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Rise of Totalitarianism
Stalin, Tojo, Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco
Western Democracies
United States
1919: 3 Western Democracies
-Britain, France and USA
▪ Veterans needed jobs and Europe
needed rebuilt
▪ Economic problems led to social
unrest and radical ideas became
– Political issues between parties
– Irish wanted self-rule
▪ Irish Republican Army (IRA) began war vs
▪ 1922: most of Ireland became a free state, but
Protestant counties remained with Britain
– Political issues between parties
– Weren’t receiving reparations from Germany promised by
Treaty of Versailles
– Policy of isolationism: not part of League of Nations and
stay out of European affairs
– Red Scare: fear of communism led to demands on
immigration limitations from Eastern Europe and many
“suspects” were deported
– Congress passed laws limiting immigration from Europe
Post WWI Foreign Policy
▪ Wanted secure border with Germany
– Build Maginot Line: massive fortifications along
France/German border
– Increased military power and alliances, including with
the Soviet Union
– Wanted strict enforcement of the Treaty of Versailles
and reparations
– GOAL: keep Germany’s economy weak
▪ Britain disagreed: believed if Germany became too weak,
Soviet Union and France would be too powerful
Locarno Treaty & Kellogg-Briand Pact
Locarno Treaty: 1925
▪ Germany and Soviet Union admitted to the League of Nations
▪ Settled German border disputes with France, Belgium,
Czechoslovakia, and Poland
Kellogg-Briand Pact: 1928
▪ Proposed by the USA
▪ “renounce war as an instrument of national policy”
▪ Disarmament: reduction of armed forces and weapons
– USA, Britain, France and Japan reduced size of navies
League of Nations Weakness
▪ No way to enforce ban
on war by the KelloggBriand Pact or stop
▪ 1931: condemned
Japan in Manchuria,
but no military to stop
– Japan left League of
Economics of 1920s
▪ Britain and France owed majority of their debt to USA, but needed
reparations from Germany to pay loans to USA
Overall USA
Britain and France
cannot pay debts
to USA
USA investors
have little to no
money to invest
Europeans cannot
afford American
US investments in
Germany decline
reparations to
Britain and France
fall off
Britain: in debt, factories out of date, increased unemployment, low
wages, workers strike
France: economy recovered rapidly due to reparations and industrial
territory taken from Germany, but economy begins to fall due to lack
of reparation payments over time and unstable government
USA: post WWI, USA economic world power by gaining loans and
Great Depression
▪ Began in USA then to rest of World
– Farmers and unskilled workers struggled after WWI
– Overproduction due to new technology led to low
prices and less need for workers = increase in
– Stocks increased, investments increased, banks
increased interest rates = people quit borrowing
and investing
– 1929: Stock Market Crash
▪ People sold all stocks at once and economy collapsed
▪ Great Depression:
– Global Economic Collapse
– People bought less, invested less, businesses
closed, banks failed, unemployment climbed to
more than 20%
Great Depression Spreads
▪ American banks
– stopped lending oversea loans
– Demanded repayment of foreign loans that those countries didn’t have the
money to repay
– USA increased tariffs
▪ Backfired because other countries raised their tariffs and wouldn’t buy American
products either
As the Depression wore on, many lost faith in
democracy, which allowed extremists to take over
with radical solutions
The World Confronts the Crisis
*add to notes!
▪ Britain: led by a multiparty government to slowly improve the
economy and cut unemployment
▪ France: weak government; laws were passed to help workers, but
companies raised prices to cover labor costs, keeping unemployment
▪ Sweden, Norway, Denmark: government taxed people with jobs to
have money to pay benefits to people without jobs; created jobs to
build roads and buildings (infrastructure)
▪ USA: FDR created New Deal-government spent money on
infrastructure, creating millions of jobs; businesses and farmers also
received federal aid.
