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HG U.S. History Vocabulary
2nd Nine Weeks
October 17
agrarian – relating to rural matters
ally – a friendly nation
annex – attach to
antebellum – belonging to a period before a war
apropos – of an appropriate or pertinent nature
arsenal – all the weapons and equipment that a country has
assets – anything of material value owned by a person or country
blockade – a war measure isolating an area of importance to the
cede – to give over
chattel – personal as opposed to real property
confiscate – take temporary possession of a security by legal authority
corollary – an inference following from the proof of another
October 24
curtail – terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end
deficit – the property of being less than expected or required
defray - bear the expenses of
deplete – use up, as resources or materials
devastate – cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly
diplomacy – negotiation between nations
emancipation – freeing someone from the control of another
embargo – a government order imposing a trade barrier
enfranchisement – the act of certifying or granting the right to vow
excise tax – a tax that is measured by the amount of business done
garrison – a fortified military post where troops are stationed
habeas corpus – a writ ordering a prisoner to be brought before a
after arrest
October 31
hedonistic – devoted to pleasure
illegitimacy – unlawfulness by virtue of not being authorized by or in
accordance with the law
impress – force to serve in a enemy military, especially a navy
malinger – avoid responsibilities and duties
manifest destiny – a policy of imperialism rationalized as inevitable
manumit – free from slavery or servitude
nullification – counteracting or overriding the effect or force of a law
nullify – declare invalid
palisade – a strong fence made of stakes driven into the ground
piedmont – a gentle slope leading from the base of a mountain to a
region of flat land
poll tax – a tax or fixed amount per person and payable as a
requirement of the right to vote
privateer – a privately owned warship commissioned to prey on the
commercial shipping or warships of an enemy nation
November 7
reprisal – a retaliatory action against an enemy in war time
secede – withdraw from an organization or polity
sectionalism – excessive devotion to the interests of a particular
segregation – the act of keeping apart
self-determination – determination of one’s own fate or course of
sharecropper – a tenant farmer who owes a portion of each harvest
for rent
sod – surface layer of ground containing a mat of grass and grass
speculation – continuous contemplation on a subject of a deep nature
spoils system – the system of employing and promoting civil servants
who are friends and supporters of the group in power
squatter – someone who settles on land without right or title
tidewater – low-lying coastal land drained by tidal streams
urbanization – the social process whereby cities grow
November 14
trace – track, follow, list in steps, follow history
predict – guess what will happen
illustrate – give examples
formulate – construct, build, design, create
evaluate – judge, opinion, rank, measure
analyze – break it down/apart and study it
explain – give reasons or details; tell me why
context – discourse that surrounds and helps explain a word
rhetorical – relating to using language effectively; not meant to be
answered as in a rhetorical question
perspective – a way of regarding situations or topics
implicit – suggested though not directly expressed
allude – make an indirect reference to
November 28
cognizant – having or showing knowledge or understanding or
grapple – come to terms with
moratorium – suspension of an ongoing activity
status quo – the existing state of affairs
harried – troubled persistently, esp. with petty annoyances
paradoxical – seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true
relegate – assign to a lower position
existential – relating to or dealing with the state of being
rabid – marked by excessive enthusiasm for a cause or idea
substantive – having a firm basis in reality and therefore important
repudiate – reject as untrue, unfounded, or unjust
complacent – contented to a fault with oneself or one’s actions
December 5
latent – potentially existing but not presently evident or realized
languish – lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief
reiterate – to say, state, or perform again
sanctimonious – excessively or hypocritically pious
clarion – loud and clear
scintillating – marked by high spirits or excitement
usurpation – wrongfully seizing and holding by force
perfidy – betrayal of a trust
magnanimity – liberal in bestowing gifts
consanguinity – related by blood
effusion – flow under pressure
propitiate – make peace with