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Chapter 3.6
Research Assignment
Individually, with the assistance of the internet , you are the answer the following questions in complete
1. Which gender is more likely to experience hearing loss?
2. How many Americans have hearing loss in at least one ear?
3. What percentage of the population aged 12 years and older has hearing difficulties severe
enough to impact communication?
4. Is there a direct link between hearing loss and age? What is the percentage of hearing loss for
the following age groups:
a. American adults between the ages of 45 and 54.
b. Adults between ages 65 and 74.
c. Adults ages 75 and older.
5. About how many children in the United States are born deaf or hard of hearing?
6. How many Americans between the ages of 20 and 69 have high frequency hearing loss due to
exposure to loud noises at work or in leisure activities?
7. How many Canadian adults reported having a hearing-related disability?
8. How much money does hearing loss cost the Canadian economy?
9. Research shows that over the last 10 years, the percentage of second graders with hearing loss
has increased by?
Use the following link to answer questions 10-15.
10. In 2006, what percentage of Canadians aged 15 and older reported having a hearing limitation?
11. According to a Statistics Canada, Participation and Activity Limitation Survey, at what ages are
the prevalence of hearing limitations the greatest?
12. In 2006, what percentage of Canadians aged 15 to 64 with a hearing limitation attended school?
13. In 2006, what percentage of people with a hearing condition said their highest level of
educational attainment was high school or below?
14. What effect does hearing loss have on education choices?
15. What percentage of employed people with a hearing difficulty said their condition limited the
amount or kind of work they could perform, and many indicated that they required job
modifications to be able to work?