Soviet Union
Stalin review
Stalin in Soviet Union
▪ Communist State
▪ Five Year Plan
▪ Russification
▪ Great Purge
▪ Allies with France
▪ Member of League of Nations
▪ Term coined by Mussolini (Italy), but not
founding ideologist like Marx with communism
– Centralized, authoritarian government that was not
– Glorify the state over individual
– Destructive to human rights
– Rooted in extreme nationalism
▪ Action, violence, discipline, blind loyalty to state
– Foreign expansion
▪ Survival of fittest
– War is noble struggle for survival
– Anti-democratic
▪ No equality or liberty
▪ Democracy leads to corruption & weakness
▪ It focuses on the individual, not the state
Each country that is fascist has a different
definition of fascism
ITALY, GERMANY, & RUSSIA all follow same guidelines for totalitarianism
1. single-party dictatorship with blind obedience
2. State-controlled economy
3. Police spies & terror
4. Government controlled media with the use of propaganda
5. Education used to teach children fascist ideology
6. Censor artists, intellectuals and those who disagreed
Positives of Fascism
▪ Provided a strong stable government
▪ Powerful leader at a time of despair and disorder
▪ Revival of national pride
Fascism vs. Communism/Socialism
•held power with blind devotion to the state
•had charismatic leaders
•used terror to maintain control
▪ Nationalist
▪ classes
▪ International goals
▪ Classless society
Fascism in Italy
Italy After WWI
▪ Italy is furious over Treaty of Versailles due to not gaining promised
▪ Peasants and workers are inspired by Russian Revolution
▪ Veterans faced unemployment
▪ Economy suffered (High Unemployment and High Taxes)
▪ Government was unstable
Benito Mussolini
▪ Socialist turned extreme nationalist which led to the creation of the
Fascist Party (unity and authority)
▪ Charismatic & passionate
– Promised revival of Roman greatness in Mediterranean
▪ Leader of Black Shirts: Mussolini’s Combat Squad
– party militants who rejected democracy and used violence, intimidation, and
– Supported by majority of Italians
▪ Why? Many Italians had lost faith in a
Constitutional Government
Il Duce “The Leader”
March on Rome (1922)
▪ To change the government
▪ King Victor Emmanuel III
asked Mussolini to become
Prime Minister
By 1925, Mussolini known as Il
Duce “The Leader”
Got rid of rival political parties
Censored press
Corrupt elections
Exile, prison or murder of
– Secret police
– propaganda
1929: Vatican City (country)
▪ Pope recognized Mussolini as
leader of Italy if Mussolini
made Vatican City is own
independent country (within
city of Rome)
State Over Individual
▪ Economy under state control
▪ Promotion of industry, agriculture
and trade
▪ Favored upper class & industrial
▪ Production increased but wages
were low
Mussolini built 1st totalitarian
Stalin & Hitler would follow &
be more powerful
– Propaganda for state of Italy
▪ Speakers and posters in all public places
▪ Men=warriors for Italy
▪ Women=warriors of motherhood
– Not allowed to work
– Medal from Mussolini if produced > 14
▪ Fascist Youth Groups:
– Strict military discipline
– Taught glories of ancient Rome
– Chanted “Mussolini is always right!”
Nazi Germany
Part 1
Part 2
Rise & Fall of Weimar
▪ Parliamentary democracy set up by the Treaty of Versailles
– Led by Prime Minister called a chancellor
– Women were allowed to vote
– Included a Bill of Rights
▪ Weak political parties
▪ Instability
▪ Wanted and needed strong leader
▪ People blamed Weimar for harsh treatment in Treaty of Versailles
– Need scapegoat (someone to blame for their problems): Jews
7 Sections
Weimar’s Economic Issues
▪ Germany was behind in reparation payments
▪ France controlled industrial regions like the Ruhr Valley
– German workers refused to work in this area when the French occupied it
▪ Government printed money
money became
– 1922: Bread cost 100 marks
– 1923: Bread cost 944,000 marks
USA issued Dawes Plan
▪ France was to move out of the Ruhr Valley
▪ USA loans money to Germany, Germany money to France and Britain, Britain and
France money to USA: technically USA was paying itself
Otto Dix
You are living in Germany in the 1930s. Your country is poor and
humiliated after WWI, the Treaty of Versailles, and now the Great
Depression. There are seemingly endless social, political, and
economic problems in the fragile Weimar Republic. Your great
country has become the laughing stock of the world and you want to
rebuild glory for Germany. An election is being held for Chancellor of
Germany. There are three candidates to choose from. Before you
can vote, you must learn as much as possible about each candidate.
By yourself, read about each candidate. Check the box next to the
candidate you want to vote for. Be sure to include your reasons for
voting for your candidate and your reasons for voting against the
other two choices.
Candidate C
Candidate C promises prosperity and hopes to abolish unemployment.
