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EC312 Practical Exercise 28
Let’s put to use the networking skills we have learned to date to better understand routing at the router.
1. Set-Up
Equipment required:
 Your issued Laptop.
o Turn off the wireless adapter.
o Connect the blue Ethernet cable at your desk to your issued laptop.
 A printed or electronic copy of this security exercise.
o If printed, separate the network diagram and answer sheet and have them ready to fill in.
 VMware Workstation
o Power on your Cyber2 VM, then click VM and Settings.
o Select Network Adapter and ensure that Connected, Connected at power on, and Bridged:
Connected directly to the physical network, and Replicate physical network connection state are
selected or checked, then click OK.
o Open a terminal in your Cyber2 VM and execute the command
sudo dhclient
Once it finishes, execute the command
You screen should look similar to Figure 1 on the top of page 2. Interface eth1 should be
assigned an IP address of 192.168.XX.YYY, where XX is your classroom number and YYY is
a number between 100 and 199. If not, notify your instructor or lab technician.
Figure 1 – ifconfig executed after initial lab setup.
Part 1: Getting the Lay of the Land
2. Where Am I?
Locate EC312 MID on your network diagram. This is your Cyber2 VM which has just joined a virtual network
in a virtual world. You have an Ethernet card in your virtual machine called eth1 that has been assigned an IP
address on the virtual network.
 Identify a) your IP address and compute b) your network address and network mask in CIDR notation
using the information from ifconfig.
 Label parts a) and b) of your network diagram.
In order for your packets to leave this virtual network and venture out into the virtual world, your virtual
machine must send them to a Gateway Router. Router A is serving this purpose for the network you are
connected to. To send your packets to Router A and out into the world, you must know its IP address first.
 Execute the command
route –n
 Identify the IP address of the Gateway Router. Look under the Gateway column of the Kernel’s IP
routing table (see Figure 1 for reference). Recall that address is used to represent any IP
address and is not the Gateway Router’s address.
 Label part c) of your network diagram.
3. Where Do I Go Next?
In this virtual world there is an important website located at
 Verify the website exists by opening Firefox and navigating to the website address.
Access Firefox by selecting Applications, Internet, Firefox from the system toolbar at the top of your
virtual machine (see the figure at the top of the next page for reference).
 Browse the website to see what information is available.
Question 1: Who maintains the website at
In order for your virtual machine to access this website it first must know the webserver’s IP address. Recall
from SI110 that the Domain Name System (DNS) provides a convenient way for us to remember a website’s
name rather than a bunch of numbers for an IP address. Both are interchangeable through a series of
‘phonebooks’ (DNS name servers) on the Internet that perform lookups on our behalf. If you provide the
phonebook (DNS name server) the name of the webserver you would like to access, it will give you its IP
address in response or vice versa as shown in the example in Figure 2 below.
Figure 2 – DNS query and response.
The query above was generated using a utility called dig to find the IP address for dig allows you to query a DNS name server and resolve its IP address.
 Identify the IP address of the website by executing the following command
 Label part d) of your network diagram with the IP address belonging to the eth0 interface of the
4. How Do I Get There?
There are two methods to discover information about the path between you and the webserver
The first method is the utility ping with record route. It will tell you the IP addresses of the OUTGOING
interfaces along the way to and from the final destination.
Figure 3 – Example use of ping with record route option.
For example, in Figure 3, after the command
ping –R –c1 –n
is executed, the OUTGOING interfaces are listed in order beginning with:
– the host computer’s interface.
– Router A’s eth1.
– the webserver’s interface.
The OUTGOING interfaces of the return trip are listed in order beginning with:
– the webserver’s interface.
– Router A’s eth0.
– the host computer’s interface.
 Identify the IP addresses of the interfaces traversed between you and the webserver
using the ping command (do not forget the –R and –c1 and –n options).
 Label parts e) through g) of your network diagram.
The second method is the utility traceroute, which works similar to ping, except it tells you the address of
the INCOMING interface along the path between you and your destination. For example, in Figure 4 on the top
of page 5, after the command
traceroute –n
is executed, the INCOMING interfaces are listed in order beginning with:
– Router A’s INCOMING interface.
– the webserver’s interface.
 Execute a traceroute to the webserver (do not forget the –n option).
Question 2: Compare your traceroute results with your network diagram. Did they match the expected
results obtained from the ping command?
Figure 4 – Example of traceroute command.
