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Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Opportunities for Supply Chains
and Innovation in Lincolnshire
Katy Thomas
Team Leader
Research and Information Team
Lincolnshire County Council
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
• Gaps in knowledge identified through the Local
Economic Assessment and Local Enterprise Partnership.
• Cross cutting themes recognised around supply chains
and Innovation.
• 3 research projects conceived and commissioned
through the LRO.
• Work carried out in the early part of 2012
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Research Programme
• Our Place in the Global Economy
• Opportunities for Greater Lincolnshire Supply Chains
• Opportunities for Innovation within the Greater
Lincolnshire Traditional Industries
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Aims of the Research Programme
• To investigate barriers and opportunities for growth with an
emphasis on key sectors, with cross cutting themes
• Building on available evidence bases such as the Local Economic
• To identify potential roles for the LEP (and other acting locally) in
supporting existing priority sectors and emerging sectors and in
enabling Lincolnshire to take advantage of future opportunities
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Key Findings – Our Place in the Global Economy
• Developing and utilising our natural resources
• Co-operation between key food hubs – importance of ancillary
• Growth of Logistics - driven by development of infrastructure and
maximising potential of location
• Potential of the ‘energy corridor’
• Importance of the potential of developments such as the engineering
hub in promoting Greater Lincolnshire as a centre of excellence
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Key Findings – Supply Chains
• Consolidation of suppliers, issues associated with international
ownership, access to the supply chain by SME’s
• Short-term contracts and influence of large retailers
• Issues of engaging with businesses
• Availability of skilled labour
• Funding for R&D
• Potential for further development of established clusters
• Opportunities in the fresh produce sector, emerging renewable
energy supply chain, health and care
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Key Findings – Opportunities for Innovation
• Re-active – driven by supply chain pressures, competition,
environmental factors e.g. water shortages
• Uncertainty – impact of government legislation in some sectors
• Funding for R&D leading to polarisation of producers (innovation in
large international companies)
• Issues of knowledge transfer in a competitive market place –
potential for building knowledge transfer nationally, internationally
and cross-sector
• Diversification to achieve greater return on investments e.g.
renewable energy
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Cross Cutting Challenges
• Consolidation of suppliers
• Issues of international ownership
• SME access into the supply chain
• Availability of skilled labour
• Funding for R&D
• Gaps in local supply chains
• Issues around legislation
• Innovation is reactive
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Key Priority Sectors for the LEP
• Manufacturing and Engineering
• Agri-Food
• Renewables / Green Technologies
• Ports & Logistics
• Visitor Economy
• Health & Care
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
• Consolidation of suppliers
• International ownership
• SME access into the chain
• Availability of skilled labour
• Funding for R&D
• Gaps in local supply chains
• Legislation
• Innovation reactive
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Specific Challenges
Specific challenge
Manufacturing and
Limited true clustering e.g. agri-engineering
International competition; influence of large retailers
Renewables / Green
Uncertainty around government legislation
Ports & Logistics
Increasing transport costs
Visitor Economy
External influences e.g. weather
Health & Care
Supply chain dominated by large international companies; Influence of
NHS Commissioning
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Cross Cutting Opportunities
• Potential for Greater Lincolnshire to be promoted as a
centre of excellence
• Buying groups/ joint purchasing/ collaboration
• Immediate opportunities for growth in the sector
• Potential for business co-operation / knowledge sharing
• Strong links with other priority sectors
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Cross Cutting Opportunities
• Potential as centre of excellence
• Buying groups/joint purchasing/
• Immediate opportunities for
• Potential for co-operation /
knowledge sharing
• Links with other priority sectors
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Cross Cutting Opportunities
Specific Opportunities
Manufacturing and
Build on current successes
Specialist providers of expertise exist in the area e.g. the Seafood
Institute and National Centre for Food Manufacturing
Renewables / Green
Potential of the energy corridor; Potential for diversification from
other sectors
Ports & Logistics
Role of logistics in the energy corridor
Visitor Economy
Fantastic natural resources; major development of some large sites
taking place e.g historic Lincoln
Health & Care
Growing demand from an ageing population;
Already local growth in medical/dental practices, complementary
health activities, and retail sales of medical and orthopaedic
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Potential Cross Cutting Actions for the GLLEP
• Leading, influencing and lobbying
• Communication with our large producers/employers
• Dialogue with SME’s to understand, and help others to understand,
• Identification of emerging opportunities, driving partnership reaction,
facilitating joint actions
• Promotion of Greater Lincolnshire and its priority sectors
• Identification and securing of LEP directed finance to support
activities in Greater Lincolnshire
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Potential Leading, Influencing and Lobbying Actions
• Create common message on promotion of GL and its
priority sectors
• Promotion of Greater Lincolnshire as a centre for
excellence based on the engineering hub
• The need for R&D funding in particular sectors
• Issues of transport infrastructure and fuel costs as a
barrier to growth
• Impact of visa restrictions on availability of very specialist
workers and subsequently knowledge transfer into some
• Changes to national policy (particularly agri-food,
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Potential SME Actions
• knowledge transfer – business model innovation as well
as technical, promotion of specialist providers of
expertise (eg. the Seafood Institute and National Centre
for Food Manufacturing) facilitation of networks
• accessing supply chains – facilitation of buying
groups/joint purchasing/collaboration, promotion of
emerging supply chains such as those in the renewables
• Encouraging engagement with support programmes and
ensuring business needs are understood by providers
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Specific Opportunities in Agri-food
• Promotion of innovation and added value knowledge transfer,
improving SME knowledge of programmes and initiatives that they
could target
• Sector concentration through North East GL to South east GL –
sectors very different but some similarities, specifically opportunities
for ancillary businesses, need for workers and seasonal staffing,
requirement for workspaces, transport and storage
• Facilitation of collaboration between large businesses
• Engagement of smaller ancillary businesses with large businesses
and groups of collaboration businesses
• Identification and promotion of funding opportunities
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Potential for Building on Successes
Using the example of engineering:
Strong sector with recent developments such as the engineering school,
however limited true clustering for example in Agri-engineering
How do we build on successful activities to make these sectors even better?
Supply chain gaps/issues - dialogue with large and small businesses to
increase awareness of local supply chains, understand needs and work with
partners to support filling of local supply chain gaps
Graduate level engineering skills – work with large and small businesses to
understand needs and to influence provision and supply of skilled labour
Facilitating collaboration and knowledge transfer on innovation to address
international freight and national transport costs
Lobbying government on issues such as transport and fuel costs as a
barrier to growth and visa restrictions which impact on the availability of very
specialist workers and subsequent knowledge transfer into the sector
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire
Potential Further Work
• Exploration of how the energy corridor currently functions and how
Greater Lincolnshire could benefit
• Further consideration of the strategic importance of all ports in the
area including Boston and Sutton Bridge along with the new freight
facilities in south Lincolnshire
• Consideration to how Agri-engineering and innovation can
specifically be supported e.g. encouraging and lobbying for
demonstration activities on farms, technical centres etc.
• Further understanding on issues of international ownership of
businesses; impacts of ageing population.
Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Opportunities for Innovation and Supply
Chains in Lincolnshire