
• citizens & stormtroopers (SA) destroyed buildings with
sledgehammers, leaving the streets covered in smashed
• Jews were beaten to death (estimated 90-100)
– Some died in hospital, some commit suicide, some in camps
• ~30,000 Jewish men taken to concentration camps
– Buchenwald, Dachau, Sachsenhausen
• 1,600+ synagogues ransacked with 267 set on fire
Some sent to concentration camps
• Treatment was brutal
• most were released
during the following
three months on
condition that they
leave Germany.
• ~2,000-2,500 died
Jewish prisoners being humiliated in
the synagogue, November 10, 1938
Jewish prisoners paraded by the SS and
local police through the streets of
Baden-Baden, November 10, 1938
Results of Kristallnacht
• In retrospect, Kristallnacht was more than the shattering
of windows. It forecasted the physical destruction of
European Jews
• The Jewish community is immediately fined
1,000,000,000 (1B)Reichsmarks;
• Nazis expedite plan for "elimination of the Jew from
(the) economic life" of Germany established as official
policy, November 12, 1938
• 10 months following Kristallnacht, 115,000+
Jews leave Germany.(before it was too late)
– Border countries filled quickly
– US had a quota of 15K/yr
Then the roundups
• Ghettos throughout Europe.
Leaving home for the ghettos
Inside the
• Prisonlike atmosphere
• Barbed wire
• Some had masonry walls--10 ft
• Krakow: tombstone style walls>>
like they were buried alive.
• located in the dirtiest, poorest,
most crowded parts of cities.
• appointed or elected to
carry out Nazi orders in
the Jewish communities of
occupied Europe
• oversees daily affairs
in the ghetto
• Food?
• as little as 300
Warsaw Ghetto
• 30% of the population were forced to live
in 2.5% of the city's area, a density of 9.2
people per room.
• ~10% of total Jewish
population died
• Nazi explanation of why
ghettos were necessary:
Video: Warsaw Ghetto-A Birthday
Trip through Hell (Assignment # 5)
• Task: Throughout the entire
documentary, your task is to
complete a T-chart
• 6-8 facts about ghetto life on
the left, 6-8 commentary
(your feelings/reactions) on
the right.
Warsaw ghetto uprising
• Testimonies
Other non-Aryan persecuted
Untermensch (German for under man,
used to describe "inferior people”)
Gypsies (Roma)
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Rhineland bastards (Mix German & African)
Slavic Muslims and Orthodox Serbs
disabled people and/or handicapped
• Triangular badges or patches to identify
prisoners in the concentration camps.
Different colored patches represented
different groups. The colors and their
meanings were:
• Yellow= Jew
• Brown=Gypsy
• Violet=Jehovah's Witness
• Pink=Homosexual
• Green=Habitual criminal
• Red=Political prisoner
• Black=asocial
• Blue=Emigrant
• Asocial= including prostitutes,
vagrants, alcoholics, murderers,
thieves, and those who violated laws
prohibiting sexual intercourse between
Aryans and Jews
• Roma a.k.a. Gypsies
– “racially inferior”
– name originates from mistakenly
believed they came from Egypt.
– Some Christian, some Muslim
– Migrated from India, to E.
• worked as craftsmen & were
blacksmiths while others were
performers such as musicians,
circus animal trainers
• Jehovah’s Witnesses
– intense persecution under the Nazi regime
– unwilling to accept the authority of the state,
and because they were strongly opposed to the
– unwillingness to give the Nazi salute, to join
party organizations or to let their children join
the Hitler Youth
Nazi Eugenics
• Eugenics= “good genes”
• “Sterilization Law”
• The basic provisions of the 1933 law stated
– (1) Any person suffering from a hereditary
disease may be rendered incapable of procreation
by means of a surgical operation (sterilization), if
the experience of medical science shows that it is
highly probably that his descendants would suffer
from some serious physical or mental hereditary
• ~ 300,000-500,000 people were sterilized
against their will!
*Decree from 18 August 1939, the Nazis
enacted the obligatory registration of all
births of physically and mentally
handicapped children.
*selected children were sent to several
mental homes where they were killed by
lethal drugs or withdrawal of food.
* At least 8,000 children via "children
*Extended to adults on 1 September 1939,
day of the German attack on Poland..
