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Pennoweth Primary School
PE Funding 2015/16
What is it?
The government is providing funding of £150 million per annum for the academic years 2013/14, 2014/15 and
2015/16 to provide new and substantial primary school sport funding. The funding is being jointly provided by the
Department for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport and will see money going directly to primary school
Head teachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all children. Each school will receive £8000 plus
an extra £5 per pupil. The money can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools.
How much PE Funding did Pennoweth School receive in 2015/16?
The PE Funding allocation for Pennoweth School was £9010
What benefits are there?
Our school is in an area of deprivation and our school regards the role of sport to be one of high importance.
Through sport children can develop skills and attitudes that will carry them through to adulthood. Through sport
children can develop confidence, self-esteem, resilience, cooperation, team work, health and fitness, turn taking,
coping with success and losing, conflict resolution, determination, aspiration and desire and well-being – amongst
many others. Through sport children can learn to play sports and take part in activities and give them the confidence
to join clubs and activities outside of school. In turn this therefore gives them access to a ‘ready-made’ group of
friends wherever they may end up working or living.
What does the Sport Premium mean for my school?
‘Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the
freedom to choose how they do this’ (DfE June 2013).
At Pennoweth School we have split up the funding into three different areas; Physical Education, Healthy Active
Lifestyles and Competitive Sport. We have decided to spend the Sport Premium Grant on the following:
Physical Education:
Raising standards of all our children in Physical
To increase staffs’ subject
knowledge and
confidence in teaching
Increase range of sports
the children take part in
and the quality of
equipment available for
Expected Cost
Time for PE coordinator to be
released from class for
Rising Stars Curriculum
Purchasing new
athletics equipment:
Purchasing new
equipment to replace
Staff delivering high
quality PE lessons
Standards improve
Children’s attitude to
sport improves
Children’s attitude to
athletics improves
Teachers confidence in
delivering athletics
To be reviewed
To be reviewed.
Continue to increase the
number of children who
can swim 25 metres by
the time they leave Year
Cost of extra staff to
support children.
Increase numbers able to
swim 25 metres.
Increase the numbers of
children able to swim
25m across KS2.
Cost of minibus hire:
Target levels of
children reaching
Year 6: 75%
Year 5: 60%
Year 4: 40%
Year 3: 30%
To be reviewed at the end
of the academic year.
Healthy Active Lifestyles:
Ensuring all our children have access to regular
Increase the
opportunities for KS1
children to take part in
physical activity.
Increase range of
sporting and exercise
opportunities available at
breaks and lunchtimes.
Expected Cost
Minibus hire for
KS1 based
Lunchtime break
equipment KS1 and
Cost £900 per key
stage. (£1800)
Develop the skills of
children to organise and
lead sports and games at
break times and
Releasing member of
staff to train new
year 6’s.
Basic skills of the children
will start to improve.
Attitudes towards healthy
lifestyles will improve in
More children take part in
sports and exercise.
Improved behaviour
Improvement in
cooperative skills and
basic skills
Increased awareness of
risks involved and a
reduction in number of
Increase in numbers of
children who take part in
the Children’s University
More children taking up
responsibilities and
leading games and sports
To be reviewed.
To be reviewed.
To be reviewed.
Competitive School Sport:
Increasing pupil’s participation in extra-curricular
Maintain numbers of boys
and girls taking part in
extra-curricular sports
Expected Cost
Cost of specialised
coach for the year:
Maintain number of
children taking part in
sports related clubs.
Children’s basic skills
Results in fixtures will
start to improve.
To be reviewed.
Increase number of sports
children can represent the
school in and therefore
increase the numbers of
boys and girls taking part.
Buying into Redruth
School events.
Increase in numbers of
boys representing the
Increase in numbers of
girls representing the
Increase the number of
children progressing to
the area finals.
To be reviewed.
An increase from
7 to 10 children
making it
through to the
next level of the
Cross Country.
Total funding received: £9010
Total expected spend: £8724
It was also decided to focus upon improving the children’s attitude towards PE lessons and sport. To support this we
also created a PE kit for all of the staff to wear. This was at a cost of £180.
Uses of the funding have included:
 Purchasing a support package from Redruth School in CPD, Ofsted preparation, access to facilities and
specialist teachers.
 Purchasing new equipment for example athletics equipment and suitable equipment for KS1.
 Running House sports competitions and providing cover for members of staff to organise.
 Gaining access to materials to support whole school planning for PE.
 Lunchtime games equipment.
 Providing transport to sporting fixtures and competitions.
 Appointing a specialist PE teacher to teach classes PE and coach children who are showing promise.
The above uses of the funding were chosen so that the positive impact they are having are sustainable and go
beyond the life of the funding.
Impact of the sport funding on the school.
Increase the number of boys and girls taking part in extra- curricular sports.
To be able to provide engaging and exciting sporting clubs, we have invested in purchasing new equipment and
hiring specialist sports coaches to help with the delivery of these clubs. Since the introduction of the sports premium
funding there has been a steady increase in the number of children attending clubs, in particular girls.
 From 2013-2015 the number of children attending clubs has doubled from 58 to 114.
 There has been an increase of 22% of girls taking part in after school clubs.
This year we aim to maintain he numbers of children regularly taking part in clubs as well as offering them an
increased variety of clubs.
A table to show the after school clubs on offer during 2014-15
Martial Arts
Ultimate Frisbee
KS1 Football
KS1 Multi-skills
Running Club
Rounders Club
A table to show the after school clubs on offer during 2015-16
Martial Arts
Ultimate Frisbee
KS1 Football
KS1 Multi-skills
Running Club
Rounders Club
Increase the number of children who can swim 25m by the end of year 6.
Throughout KS2 the children are given regular opportunities to have swimming lessons at Carn Brea. The progress
the children make is carefully tracked. Children that may not reach the 25m target are identified early and given the
opportunity to take part in extra catch-up swimming sessions. As you can see below, the catch-up swimming
sessions are having a positive impact on the number of children reaching 25m across KS2. In addition to this we were
also able to offer our Year 2’s some swimming sessions for the first time last year. This proved to be a valuable
experience which improved their water confidence ready for their lessons in Year 3. Detailed below are the target
percentages for this year.
The percentage of children who can swim 25m in KS2.
Year Group
Year 6
Year 5
Year 4
Year 3
2015-16 (Target)
Increase the number of sports the children can represent the school in.
As a school we have continued to dramatically increase the number of opportunities the children have to represent
the school within different sports. Not only have we increased the number of sporting events we attend outside of
school, we are also continuing our intra-house competitions where an increasing number of children can take part.
These competitions have included both KS1 and KS2.
Tournaments entered so far during 2015/16
Cross Country
Football League
Netball League
Rugby League
Redruth Football tournament- Finished 2nd place
Redruth Hockey tournament (2 teams)
KS1 Multi-skills (21 children)- First time entry
Tournaments we still aim to enter in 2016:
TAG rugby
Quad kids
A table to show the number of children taking part in intra-house competitions 14/15
Year 1/2 Football
Year 3/4 Football
Year 5/6 Football
Number of
Planned intra-house tournaments for 15/16
KS 1 Tournaments
Year 1/2 Football
Year 1/2 Multiskills
KS2 Tournaments
Year 3/4 Football
Year 5/6 Football
Year 3/4 Rugby
Year 5/6 Rugby
Year 5/6 Hockey
Year 3/4 Dodgeball
Year 5/6 Dodgeball
KS2 Athletics event
Year 3/4 Rugby
Year 5/6 Rugby
Year 5/6 Hockey
Number of