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Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Honors Statistics
Aug 23-8:26 PM
Daily Agenda
3. Review Homework C5#7
Aug 23-8:31 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Apr 17-8:20 PM
Nov 9-5:30 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Nov 9-5:34 PM
How do you want it - the crystal mumbo-jumbo
or statistical probability?
Apr 25-10:55 AM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Get rich A survey of 4826 randomly selected young adults (aged 19 to 25) asked, “What
do you think are the chances you will have much more than a middle-class income at age
30?” The two-way table shows the responses. Choose a survey respondent at random.
Given that the person selected is male, what’s the probability that he answered
“almost certain”?
P(AC I M) = --------- = 0.2428
If the person selected said “some chance but probably not,” what’s the probability
that the person is female?
P(F I ScPn) = --------- = 0.5983
Nov 18-8:16 PM
A Titanic disaster In 1912 the luxury liner Titanic, on its first voyage
across the Atlantic, struck an iceberg and sank. Some passengers got off
the ship in lifeboats, but many died. The two-way table gives
information about adult passengers who lived and who died, by class of
travel. Suppose we choose an adult passenger at random.
> (a) Given that the person selected was in first class, what’s the probability that he or she survived?
P(Survived I FC) = --------- = 0.6176
> (b) If the person selected survived, what’s the probability that he or she was a third-class passenger?
P( third class I Survived) = --------- = 0.3416
Nov 18-8:17 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Sampling senators The two-way table describes the members of
the U.S. Senate in a recent year. Suppose we select a senator at
random. Consider events D: is a democrat, and F: is female.
(a) Find P(D | F). Explain what this value means.
P(D I F) = --------- = 0.765
What is the probability that you are a democrat
given that you are a female senator? 76.5%
(b) Find P(F | D). Explain what this value means.
P(F I D) = --------- = 0.217 What is the probability that you are a female
given that you are a democratic senator? 21.7%
ARE GENDER AND PARTY Independent events for the U.S. Senators?
Nov 18-8:19 PM
Who eats breakfast? The following two-way table describes the 595 students who
responded to a school survey about eating breakfast. Suppose we select a student at
random. Consider events B: eats breakfast regularly, and M: is male.
(a) Find P(B | M). Explain what this value means.
P(B I M) = --------- = 0.5938
What is the probability that you eat breakfast
regularly given that you are a male? 59.38%
(b) Find P(M | B). Explain what this value means.
P(M I B) = --------- = 0.6333
What is the probability that you are a male
given that you eat breakfast regularly 63.33%
ARE GENDER AND Breakfast habits Independent events?
Nov 18-8:19 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Foreign-language study Choose a student in grades 9 to 12 at
random and ask if he or she is studying a language other than
English. Here is the distribution of results:
> (a) What’s the probability that the student is studying a language other than English?
P(other than English) = 1 - P(none) = 1 - 0.59 = 0.41
> (b) What is the conditional probability that a student is studying Spanish given that he or she is
studying some language other than English?
P( S I other than English) = -------- = 0.6341
Nov 18-8:20 PM
Income tax returns Here is the distribution of the adjusted gross income (in
thousands of dollars) reported on individual federal income tax returns in a
recent year:
> (a) What is the probability that a randomly chosen return shows an adjusted gross income
of $50,000 or more?
P(income ≥ 50000) = 0.215 + 0.100 + 0.006 = 0.321
> (b) Given that a return shows an income of at least $50,000, what is the conditional
probability that the income is at least $100,000?
P( income ≥ 100,000 I income ≥ 50,000) = ----------- = 0.3302
Nov 18-8:21 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Teachers and college degrees Select an adult at random. Define events A: person
has earned a college degree, and T: person’s career is teaching. Rank the following
probabilities from smallest to largest. Justify your answer.