5. Is Anyone Else Out There?
Routers B and C are also present in this virtual world and are responsible forwarding packets between the
networks they are connected to and learning about other networks from other routers. Recall from Lecture #28
that routers learn about each other’s networks by using a routing protocol such as the Open Shortest Path First
(OSPF) protocol. In OSPF, routers use Link State Packets (LSPs) to communicate with each other and learn
about the network topology. Let’s take a closer look at this communication.
 Launch Wireshark (as root) by selecting Applications, Internet, Wireshark (as root) from the system
toolbar at the top of your virtual machine.
 Open the packet capture labeled sx15 in the ec310code folder in your home directory.
 Examine the captured OSPF hello packets in the packet details pane. Be sure to expand the OSPF
Header and the OSPF Hello Packet portions (see the figure at the top of the next page for
reference). These packets were captured from one of the routers in your virtual world.
Recall from Lesson 28 that in OSPF routers send Hello Packets at a specific interval in order to let other routers
know they are alive. This interval is called the Hello Interval.
Question 3: Using the information in the captured Hello Packets, what is the Hello Interval for the
router they were captured from? Verify the Hello Interval by observing the amount of time between two
OSPF hello packets in your packet capture. Is it equal to the Hello Interval?
If after a certain amount of time a router does not receive a Hello Packet from another router it deems that
router to be ‘dead’ and removes all routes that were advertised by that router. The time duration before a router
is declared dead is known as the Dead Interval. This allows OSPF to respond well to dynamic changes in
the network topology.
Question 4: What is the Dead Interval for the router’s captured Hello Packets? If you could stop a
router’s hello packets from being advertised, would you disable that router?
Hello Packets also serve the important function of beginning a neighbor association between two routers when
they first meet. Before the new routers agree to swap routing information they must agree on a basic set of
parameters and become neighbors first. A router begins this process by identifying itself in the OSPF Header
of the packet under the Source OSPF Router field.
Question 5: Look inside the OSPF Header of the captured Hello Packet. What IP address is listed in the
Source OSPF Router field (note: this IP address does not begin with 192.168.65.XX)?
This is IP address is very important. It is known as the Router’s ID and uniquely identifies this router to all
other routers.
Who is responsible for assigning IP addresses anyway? The network administrator is responsible for assigning
IP addresses among many other tasks in maintaining the network. They assign blocks of IP addresses as part of
the design of the network architecture to best meet the needs of their clients.
What are the routers talking about with each other and why do they need to communicate so often? There are a
number of internal measures routers use in order increase efficiency and prevent unnecessary information from
clogging up the network, such as electing a Designated Router (DR) and Backup Designated Router (BDR) and
managing Link State Updates (LSU). To learn more about OSPF, see
6. Could Anyone Hurt Me?
Lastly, an evil instructor (because aren’t all instructors evil?) is also present in this virtual world. He or she is
located on the network and your final task is to find him or her. nmap is powerful utility which
allows us to scan networks and identify which hosts are active among many other useful tasks.
 Execute the command below to scan the network and determine which hosts are ‘up’
(i.e., active). It may take a few minutes.
nmap –sP
 Use traceroute or ping to identify the path to each of the hosts identified as ‘up’ by nmap.
Question 6: Using your network diagram and the results from traceroute or ping, what is the most likely
IP address of the evil instructor?
Confirm the IP address identified with your instructor or lab technician.
Label part h) of your network diagram.
Use traceroute or ping to verify the interfaces between you and the evil instructor.
Label parts i) through k) on your network diagram.
7. Clean Up
 VMware Workstation
o In the VMware Workstation menu click VM and Settings.
o Select Network Adapter and ensure that Connected, Connected at power on, and NAT: Used to
share the host’s IP address are selected or checked, then click OK.
o Suspend your Cyber2 VM. Disconnect the blue Ethernet cable. Turn on your wireless adapter.
Maj. Agur Adams, USMC
Help us improve these notes! Send comments, corrections and clarifications to [email protected].
EC312 Practical Exercise 28
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Question 6:
RA, eth3,
SX#16 Only
Evil Instructor
___.___.___.___ /___
RC, eth4,
web, eth0,
RA, eth4,
RA, eth5,
RB, eth3,
RC, eth5,
EC312 Practical Exercise 28 & 29
RC, eth3,
RB, eth2,
___.___.___.___ /__
MID, eth1,
EVL, eth0,