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Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University
Theory Assignment for Session 2005-06
Programme : MCA First Year
Note : All question carry equal marks. Questions are solved in it sequence as given in
Course Code : CS-01
Computer Organisation and System Software
First Assignment
Max. Marks : 20
Q.1a. Design single Error Correction (SEC) code for correcting one bit error in 4 bit data.
b. Obtain simplified expression in SOP form for the following Boolean expression:
Q.2a. What is an interrupt? Why are they generated? Compare the Interrupt driven I/O to
programmed I/O.
b. What is the role of linker and loader in the execution of a program?
Q.3. Compare and contrast the followings:
DMA and I/O processor
Decoder and Encoder
Q.4a. Show how 2 MUXx of this type can be connected to form a 3 by 8 MUX.
b. What is Direct Memory Access? Explain its working with suitable diagram.
Course Code : CS-01
Computer Organisation and System Software
Second Assignment
Max. Marks : 20
Q.1a. Explain the basic characteristics and features of a microprocessor.
b. Write short notes on De-Morgan’s Theorem.
Q.2a. Discuss Half adder and Full adder?
b. Explain the conept of virtual memory in detail.
Q.3a. Explain the various addressing mode with the help of examples.
b. Compare and contrast the properties of macros and subroutines with respect to :
Code space requirement
Execution speed
Processing required by assembler.
Q.4a. Construct the K-Map for the function:
F ( x , y, z , t ) =  ( 0 , 1 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 1 1 , 1 5 )
b. Write short notes on Two’s compliment Adder/Subtracter.
Course Code : CS-02
First Assignment
Programming in C
Max. Marks : 20
Q.1a. What do you understand by dynamic memory allocation?
b. Define recursion and how it it achieved by C language.
Q.2a. How do you initialize the structure? Write complete code in C for store and display
the information of 10 Books.
Q.3a. Define file. How can we define, open and close the file in C language? Explain with
b. Explain formatted Input and formatted output function used in C with examples.
Q.4. Write short notes on the following:
a. Union
Storage Class
Course Code : CS-02
Programming in C
Second Assignment
Max. Marks : 20
Q.1a. What are the different looping structures available in C language? What are the
differences between them?
b. What is the role of return statement in C language?
Q.2a. Describe the importance of call by value and call by reference used in C function.
b. Discuss control statement used in C language.
Q.3a. Differentiate between coupling and cohesion.
b. Differentiate between Top-down and Bottom-up designs.
Q.4. Write short notes on the following
Pre-processor directives and its uses
c. Switch and Case statement
Presidency of operator
Course Code : CS-03
Data Structure and Algorithm
First Assignment
Max. Marks : 20
Q.1a List the difference between Doubly linked lists and Single linked lists. Also, list the
advantages of one over the other.
b. Differentiate between Binary tree and B-tree.
Q.2a. What is a stack? How it is different from Queue?
b. What is an array? Explain with example.
Q.3a. What do you mean by the term "Row Major Order" and "Column Major Order"?
Explain with an example.
b. Explain Heap sort and Quick sort with examples?
Q.4. Write short notes on the followings:
a. Define Graph, Vertices, and Directed Graph.
b. Spanning Tree and Polish Notation.
Course Code : CS-03
Data Structure and Algorithm
Second Assignment
Max. Marks : 20
Q.1a. Write Psuedo code to implement Infix to Prefix conversion.
b. Write an algorithm that creates Relative file using Division Remainder Hasing and
Linear Probing.
Q.2a. Write an Algorithm or Program to reverse single linked list.
b. Draw an AVL Tree for nodes :
Q.3a. A dequeue (Double ended queue) is a list from which elements can he inserted or
deleted at either end. Develop array implementation for a dequeue.
b. Evaluate the following postfix expressions:
Q.4. Write algorithm to find the Minimum Spanning Tree by Prism's and Kruskal's.
Course Code : CS-04
Operating Systems
First Assignment
Max. Marks : 20
Q.1a. Explain various views of Operating System.
b. What is process? How is it different from program? Explain various process state
Q.2a. What is distributed operating system? Why is deadlock detection much more
expensive in a distributed environment than the centralized environment?
b. Explain in short :
Physical and Logical address space
Q.3a. What is cryptography? Write various types of methods of cryptography? What are the
two advantages of encrypting data stored in the computer system?
b. Write mutual exclusion algorithm using semaphores. What are the drawbacks of
usage of semaphores?