P(A | T)
P(T | A)
P(T)... some of the population of adults are teachers
P(T I A) ... some people who have college degrees are teachers
P(A) ... many people have college degrees
P(A I T) ... all teachers have college degrees
Nov 18-8:29 PM
Tall people and basketball players Select an adult at random.
Define events T: person is over 6 feet tall, and B: person is a
professional basketball player. Rank the following
probabilities from smallest to largest. Justify your answer.
P(T | B)
P(B | T)
P(B) ... some people play basketball (few pro)
P(B I T) ... some tall people play basketball
P(T)... more of the population of adults are tall
P(T I B) ... almost all pro basketball players are tall
Nov 18-8:22 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Facebook versus YouTube A recent survey suggests that 85% of college students have
posted a profile on Facebook, 73% use YouTube regularly, and 66% do both. Suppose we
select a college student at random and learn that the student has a profile on Facebook.
Find the probability that the student uses YouTube regularly. Show your work.
UTube 0.66
0.66 = 0.7765
P( UTube I Face) = ---------0.85
Nov 18-8:22 PM
Mac or PC? A recent census at a major university revealed that 40% of
its students mainly used Macintosh computers (Macs). The rest mainly
used PCs. At the time of the census, 67% of the school’s students were
undergraduates. The rest were graduate students. In the census, 23% of
the respondents were graduate students who said that they used PCs as
their primary computers. Suppose we select a student at random from
among those who were part of the census and learn that the student
mainly uses a PC. Find the probability that this person is a graduate
student. Show your work.
Grad 0.10
0.23 = 0.383
P(G I PC) = ---------0.60
Nov 18-8:23 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Free downloads? Illegal music downloading has become a big problem: 29% of
Internet users download music files, and 67% of downloaders say they don’t care if
the music is copyrighted.17 What percent of Internet users download music and don’t
care if it’s copyrighted? Write the information given in terms of probabilities, and use
the general multiplication rule.
P( IDC and download)
P( IDC I download) = ----------------P(download)
0.67 = ---------0.29
x = (0.67)(0.29)
x = 0.1943
P( IDC and download) = 0.1943 or 19.4%
Nov 18-8:23 PM
Please place the following in your pocket folder:
Aug 20-8:59 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Nov 15-10:41 PM
Nov 15-10:41 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
May 3-6:11 PM
May 3-6:12 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Nov 16-6:12 PM
Nov 16-6:11 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Nov 16-6:12 PM
Nov 16-6:14 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Nov 28-9:45 PM
Dec 15-7:03 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
HIV testing Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) tests are used to screen blood specimens
for the presence of antibodies to HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Antibodies indicate
the presence of the virus. The test is quite accurate but is not always correct. Here are
approximate probabilities of positive and negative EIA outcomes when the blood
tested does and does not actually contain antibodies to HIV:21
Suppose that 1% of a large population carries antibodies to HIV in their blood. We
choose a person from this population at random. Given that the EIA test is positive,
find the probability that the person has the antibody. Show your work.
Nov 19-3:26 PM
Nov 16-6:13 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
The probability of a flush A poker player holds a flush when all 5 cards in the
hand belong to the same suit. We will find the probability of a flush when 5 cards
are dealt. Remember that a deck contains 52 cards, 13 of each suit, and that when
the deck is well shuffled, each card dealt is equally likely to be any of those that
remain in the deck.
(a) We will concentrate on spades. What is the probability that the first card dealt
is a spade? What is the conditional probability that the second card is a spade given
that the first is a spade?
P(spade) = 13/52 = .25
P(spade l spade) = (12/51) = .23529
(b) Continue to count the remaining cards to find the conditional probabilities of a
spade on the third, the fourth, and the fifth card given in each case that all previous
cards are spades.