* The Nazis could get rid of "useless
eaters" to save money and personnel, and
have more free beds in hospitals.
• naked patients received an injection and were bundled
into a mobile gas chamber
• an advertisement for "Kaiser's Kaffee Geschäft".
• The van's (or trailer's) inner sides were lined with metal sheets, the
floor was covered with a wooden grate and a lamp on the ceiling
illuminated the gas chamber for inspection through a peephole in the
back door.
• SS man started engine, exhaust fumes were emitted into the loading
• Victims screamed loudly before they died.
• After 15-20 minutes the van finally reached the forest, and nobody in
the gas chamber was left alive
– -buried the corpses in mass graves.
• Apart from mentally handicapped patients, blind children from Lodz
were killed at this time.
Infamous Hadamar
* One of the 6 centers that used gas
* ~15,000 men, women, and children were killed
between 1941-1945. Who would die?
-those w/disabilities
-mentally disoriented elderly persons from
bombed-out areas
-"half Jewish" children from welfare institutions,
- psychologically and physically disabled
forced laborers and their children,
-German soldiers deemed psychologically
incurable. (PTSD perhaps)
•Silent film from Hadamar (1 min)
Robert Wagemann
Describes fleeing from a clinic where, his mother
feared, he was to be put to death by euthanasia
By definition, the Holocaust was….
• the systematic, state-sponsored
persecution and murder of
approximately six million Jews
(and others) by the Nazi regime.
• "Holocaust" is a word of Greek
origin meaning "sacrifice by
Buchenwald crematorium
1st camps (1933-39)
• Labor camps>>many worked to death
• Political prisoners
• By 1939, expansion occurs to extermination camps
Click on map to enlarge
Concentration Camps
vs. Death Camps
• hard labor
• might die but not
“planned” executions
– Later experiments
conducted (Dachau)
Pushing to survive
The Camps
Losing hope
The Final Solution
• the plan to annihilate the
Jews of Europe
• The Germans invaded the
Soviet Union in June, 1941.
(Mobile Killing Units)
– Shooting inferiors
• Jews and non-Jews alike
– Not efficient method +
psychologically damaging
Operation Reinhard
• Code name for the German plan to murder the
approximately two million Jews
• Eastern Europe
• Construction of Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka II began in
autumn 1941
– Escape From Sobibor (movie you might enjoy, next
Thomas (Tovi) Blatt
Famous escape~ Escape from Sobibor
• YouTube Clip #1, then watch them
until the end
• Once operational, German SS
and police forces liquidated
the ghettos and deported by
rail to those killing centers.
• In all, the SS and police killed
approx. 1.7 million Jews as part of
Operation Reinhard.
• Unknown # of Jehovah Witnesses,
Roma & Soviet prisoners
If you missed the movie, Memory of the
Camps or want to watch more on your own
Assignment #6 Create a T-chart where you have
facts on left and commentary on the right.
Commentary is more important—it’s a running
stream of commentary (reactions, questions,
pictures, etc. ) as you watch.
• Mr. Leo Hymas– 3/16….11:00-12:10 pm in auditorium.
(Take 2nd lunch)
• Buchenwald Conc. Camp
– Leo the Liberator
Auschwitz, Poland
• Largest of its kind established by the Nazi regime
• Three main camps
• Over 1.1 million Jews, as well as tens of thousands of Christian
Poles, Roma, and Soviet prisoners of war, perished at Auschwitz.
• When the Soviets liberated Auschwitz at the end of January, only
several thousand emaciated prisoners remained alive.
3 purposes
• 1) to incarcerate real and perceived enemies of
the Nazi regime for an indefinite period of time;
• 2) to have available a supply of forced laborers
for deployment in SS-owned, constructionrelated enterprises (and, later, armaments and
other war-related production); and
• 3) to eliminate small, targeted groups of the
population whose death was determined by the
SS and police authorities to be essential to the
security of Nazi Germany.
most famous
• Josef Mengele- “Angel of
• It has been described by the
survivors that he thought he
was “Playing God”
3 types of experiments
• 1. experiments aimed at facilitating the survival
of German military personnel.
• 2. developing & testing pharmaceuticals and
treatment methods for injuries and illnesses
which German military and occupation
personnel encountered in the field.
