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Chapter Three
Understanding Your
Chapter Preview: Understanding Your
Communication Style
• Style bias and its effect on interpersonal
• Benefits of understanding
communication styles
• Elements of communication style model
• Identifying preferred style
• Style flexing
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Communication Style
• Communication style—patterns of
behavior that others can observe
• Understanding your style….
– achieve greater self-awareness
– develop more effective interpersonal
– greater sensitivity to and tolerance for
others’ styles
– essential for managing key relationships
member of a group
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Fundamental Concepts
• Individual differences exist and are
– i.e., gestures, assertiveness, expression
– each person has unique style
– identify by careful observation
• Differences tend to be stable
– Jung’s Psychological Types
– born with disposition that is exercised and
developed over least preferred preferences
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Fundamental Concepts
• Four basic styles
– Intuitor, thinker, feeler, and sensor
– Similar characteristics within style
• Style is a way of thinking and behaving
– Not an ability
– Is a preferred way of using abilities or style
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Fundamental Concepts
• Productive relationships are developed
by being in sync with others
– Important advantage when understanding
– Adapting is style flexing
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Communication Style Bias
• A common form of prejudice
• More likely when styles differ
• What can you do?
– Develop an awareness of your own style
– Learn to assess the style of others
– Learn to adapt your own style to theirs
– “Speaking the other person’s language” is
essential for relationship skills
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Total Person Insight
Everyone has had the experience of
saying or doing something that was
perfectly acceptable to a friend or
coworker and then being surprised
when the same behavior irritated
someone else.
David W. Merrill and Roger H. Reid
Personal Styles and Effective Performance
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Communication Style Model
• Two important dimensions of style:
– Dominance
– Sociability
• Dominance
– The tendency to display a “take-charge”
– an important dimension in interpersonal
• Everyone falls somewhere on the
dominance continuum
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The Dominance Continuum
Figure 3.1 Dominance Continuum
• more cooperative
• give advice freely
• eager to assist others
• initiate demands
• less assertive
• more assertive
• more willingly controlled • seek control
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Determining Your Preferred Style
• Identify yourself on the dominance
• Ask four or five people who know you
well to identify you on the continuum
• No best place to be
• Successful people can be found on all
• Both ends are necessary and important
at times
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Figure 3.2 Dominance Indicator Form
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Figure 3.2 Dominance Indicator Form
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Figure 3.2 Dominance Indicator Form
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Flexibility Is Important
• Low on dominance
– more assertive temporarily to achieve an
– learn to be responsive without giving up
• High on dominance
– curb strong opinions and limit demands to
establish cooperative relationships
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The Sociability Continuum
• Sociability is a tendency to seek and
enjoy social relationships
– measures if you control or express feelings
• Determining your preferred style
– Identify yourself on the dominance
– Identify yourself on the sociability
– Ask four or five people who know you well
to identify you on the continua
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Figure 3.3 - Sociability Continuum
• expresses feelings
• open and talkative
• enjoys personal
• controls feelings
• more reserved and
formal in relationships
Source: Gerald L Manning and Barry Reece, Selling Today: Creating Customer Value,
Ninth Edition, Copyright © 2004. Adapted by permission of Prentice-HallInc., Upper Saddle
River, NJ.
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Figure 3.4 - Sociability Indicator Form
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Figure 3.4 - Sociability Indicator Form
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Figure 3.4 - Sociability Indicator Form
Source: Gerald L Manning and Barry Reece, Selling Today: Creating Customer Value,
Ninth Edition, Copyright © 2004. Adapted by permission of Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper
Saddle River, NJ
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Where Should You Be?
• No best place to be
• Successful people are everywhere
along the sociability continuum
• Flexibility is important
• Low sociability
– may need to be more expressive to avoid
perception of indifference or unconcerned
• High sociability
– may need to curb exuberance if more
formal environment is required
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Communication Styles Model
• The model represents four
communication styles:
– emotive
– reflective
• Two factors:
– dominance sociability
• Model will help identify your most
preferred style
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Figure 3.5 - When the dominance and sociability
dimensions are combined, the framework for
communication style classification is established.
Source: Gerald L Manning and Barry Reece, Selling Today: Creating Customer Value,
Ninth Edition, Copyright © 2004. Adapted by permission of Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper
Saddle River, NJ.
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Figure 3.6 - The emotive style combines
high sociability and high dominance.
Source: Gerald L Manning and Barry Reece, Selling Today: Creating Customer Value,
Ninth Edition, Copyright © 2004. Adapted by permission of Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper
Saddle River, NJ.
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Emotive Style
• Displays spontaneous, uninhibited
• Displays the personality dimension
described as extroversion
• Possesses a natural
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Figure 3.7 - The director style combines
high dominance and low sociability.
Source: Gerald L Manning and Barry Reece, Selling Today: Creating Customer Value,
Ninth Edition, Copyright © 2004. Adapted by permission of Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper
Saddle River, NJ.
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Director Style
• Projects a serious attitude
• Expresses strong opinions
• May project indifference
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Figure 3.8 - The reflective style combines
low dominance and low sociability.