P(spade l spade l spade) = (11/50) = .22
P(spade l spade l spade l spade) = (10/49) =.2041
P(spade l spade l spade l spade l spade) = (9/48) = .1875
(c) The probability of being dealt 5 spades is the product of the five probabilities
you have found. Why? What is this probability?
using the extended multiplication rule gives the probability of a flush
P(spade flush) = (.25)(.2353)(.22)(.2041)(.1875) = 0.0004952
(d) The probability of being dealt 5 hearts or 5 diamonds or 5 clubs is the same as
the probability of being dealt 5 spades. What is the probability of being dealt a
multiply answer c by 4 (4)(.0004952) = 0.001981
Nov 20-4:52 PM
Rolling dice Suppose you roll two fair, six-sided dice—one red and one green.
Are the events “sum is 7” and “green die shows a 4” independent? Justify your
Nov 19-3:36 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Rolling dice Suppose you roll two fair, six-sided dice—one red and one green. Are
the events “sum is 8” and “green die shows a 4” independent? Justify your answer.
Nov 19-3:37 PM
A skips 75, 78, 91
How do you want it - the crystal mumbo-jumbo
or statistical probability?
t = tree diagram DO IT!!
Apr 25-10:55 AM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Box of chocolates
never know what you’re gonna get.” Suppose a candy maker offers a special “Gump
box” with 20 chocolate candies that look the same. In fact, 14 of the candies have soft
centers and 6 have hard centers. Choose 2 of the candies from a Gump box at random.
Draw a tree diagram that shows the sample space of this chance process.
P(soft ∩ soft)=
P(soft ∩ hard)=
P(hard ∩ soft)=
P(hard ∩ hard)=
Find the probability that one of the chocolates has a soft center and the other one
Nov 20-4:03 PM
Inspecting switches
Draw a tree diagram that shows the sample space of this chance process.
P(good ∩ good)=
P(good ∩ bad)=
10,000 switches
P(bad ∩ good)=
P(bad ∩ bad)=
Find the probability that both switches are defective.
P(bad ∩ bad)=
= 0.00999
Nov 20-4:19 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
In a recent month, 88% of automobile drivers filled their vehicles with
regular gasoline, 2% purchased midgrade gas, and 10% bought premium gas.
who bought regular gas, 28% paid with a credit card; of customers who bought midgrade
and premium gas, 34% and 42%, respectively, paid with a credit card. Suppose we select
a customer at random.
Draw a tree diagram to represent this situation.
P(reg ∩ credit)= (0.88)(0.28) = 0.2464
P(reg ∩ no credit)=(0.88)(0.72) = 0.6336
P(mid ∩ credit)= (0.02)(0.34) =0.0068
midgrade .02
P(mid ∩ no credit)=(0.02)(0.66) = 0.0132
P(prem ∩ credit)= (0.10)(0.42) = 0.042
P(prem ∩ no credit)=(0.10)(0.58) = 0.058
Find the probability that the customer paid with a credit card. Show your work.
P(credit) = 0.2464 + 0.0068 + 0.042 = 0.2952
Given that the customer paid with a credit card, find the probability that she bought
premium gas. Show your work.
P(premium I credit) = ------- = 0.142
Nov 20-4:27 PM
Urban voters The voters in a large city are 40% white, 40% black, and 20% Hispanic. (Hispanics
may be of any race in official statistics, but here we are speaking of political blocks.) A mayoral
candidate anticipates attracting 30% of the white vote, 90% of the black vote, and 50% of the
Hispanic vote. Suppose we select a voter at random.
Draw a tree diagram to represent this situation.
vote +) =
vote +) =
vote +) =
Find the probability that this voter votes for the mayoral candidate. Show your work.
Given that the chosen voter plans to vote for the candidate, find the probability that the voter is
black. Show your work.
Nov 20-4:44 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Fundraising by telephone Tree diagrams can organize problems having more than two
stages. The figure at top right shows probabilities for a charity calling potential donors by
telephone.20 Each person called is either a recent donor, a past donor, or a new prospect. At
the next stage, the person called either does or does not pledge to contribute, with
conditional probabilities that depend on the donor class to which the person belongs.
