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Microsoft Case Study
Customer Benefits
Getting the Word Out
We want to share our customers’ technological success stories with the world. Like in any
business, our satisfied customers are our best marketing partners. Finding their stories and
making the best use of those references in sales and marketing activities are key objectives of
the Microsoft Customer Reference Program. On, one of the most visited Web sites
in the world, case studies demonstrate how companies use technology to cut TCO (Total Cost of
Ownership), improve developer and end-user efficiency, reduce administrative chores, and
increase profits.
Sharing the Business Value of Technology
Microsoft has long believed that one of the best ways to help IT executives make key technology
decisions is to show them examples of how we help other organizations achieve their business
goals by using our products and services.
We are interested in how companies are using technology to gain competitive value. So we try to
position references as business cases, showing how companies use technology to solve
problems, improve business processes, and increase customer satisfaction.
Why Do a Case Study with Microsoft?
We believe the best reference relationships are built when we strive for outcomes that benefit
both parties. For Microsoft, the benefits of a positive documented reference are obvious. For our
customers, some of the key benefits have been:
Reward your innovators. The feedback from favorable publicity far outweighs some of
the internal praise your company could give to your creative employees.
Raise your company's image. Case studies about your successful work send out a
positive image of your company. Potential employees will be more likely to want to work for
you, and prospective customers and partners will be more likely to do business with you.
Promote your brand. A Microsoft case study puts your brand in front of people who may
never see your traditional advertising and PR channels.
Demonstrate your IT leadership. Your company’s innovative projects deliver a positive
image of your IT department, and position your department as an industry leader. Your
demonstrated leadership also helps recruit and retain strong IT professionals.
Promote IT strategies internally. IT professionals can use the resulting case studies,
press placements, and other marketing activities to promote their strategies internally.
Build a closer relationship with Microsoft. Gain more visibility throughout Microsoft
Corporation. It is in everyone’s best interest to help customers be successful in their
deployment of business solutions.