Download The End Game - Superior North CFDC

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FREE workshop for entrepreneurs!
The End Game:
Planning the Transition of Your Business
You have invested time, energy and commitment in building your business. Planning for your exit and the
protection of your wealth and legacy is equally important as the work and decisions that got you here. There
are only so many ways for you to transition from your business and careful planning will leave you in control of
the decisions that will affect you, your family, your business, your finances and your future.
This session will cover the various ways you can transition your business and provide some concrete steps you
can take regardless of the stage of your business.
Date: Thursday October 20th
Time: 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Location: Superior North CFDC
7 Mill Road
Price: FREE
Presented by:
Laura Fralick
Senior Financial Consultant,
Investors Group
Rob Mozzon, CPA, CA
Partner, MNP
To register, call (807)825-4505 ext. 4 or email [email protected].