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GENESIS 26: 1 – 14, LUKE 5: 1 – 7
In life, there is no one that is not committed to anything, it’s either you are here or
you are there, so today we want to look at commitment to God and the reward that
is obtainable from such act of belief in the Almighty, who does not employ without
giving the appropriate reward
In this sermon we will see:
What commitment is
Facts about commitment
Examples of those who were committed and rewarded
How to get committed and
The rewards for being committed to God
What is commitment?
Commitment is your decision not look back from following Jesus
Commitment is your decision to do whatever God sends you to do
Commitment is your resolve to stay on your assignment in God’s kingdom
Commitment is a pact (mutual agreement: an agreement made between two
or more people or groups, either formally or informally, to do something
together or for each other) between you and God’s kingdom
Commitment is not just saying what you want to do, it is doing what you are
saying without any external force pushing you
Commitment is a deadly resolution you make to stand by, for and with God
Your commitment is your service, duty, responsibility or assignment in the
kingdom of God
Facts about commitment
Understand that if you are not committed to God and His kingdom, He cannot be
committed to your destiny and without His commitment to your destiny, it cannot
be fulfilled, in fact, your destiny can be wasted or destroyed without God’s
commitment to you
When you are committed to God you don’t listen to backbiters
It is your commitment that can hasten the fulfillment of your expectation
What do you want to commit yourself to in the House of God? Understand
that when you stop your commitment, you stop God from working in your life
I said earlier that “your commitment is your service, duty, responsibility and
assignment”, if it therefore is a responsibility in God’s kingdom and you stop it, then
God’s responsibility to your own life and destiny is stopped as well
Understand that if it is an assignment, there is empowerment to carry it out
Note that the devil will use a lot of tricks, gimmicks and strategies to get you off your
commitment but you must remain on the line of no return
You may be distracted but don’t look back, you may be challenged but don’t be
afraid, when you are committed to your sender, He will be your defender
When you have attackers coming against you because of your commitment, your
sender will be your defender
It is possible to attach a condition to your commitment, but after the condition has
been fulfilled you must not forsake your commitment – commitment is a chain that
must not be broken, you cannot compel God to do anything for you
Examples of those who were committed and rewarded
Isaac was committed to God and he enjoyed supernatural supplies in the time of
scarcity – Genesis 26: 12 – 14
Peter was initially committed to his personal effort but it was fruitless, until he
committed to the Lord Jesus and His kingdom, he also encountered the power of
God in his business. He also gave up everything because of Jesus and his life never
remained the same – Luke 5: 7
How do I enter into commitment to God?
You start by committing your life to Christ as your Lord and Saviour
You then continue in Him by reading and learning His word from the Bible
When you are exposed to the Word you will be able to choose what area of
commitment you want to enter into in the kingdom –
It could be a service like: cleaning the church, washing the toilet etc.
It could be an assignment like: hosting a service e.g. Transformation Hour,
Shiloh service etc.
It could be a responsibility like: praying for pregnant women, job seekers
It could be a duty like: burning incense, shouting hallelujah during worship
Keep on doing it and let people know what you are committed to doing
What then is my reward for commitment?
For every commitment, there is always what to gain, so when you are committed to
God, you can enjoy these rewards from Him:
Your healing is sure – this is the promise of God we will be exposing to our
lives in prayer today
Your health becomes a no go area for the devil i.e. you will not be a candidate
for sickness, and it is the actual plan and purpose for us as His children
You enjoy divine direction, which provokes supernatural supplies – Genesis
26: 2
You are favored by God and man
You overcome any challenge that may come your way
You become an envy of the people, though they may not tell you to your face
You will have long life
You become a role model for others to follow
You become a celebrity
God’s promises are fulfilled in your life, because He will want to make you a
show to others
Whatever you are committed to will be evident in your life
Prayers on the fulfillment of God’s promises
God said we should be praying about His promises directly from His word and each
member should hold on to it, confess it and expect its manifestation
For this month, we are praying about the health and healing promises by God
Jesus gave us power to heal all manner of sickness and disease:
Matthew 10: 1, Luke 9: 2; 4: 18
God is interested in healing the sick if you believe in His power and if you are ready
to commit your life to Him, He will reward you with His healing power –
Deuteronomy 32: 39, Jeremiah 33: 6
The Lord has also promised us health i.e. the body system that is not prone to
sickness – 3rd John 2, Jeremiah 30: 17
Sound health is the promise of God for the redeemed; anything that is therefore
short of this promise in your life and my life is terminated today! – Isaiah 58: 8 – the
Hebrew word for health here is ‘aruwkah’ – which means “wholeness, perfected,
health” for you to maintain this your light must keep shining forever and God will
keep your health stable
Prayer Points
Every sickness that has been wasting my money and energy is removed from
my life today!
Every form of sickness hindering my progress in life, be healed today
Every financial sickness in my life is cured today!
Every spiritual sickness causing helpers not to locate me be destroyed today
Oh Lord, let the fire of healing burn through my body today!
Every unseen sickness causing setback and failure in my life, be cast out by
As the oil of God comes upon my head and enters my mouth, I flush out every
power of sickness from my body and life
Take this confession with me:
I connect to the healing promise of God for my life today! I declare that my house
shall not be turned to the counter of a chemist with different types of drugs; I shall
not become a prey to doctors in my life
I receive the reward of healing and good health, I renew my commitment to God and
I enter into a higher level of commitment to my creator, nothing shall by any means
set me back! Healing is my portion from today henceforth, so help me God! Amen
Alo Olatokunboh Akin (ASM)
Transformation Hour Network
Strategist, Pastor, Website Designer, Transformational Speaker, Spiritual
Strategist, Teacher, Life Coach, Personal Development Expert, Dynamic,
Intelligent, and Spiritual Young man
Telephone: +234-8036506376, +234-8052930044
WhatsApp: +234-8052930044
Website: /
[email protected] or [email protected]