Source: Gerald L Manning and Barry Reece, Selling Today: Creating Customer Value,
Ninth Edition, Copyright © 2004. Adapted by permission of Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper
Saddle River, NJ.
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Reflective Style
• Expresses opinions in a formal,
deliberate manner
• Seems preoccupied
• Prefers orderliness
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Figure 3.9 - The supportive style combines
low dominance and high sociability.
Source: Gerald L Manning and Barry Reece, Selling Today: Creating Customer Value,
Ninth Edition, Copyright © 2004. Adapted by permission of Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper
Saddle River, NJ.
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Supportive Style
• Listens attentively
• Avoids the use of power
• Makes and expresses decisions
in a thoughtful, deliberate
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Identify Yourself?
• Nobody conforms completely to one
• Only one dimension of a personality
• Only deals with behaviors that others
can observe
• May be able to identify the style least
like yourself
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Variation Within Your
Communication Style
Preferred styles vary in intensity
Zones radiate outward from the center
These dimensions are intensity zones
Boundary between zones are not a
permanent barrier
• People use "style flexing"
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Figure 3.10 - Communication Style
Intensity Zones
Source: Gerald L Manning and Barry Reece, Selling Today: Creating Customer Value,
Ninth Edition, Copyright © 2004. Adapted by permission of Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper
Saddle River, NJ.
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Variation Within Your
Communication Style
• Zone I
– Display behaviors with less intensity
– May be difficult to identify the style
– Not be as obvious in their gestures, tone of
voice, speech patterns, or emotional
• Zone 2
– Display behaviors with greater intensity
– Can sometimes observe behavior change
when upset or angry
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Variation Within Your
Communication Style
• Excess Zone
– Characterized by intensity and rigidity
– Can also be labeled the "danger" zone
– Often inflexible and lacks versatility
• Extreme intensity in any quadrant can
interfere with good human relations
• People may move into the excess zone
when stressed, threatened, or insecure
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Table 3.1 - Behaviors Displayed in the
Excess Zone
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Tips on Style Identification of Others
• Focus on observable behavior
– The best clues are nonverbal:
• Gestures, posture, facial expressions, and
speech patterns
• Determine where the person falls on the
sociability and dominance continuums
– This is a process, do not rush to identify
– Different situations will bring out different
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Versatility: The Third Dimension
• Versatility means acting in ways that
gain a social endorsement
– Makes others feel comfortable
– Is independent of style
• Style flexing
– Deliberate attempt to change or alter style
to meet the needs of another person
– Temporary effort to act in harmony with
other communication styles
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Total Person Insight
The best way to break a habit is to establish
another habit. For example, if you’re a
constant talker, stop talking. Work at it.
Kimberly Alyn and Bob Phillips
Authors, Annoying People
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Strategies for Adapting Your Style
• Identify the style of the other person
• Think of ways to flex your style to gain a
social endorsement
• Several style adaptation strategies
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Flexing to an Emotive Style
• Take time to build a social as well as a
business relationship
• Display interest in a person’s ideas,
interests, and experiences
• Do not place too much emphasis on
• Maintain a fast and spontaneous pace
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Flexing to a Director Style
• Be specific, brief, and to the point
• Present the facts logically and be
prepared to provide specific answers
• Maintain fast and decisive pace
• Project strength and confidence
• Messages should be short and to the
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Flexing to a Reflective Style
• Be well organized
• Be straightforward and direct
• Be accurate and realistic when
presenting information
• Messages should be detailed and
• Speak slowly and systematically
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Flexing to a Supportive Style
• Show a sincere interest
• Identify areas of common interests
• Draw out other’s personal goals and
• Listen and be responsive
• Do not be pushy
• Put priority on relationship building
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Style Flexing: Pitfalls and Possibilities
• If sincere and honest, style flexing can:
– help build constructive relationships
– be a valuable, productive strategy
– be especially critical when something
important is at stake
• Do not label others
– classify strengths and preferences, not
• Do not let your own label become rigid
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Strength/Weakness Paradox
• There is no best communication style
– each has unique strong points
• People have problems when they
overextend the strengths of their style
• Customizing your style can require
learning to overcome your strengths
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Chapter Review
• Style bias and its effect on interpersonal
– Communication styles are patterns of
behaviors that are observable to others
– Way of responding to people and events
– Bias is likely to surface when someone's
style is distinctly different from your own
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Chapter Review
• Benefits of understanding
communication styles
– Knowing your style will help you achieve
greater self-awareness and develop more
effective interpersonal relations with others
– Accurate self-knowledge is the starting
point for effectiveness at work
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Chapter Review Summary
• The communication style model is
formed by two dimensions dominance
and sociability
• Four communication Styles
– Emotive
– Director
– Reflective
– Supportive
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Chapter Review Summary
• Identifying your preferred style
– Rate yourself on each scale
(dominance and sociability)
– Ask others to complete these forms for you
• Style flexing
– A third dimension—versatility
– You can adjust your own style to others
– Keep an open mind about others
– Don’t typecast or judge
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