Q.4. Write short notes on the followings:
a. Security threats
b. Access matrix
c. Hierarchical Directory System
Course Code : CS-04
Operating Systems
Second Assignment
Max. Marks : 20
Q.1a. What is system call? Explain various categories of system call.
b. Explain Implicit and Explicit tasking.
Q.2a. How does operating system manage the disk space for creating a file? Also explain
various disk allocation methods in detail.
b. What is CPU scheduling? What is the difference between pre-emptive and non preemptive scheduling? Explain
Q.3a. What is paging? How is it implemented by operating system?
b. Difference between Batch Operating System and Multiprogramming OS?
Q.4. Write short notes on the followings:
System call
Process hierarchy
Advantages and disadvantage of distributed system
Course Code : CS-05
Database Management Systems
First Assignment
Max. Marks : 20
Q.1a. Explain the concepts of Aggregation, generalization and specialization. Show through
examples have these concepts are useful.
b. What types of anomalies are found in DBMS. Explain through examples.
Q.2a. Explain projection, selection and Cartesian product in relational algebra.
b. Explain Hierarchical model and B+ tree.
Q.3a. What is the meaning of object-oriented data model? What is it different from
relational data model? What are the reasons for preferring this model to relational
b. Compare and contrast the Entity Integrity and Referential Integrity in context of
Q.4. Write short notes on the followings
a. ODBC, BLOBs and CLOBs.
Multi valued dependencies
Course Code : CS-05
Database Management Systems
Second Assignment
Max. Marks : 20
Q.1a. How computer based database system is different from traditional or conventional file
system. Discuss their advantages and disadvantages.
b. Explain different level of DBMS architecture.
Q.2a. Describe various relational operators that can be used to join two tables. Illustrate
with examples.
b. What is concurrency control?
Q.3a. Describe the atomicity and durability property and this relationship to recover
b. What are the different file operations? Explain the importance of reclaiming space.
Q.4a. Explain the advantages of dynamic hashing over static hashing?
b. Write short notes on Functional dependencies and Loss-less join decomposition.
Course Code : CS-06
First Assignment
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. Define circular relation and show that a relation is reflexive and circular iff it is
reflexive, symmetric and transitive.
b. Write a context free grammar (CFG), which generates strings of balanced
Q.2a. Every Boolean function can be put in disjunction normal.
b. Prove that a division ring does not contain any zero-division.
Q.3a. Design a DFA to accept the language L = {W | W has both an even number of 0's and
an even number of 1's }.
b. If A and B are any two sets, then prove that :
A Δ B = (A U B ) - (A ∩ B)
Course Code : CS-06
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
Second Assignment
Max. Marks : 30
Q.1a. A poset (L,≤) is a lattice iff every non-empty finite subset of L has lub and glb.
b. Write the properties of context-free languages.
Q.2a. Design a Turing Machines ™ which accepts the language :
L = { W {1}* | |W| is even}
b. Evaluate the sum :
1 + 22 + 32 + 42 +
+ n2
Q.3a. Find the particular solution of the difference equation :
An - dn - 1 - 6 an -2 = 3n2 + n + 1
b. Let (G, O) and (G, O') be groups with identities e and e' respectively. Let f : G -> G'
be group homomorphism.
Then :
f(e) = e'
f(a -1) = (f (a)) -1
Course Code : CS-07
Programming in Visual Basic
First Assignment
Max. Marks : 20
Q.1a. Explain various features of MDI parent and child form.
b. Design a form to store array of integers and write code to search a particular number
from array.
Q.2a. Describe various elements of Visual Basics IDE.
b. How is data control bounded with other control? Give name of properties for binding.
Q.3a. What do you mean by Visual Basic Philosophy?
b. How can variables be declared in VB? Explain different types of variable in VB.
Course Code : CS-07
Programming in Visual Basic
Second Assignment
Max. Marks : 20
Q.1a. What do you understand by event driver program ? Explain with suitable example.
b. Explain various control statements of Visual basic. Explain each statement using
suitable example with coding.
Q.2a. What is debugging? Explain various debugging method of VB.
b. Explain procedures in Visual Basic with example.
Q.3a. Explain project explorer and its utility during application development.
b. Write differences between objects and control of Visual basic.