Finally, those who make a pledge either do or don’t actually make a contribution. Suppose
we randomly select a person who is called by the charity.
a) What is the probability that the person contributed to the charity? Show your
P(charity contribution) = (0.5)(0.4)(0.8)+(0.3)(0.3)(0.6)+(0.2)(0.1)(0.5) = 0.224
(b) Given that the person contributed, find the probability that he or she is a recent
donor. Show your work.
P(recent I contribution) = (0.5)(0.4)(0.8) = 0.7143
Nov 20-4:51 PM
Bright lights? A string of Christmas lights contains 20 lights. The lights
are wired in series, so that if any light fails, the whole string will go dark.
Each light has probability 0.02 of failing during a 3-year period. The lights
fail independently of each other. Find the probability that the string of
lights will remain bright for 3 years.
Nov 20-4:51 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Universal blood donors People with type O-negative blood are universal donors. That is, any
patient can receive a transfusion of O-negative blood. Only 7.2% of the American population
have O-negative blood. If we choose 10 Americans at random who gave blood, what is the
probability that at least 1 of them is a universal donor?
P(universal donor) = 0.072
P(universal donorC) = 1-0.072 = 0.928
P(10 in a row are not universal) = (0.928)10
P(at least one) = 1 - P(none are universal donor)
P(at least one) = 1 - (0.928)10 = 0.5263
Nov 20-4:51 PM
Lost Internet sites Internet sites often vanish or move, so that references to them can’t be followed. In
fact, 13% of Internet sites referenced in major scientific journals are lost within two years after
publication.22 If we randomly select seven Internet references, from scientific journals, what is the
probability that at least one of them doesn’t work two years later?
P(lost internet site) = 0.13
P(lost siteC) = 1-0.13 = 0.87
P(7 in a row are not lost site) = (0.87)7
P(at least one) = 1 - P(none are lost)
P(at least one) = 1 - (0.87)7 = 0.6227
Nov 20-4:51 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Late flights An airline reports that 85% of its flights arrive on time. To find
the probability that its next four flights into LaGuardia Airport all arrive on
time, can we multiply (0.85)(0.85)(0.85)(0.85)? Why or why not?
We cannot multiply to find the answer
to this question because the arrival of
the next four flights will NOT be
If one flight is next we should expect
that more late flights will follow ...
Nov 20-4:52 PM
The probability of a flush A poker player holds a flush when all 5 cards in the
hand belong to the same suit. We will find the probability of a flush when 5 cards
are dealt. Remember that a deck contains 52 cards, 13 of each suit, and that when
the deck is well shuffled, each card dealt is equally likely to be any of those that
remain in the deck.
(a) We will concentrate on spades. What is the probability that the first card dealt
is a spade? What is the conditional probability that the second card is a spade given
that the first is a spade?
P(spade) = 13/52 = .25
P(spade l spade) = (12/51) = .23529
(b) Continue to count the remaining cards to find the conditional probabilities of a
spade on the third, the fourth, and the fifth card given in each case that all previous
cards are spades.
P(spade l spade l spade) = (11/50) = .22
P(spade l spade l spade l spade) = (10/49) =.2041
P(spade l spade l spade l spade l spade) = (9/48) = .1875
(c) The probability of being dealt 5 spades is the product of the five probabilities
you have found. Why? What is this probability?
using the extended multiplication rule gives the probability of a flush
P(spade flush) = (.25)(.2353)(.22)(.2041)(.1875) = 0.0004952
(d) The probability of being dealt 5 hearts or 5 diamonds or 5 clubs is the same as
the probability of being dealt 5 spades. What is the probability of being dealt a
multiply answer c by 4 (4)(.0004952) = 0.001981
Nov 20-4:52 PM
Chapter 5 Section 3 day 3b 2016s Notes.notebook
April 19, 2016
Nov 15-7:17 PM