• 3. advance the racial ideas of the Nazis
Category 1. High Altitude
a low-pressure chamber, to determine the maximum
altitude from which crews of damaged aircraft could
parachute to safety.
Category 2: injected with disease
• scientists tested immunization
compounds for the prevention and
treatment of contagious diseases,
including malaria, typhus,
tuberculosis, typhoid fever, yellow
fever, and infectious hepatitis
• subjected to phosgene and mustard
gas in order to test possible
Category 3: Racial purity
• SS would shout "Zwillinge!" ("twins!")
Eva Moses Kor
As adults, Eva and Miriam suffered serious health problems. Eva
suffered from miscarriages and tuberculosis. Her son had cancer.
Miriam's kidneys never fully developed and she died in 1993 of a
rare form of cancer, probably brought on by the unknown medical
experiments and injections which she was subjected to at the hands
of Josef Mengele.
• Less than 300 twins survived
• Inject disease, sex changes, etc.
• Physical abnormality?
– they might have been radiated
& then have skeletons
• Measurements
– The twins were forced to undress and lay next to each
other. Then every detail of their anatomy was carefully
examined, studied, and measured. What was the same
was deemed to be hereditary and was different was
deemed to be the result of the environment. These tests
would last for several hours.
• Blood
– Blood tests included mass transfusions of blood from
one twin to another.
• Eyes
– In attempts to fabricate blue eyes, drops or injections of
chemicals would be put in the eyes. This often caused
severe pain, infections, and temporary or permanent
• Shots and Diseases
Mysterious injections that caused severe pain. Injections into the
spine and spinal taps with no anesthesia. Diseases, including typhus
and tuberculosis, would be purposely given to one twin and not the
other. When one died, the other was often killed to examine and
compare the effects of the disease.
• Surgeries
Various surgeries without anesthesia including organ removal,
castration, and amputations.
• Death
Dr Miklos Nyiszli was Mengele's prisoner pathologist. The
autopsies became the final experiment. Dr. Nyiszli performed
autopsies on twins whom had died from the experiments or whom
had been purposely killed just for after-death measurements and
examination. Some of the twins had been stabbed with a needle that
pierced their heart and then were injected with chloroform or
phenol which caused near immediate blood coagulation and death.
And these too
• Effects of electric shock to the brains on
Jewish teenagers.
• Unnecessary surgeries for doctors so
they could get the practice.
• Thresholds of pain.
• Mass doses of radiation
– Testes, ovaries, etc.
Experiments on Jews &
• Effects of
starvation on
Mengele Video clips
• 1. For those interested
Holocaust deniers
• Did it ever happen?
Germany empire grows
(after Spanish Civil War)
• 1936: Marches into Rhineland
• 1938: Annex Austria
• 1938: Claims Sudetenland (Czech region
inhabited by Germans)
– Appeasement policy
– Hitler agrees to “no more territorial gains”
• 1939: Invades Poland WWII begins.
• **Need labensraum “living space” for the master
• WWI left Italy in economic chaos
• Benito Mussolini (Il Duce=The leader)
– Fascist (nation & race is more important
than the individual. Violence!)
– Black shirts(local fascist militia) broke up
– Helped bring Italy out of Depression
• Engineering project (similar to New Deal)
– 1936 controls Ethiopia
• Why? Historians are mixed on reasons why
• To become industrial power, resources were necessary
• Dependency on oil, coal, iron, timber, rubber. How to get
these resources
• Japan got a foothold on mainland Asia after RussoJapanese War
• Manchuria(1931): overpowers them & sets up
Japanese controlled govt.
– Impact on the US? Economics
• “China Incident” Attacks on
Shanghai and Nanking(1937) 
• US Response: Embargo (cut off supplies)
• Japan’s response Pearl Harbor
The “Neutral” U.S.
• After Ethiopia, & Sp. Civil War (1936) 
Neutrality Acts
– Purpose:
• 1. prohibit sale of weapons to warring nations
• 2. keep US citizens off warring nations’ ships
• 3. Warring nations pay cash for trade goods
• In addition, increased military spending
– 1938=$300 million, 1939= $1.3 B
• After France falls, Intervention vs. Isolation
• Lend Lease ($50B in military supplies to Allies)
– US Military deployed to protect shipments (1941)
– U boat attacks & US soldiers die