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Consists of heart and blood vessels
The heart is the pump that pushes blood through the
blood vessels
◦ Blood vessels are the “pipes” of our plumbing system
Transport system for the supply of O2 to cells of the
body and removal of waste to excretory organs
Every cell in body is in contact with a blood vessel
Cells rely on O2 and nutrients to function, grow and
This is the delivery and waste removal system of the
Cardiovascular system
Cone shaped muscular organ
Approximately the size of a closed fist
Located in thoracic cavity between lungs and
Two thirds located to left of mid-line, one
third to right
Position of heart in body
Centre of cardiovascular system
Four chambered muscular pump
Pumps oxygenated blood to all body cells
Pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs to
dispose of CO2 and pick up more O2
Per day, the heart
◦ Beats approx 100,000 times
◦ Pumps 8,000 litres of blood
The heart has three layers
1. The pericardium
 Outer serous layer
 Surrounds and protects the heart
 Has two layers
 Visceral and parietal
 Contains serous fluid that prevents friction
The heart has three layers
2. The myocardium
 Middle muscle layer
 Provides pumping action of the heart
3. The endocardium
 Inner epithelium layer
 Thin and smooth to allow blood easily through heart
 Forms valves and is continuous with lining of blood
Four chambered muscular pump
Divided into right and left by strong muscular wall
called septum
◦ Right side contains blood low in O2
◦ Left side contains blood high in O2
Heart further divided transversely by valves
Upper chambers are atria (one is called atrium)
◦ Thin walled
◦ Receives blood
Lower chambers are ventricles
◦ Delivery chambers
Right atrium
◦ Receives de-oxygenated blood via superior vena
cava and inferior vena cava
Right ventricle
◦ Receives blood from RA and pumps to lungs via
pulmonary artery
Left atrium
◦ Receives oxygenated blood from lungs via four
pulmonary veins
Left ventricle
◦ Receives blood from LA and pumps to aorta
Heart chambers
Largest artery in the
Carries oxygenated
blood to all parts of
body except lungs
Separate atria and ventricles
Atrioventricular valves (AV)
◦ Right AV valve called tricuspid valve
◦ Left AV valve called bicuspid or mitral valve
◦ Both AV valves attached to walls of ventricles by thin
threads of tissue called chordae tendinae (heart strings)
◦ Heart strings keep valves from flipping back into atria
Valves that exit ventricles are called semi-lunar
Heart valves
Heart has its own blood supply
Supply is from right and left coronary artery
that branch off aorta
Partial blockage of any of these arteries
causes insufficient blood supply to heart =
myocardial ischaemia
Complete obstruction = myocardial infarction
Coronary arteries
One complete contraction and relaxation of
Contracting phase called systole
Relaxing phase called diastole
Fluid that transports O2 and nutrients to all cells
of the body and returns CO2 and waste
Is a type of connective tissue as nearly half is
made up of cells that move freely in the plasma
Three to five times more viscous than H2O
Colour varies from bright orange to dark red
depending on amount of O2 carried
Amount of circulating blood depends on size of
Average adult has approx 5 litres
8% of body weight
◦ O2 from lungs to all body cells
◦ CO2 from cells to lungs
◦ Nutrients and electrolytes, salts and vitamins from
digestive system or body stores
◦ Waste from cells to where they were released
 Liver
 Lungs
◦ Hormones from sites of origin to organs they affect
◦ Buffers in blood keep pH at about 7.4
◦ Regulates amount of fluid to tissues
◦ Transports heat generated by muscles to other
parts of body maintaining body temperature
◦ Defence against disease
◦ Carries cells and anti-bodies of immune system
◦ Contains factors that protect against blood loss
from site of injury
◦ Liquid portion
◦ Over half total blood volume
◦ 90% H2O
◦ 10% dissolved or suspended substances
 Protein essential for growth and rebuilding of body tissues
◦ Contains nutrients
 Glucose
 Lipids
 Vitamins
 Drugs
 Hormones
Formed elements
◦ Erythrocytes (RBC)
 Mature cell does not contain nucleus
 Carry O2 bound to RBC by haemoglobin
 HB gives blood red colour
 Most numerous of blood cells
 Life span 120 days
Formed elements
◦ Leucocytes (WBC)
 Contain nucleus
 Out numbered by RBC 700:1
 Colourless
 Life span 6 – 8 hours
 Types
 Neutrophils
 Esinophils
 Basophils
 Lymphocytes
 Monocytes
Formed elements
◦ Platelets (thrombocytes)
 Smallest elements
 Fragments of cells
 Essential to blood clotting
 Life span 10 days
Origin of formed elements
◦ Produced in bone marrow
◦ Called stem cells
Bodies natural ability to control unexpected
blood loss
Contraction of smooth muscle in blood vessel
causing vasoconstriction
Platelet plug forms by platelets becoming
Blood clot is formed
◦ Carry blood away from heart
◦ Thick walls – blood under pressure
◦ Pressure creates pulse
◦ Bright cherry red in colour
◦ Smallest branches called arterioles
◦ Largest artery – aorta
◦ Return blood to heart
◦ Carry blood low in O2
◦ Exception – pulmonary vein
◦ Darker, more bluish red in colour
◦ Walls thinner due to less pressure
◦ Flow as a result of skeletal muscle movement
◦ Have valves to prevent back flow of blood
◦ Smallest veins called venules
◦ Largest vein in body – great saphenous (in leg)
◦ Microscopic one cell thick
◦ Connect arteriole and venules
◦ Contain mixture of venous and arterial blood
◦ Thin walls allow exchange of O2 and CO2 and also
nutrients and waste
◦ Composed of three layers
◦ Thickness depends on size and type of blood
◦ First layer is tunica adventitia
 Outer layer
 Connective tissue
 Thicker in artery than veins
◦ Second layer tunica media
 Middle layer
 Smooth muscle
 Thicker in artery than veins
◦ Third layer tunica intima
 Inner layer
 Single layer of endothelial cells
Blood vessel layers
◦ Lumen
 Internal space through which blood flows
◦ Valves
 Major structural difference between veins and arteries
 Venous blood flows against gravity
 Valves prevent back flow
Heart rate is the number of heart beats per minute
Normal adult heart rate is around 72 BPM
Volume of blood pumped in one minute = cardiac
output (average 5 litres per minute)
Irregularity = arrhythmia
Slow rate = bradycardia
Fast rate = tachycardia
Rapid uncoordinated contractions = fibrillations
Caused by a wave of increased pressure as
blood is forced out of the heart
Pulse rate = heart rate
Can be felt as artery passes over bone
Measure of pressure exerted by blood on
walls of blood vessels
Measured in large artery by a
Results are expressed in millimetres of
Systolic = pressure during contraction of
Diastolic = pressure during relaxation of
Blood pressure