He will accomplish this goal by instituting a wide range of public works
projects, and by encouraging both youth and adults to work for the
German nation. According to Candidate C, Germany’s economic
problems are due to the unfair requirements of the Treaty of Versailles
as well as the influx of foreigners, such as immigrants and communists,
into Germany. He supports private property and supports rural farmers,
believing in cheaper credit and lower taxes for everyone. Finally,
Candidate C promises to rebuild a strong, decisive, and orderly
Germany. Candidate C is very passionate about his love for Germany
and will do anything to bring glory and pride back to their country
Adolf Hitler
Hitler promises to
solve the
economic crises &
restore Germany’s
Early Hitler
▪ He developed fanatical, anti-Semitic (hatred of Jewish faith)
▪ 1923:
– Army veteran of WWI
– Extremist party leader: National Socialist German Workers aka NAZI Party
▪ Despised Weimar Republic
▪ Organized supporters to the Nazi Party into fighting squads- Storm Troopers
– Tried to follow Mussolini & staged a coup: The Munich Putsch
Mein Kampf (Anticipation Guide)
Mein Kampf (My Struggle)
▪ Book of Nazi Goals and Ideology
1. Extreme nationalism
2. Racism
Master Race: Aryans-light skinned Europeans whose greatest enemy is the Jew
3. Anti-Semitic: Christian persecuted Jews in Middle Ages because of
different beliefs
Nationalism in 1800s caused people to identify Jews as outsiders
Jew is defined as anyone with a Jewish Grandparent
Adolf Hitler
▪ Blamed the Jews, Communists, and business leaders for Germany’s loss in WWI
▪ Germans must unite and expand: Lebensraum (living space)
– Slavs need to bow down to Aryans
In order to do all of this, need 1 strong leader “Führer” and it should be Hitler!
▪ Depression allowed Nazi Party to grow because Hitler promised to
– end reparations
– Create jobs
– Defy the Treaty of Versailles by rearming Germany
▪ Nazis gain control of the Reichstag (lower house of legislature) in
1933- Hitler was appointed chancellor
▪ By end of 1933: Hitler becomes dictator aka “Führer”
– Ends civil rights
– Disbands all political parties except NAZI
▪ Like Stalin, executes any one he felt was threat
Hitler’s Promises to the German
Hitler was a very charismatic speaker, he
would start speaking calmly and work his
way into a loud frenzy.
Third Reich
First Reich: Holy Roman Empire
Second Reich: Bismarck’s Unification
Third Reich: Hitler
▪ To combat depression, he launched large public works programs to
put people back to work (similar to Roosevelt’s New Deal)
– Including build up of weapons (Treaty of Versailles violation)
▪ Wants to unite Germany and Austria (Treaty of Versailles violation)
Totalitarian State
▪ Control over government, religion and
▪ SS: black uniformed troops used to enforce
Führer’s will
▪ Gestapo: secret police took care of
▪ People followed Hitler and Nazis because he
got them out of the Depression and revived
Germany’s power (nationalism)
The Hitler Youth
▪ Created the Hitler Youth to indoctrinate young people as
▪ Nazi Party influenced young people with messages of hate
and racism
▪ Nazis rewrote textbooks and taught new classes to reflect
Nazi values
▪ Women: like in Italy, limited schooling & jobs, rewards for
perfect, pure Aryan children
– Would work in factories for war effort
– Dismissed from upper level jobs
Hitler begins attack on Jews…
▪ Nuremberg Laws: 1935-deprived Jews of German citizenship with
harsh restrictions. Not able– to marry non-Jews
– To attend/teach in German schools or universities
– To hold government jobs, practice law or medicine, publish books
▪ Nazis and people beat Jews
– Many Jews fled to other countries
“Night of broken glass”
▪ November 9 & 10, 1938
▪ Young Jew shot & killed German
diplomat after parents had been
▪ Hitler used this to attack Jews in
Germany, Austria, &
▪ Led to plan of Final Solution:
▪ No modern art due to Jewish influence
▪ No Jazz due to African roots
▪ Christianity is weak and flabby
– Single state church of Hitler’s version of Protestantism
– No Catholicism!
What were the central
beliefs of Hitler and the
• Why did Germany face serious problems after
• How did Hitler explain why Germany lost the war?
• According to Hitler, what was Germany’s destiny?
• What were Hitler’s plans for the German
government of the future?
• How did Hitler become known throughout
Spanish Civil War
General Francisco Franco
Franco’s Rise to Power
▪ 1936: General Francisco Franco led revolt
– Fascists, aka Nationalists, backed Franco
– Hitler & Mussolini sent troops to support Franco in Civil War
– Nazi’s used Spanish Civil War to test new planes to show world destructive power of modern
▪ Eyes of world opened to Nazi power
▪ 1939: Fascists & Franco won
– Similar to Mussolini & Hitler’s dictatorships
Stage is Set…
World now split between
democratic and
WWII Begins