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Monthly Content Service For Sydney Agents
Fresh, high quality content for you to customise as you wish.
Great for newsletters, Facebook posts & other content marketing!
May 2017
Guidelines for use
1. Edit, Add & Delete. Feel free to edit the following content as you wish
2. Pick & Choose. DO NOT use all of the content in one piece. Pick some stories for newsletters,
some for Facebook, some for other content marketing
3. Localise & Personalise. Add a list of recent sales and a few lines on local market trends
Please see next page
Don’t use all of this content in the one piece of marketing. We have provided a lot of copy
only for the purpose of giving you plenty of options. Please edit the copy as you wish!
Newsletter intro
The Federal Budget included a range of measures to tackle affordability, including helping
first home buyers save their deposit and freeing up stock of family homes for young family
buyers by incentivising downsizing.
There are also new limits around foreign investing and small changes to deductions
claimable by investors. Please see our summary of the most important measures below.
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Federal Budget measures
The Federal Budget included a range of measures affecting buyers, sellers and investors in
residential property. The most important measures are as follows:
A tax break for first home buyers. From July 1 this year, first home buyers will be able to
make voluntary contributions of up to $15,000 per year into their super, which will be taxed
at just 15%, to save for their first home. The maximum overall contribution will be $30,000.
Incentives for downsizers. From July 1, 2018, individual downsizers aged 65 and over who
have lived in their home for at least a decade will be able to put $300,000 into their super
from the proceeds of their sale. Couples will be able to put $600,000 into super.
Small changes to investor tax benefits. From July 1 this year, landlords will not be able to
claim travel expenses. On future purchases, depreciation will not be claimable on items
purchased by the previous owner.
Limits on foreign purchases and tax breaks. Foreign owners will be charged a vacancy tax if
they leave their investment property empty rather than renting it out. A 50% cap will apply
on foreign ownership of new developments (currently there is no limit). Also, foreigners will
no longer be able to claim the main residence capital gains tax exemption when they sell.
Sydney price movements
Sydney’s median house price rose by 0.2% to $990,000 in April, while the median apartment
price fell by -1.2% to $740,000. Combining all property types, the average Sydney home
price stagnated with 0% growth overall in April.
According to the latest CoreLogic Hedonic Home Value Index, this is the weakest monthly
result since December 2015 when Sydney home prices fell by -1.2%.
Over the past five years, Sydney home values have risen by 75.1%, including an 11.3% surge
between July 2016 and March 2017 alone.
Why the market will eventually soften
The Sydney property market is cyclical, so what goes up must eventually come down.
At some point, we will pass the peak and market conditions will moderate. Low interest
rates, strong population growth and a severe lack of supply means Sydney property values
should hold very well, with growth rates likely to slow but not cease.
Here are the factors likely to contribute to an eventual slow down:
1. The market is simply due to turn following an unusually long boom period
2. Affordability is a major issue and has pushed many buyers out of the market
3. A large number of new apartments are coming online across Sydney. While we are
not expected to go into oversupply, this will create softer selling conditions
4. Stricter lending criteria is expected to take some heat out of the market
Sydney’s most affordable suburbs
A recent report by CoreLogic identified Sydney’s most affordable suburbs for buyers and
renters. Here are the Top 5 most affordable suburbs for houses.
Most affordable suburbs for buyers (within 10km of the CBD)
1. Tempe $1,128,920 (median price)
2. Turrella $1,132,949
3. Waterloo $1,166,732
4. Canterbury $1,172,435
5. Beaconsfield $1,175,493
Most affordable suburbs for renters (Sydney overall)
Willmot $330 per week (median rent)
Blackett $340 per week
Tregear $350 per week
Bidwill $358 per week
Whalan $360 per week
Source: Best of the Best 2016, article by Tim Lawless, published by CoreLogic 19/12/16
RBA leaves rates on hold
At this month’s meeting, the Reserve Bank Board chose to keep official interest rates on
hold at 1.5%. The cash rate has remained the same since September 2016. By comparison,
just five years ago this month, the official cash rate was 3.75%. Ten years ago, it was 6.25%.
Further restrictions on lending
Last month, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) imposed further
restrictions on lending by asking the banks to limit the number of new loans on interest only
terms. This new measure applies to both investors and owner occupiers.
APRA began restricting lending in December 2014 when it instructed the banks to keep new
investor loans at less than 10% of their credit growth. This measure also remains in place.
6 tips to get your loan approved
With lenders applying stricter criteria, we thought you might find these tips from Mortgage
Choice helpful in getting your loan approved.
1. Check your credit history and resolve any problems
2. Check recent bank statements and make sure they are free from unusual transfers or
withdrawals of large sums. If there are unusual transactions, you will need to explain
them to the bank
3. Create a good savings plan and put aside the difference between your rent and your
prospective new mortgage repayment
4. Banks look for genuine savings capacity to prove you can repay your loan. Genuine
savings are funds saved regularly over a period of three to six months
5. Clear excess debt such as credit cards, car loans, personal loans and HECS/HELP fees
6. Lenders like stable employment, so if you have changed jobs recently or frequently
over several years, make sure you explain why in your loan application
De-clutter to reduce stress
According to psychologist and author Sherrie Bourg Carter, clutter in our homes bombards
our minds with excessive stimuli that causes our senses to work overtime on things that
aren’t necessary or important.
Clutter signals to the brain that there is work to be done. It makes us feel guilty, inhibits
creativity and frustrates us when we can’t find the things we need. In short, it’s not healthy!
The Australasian Association of Professional Organisers provides the following tips for decluttering.
1. Grab your tools – a garbage bin or bags, a recycling bin and 3 containers or
cardboard boxes labelled ‘stay’, ‘donate’ and ‘return’. (Returns belong elsewhere in
the home.)
2. Start small with a drawer or shelf
3. Remove all items from this space and sort into your boxes. Once this process is
complete, make all your returns in the one hit
4. Clean the space and only put back the contents of your ‘stay’ container
5. Recycle and donate unwanted items
Done! You have instantly created space, reduced your housework and reduced your stress.
Create a hotel look for your bedroom
Your bedroom should be your own serene place of rest, relaxation and joy. If you like the
lavish hotel look, try these simple style tips.
Dress up an ordinary ensemble bed by adding a chic bedhead with a fabric finish
Purchase sheets with a minimum 400-thread count for a touch of luxury
Spoil yourself with a plush doona and large square European feature pillows
Purchase matching side tables, preferably with drawers; and matching lamps
Try two types of curtains – a sheer silky curtain to enable light and privacy and a
second heavier curtain for evenings. Pick shades that complement your bedding
Create a feature wall behind your bed with patterned wallpaper or a bright paint