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in Business and Management Studies
SSE Riga, Strelnieku street 4a
Calendar: Spring 2015
Prof. Alexander Chepurenko
Higher School of Economics,
Possible prospects
of Entrepreneurship
January 16, 15-17.00
Room: 507
Dr. Anke Piepenbrink,
ADA University, Azerbaijan
Order without
February 6, 15-17.00
authority- the
Room: 507
innovation ecology
of a standard developing
Inna Kozlinska,
Tartu University, Estonia
University of Turku, Finland
between enterprise
education and
entrepreneurshipLatvian context
Dr. Anna Rebbmann,
Aston University, U.K.
Varieties of social
March, 27, 15-17.00
capital and social
Room: 507
a cross national study
March 6, 15-17.00
Room: 507
Dr. Börje Boers,
University of Skövde, Sweden
Regional culture
April 17, 15-17.00
and resilience in family
Room 507
business-dominated regions
Prof. Tõnis Mets
University of Tartu, Estonia
Queensland University of
Technology, Australia
process in technology
April 28, 15-17.00
Room 507
Dr. Diana Pauna and
Maija Kale,
Stockholm School of Economics
In Riga
In search for a universitywide Entrepreneurship
education model for Latvia
June 12, 13-15.00
Room 603
Discussant: Prof. John Branch,
University of Michigan, U.S.
Bio of lecturers:
Prof. Alexander Chepurenko is Dean of the Faculty of Sociology, Higher School of
Economics, Moscow. He received his Doctor of Sciences in 1990 and his research
interests include theories of entrepreneurship, especially with regard to small firms in
transition economies. He has been actively involved in the GEM (Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor) in Russia and has won numerous research grants from
Russian and European funding sources. Since 2008, he has been the First Vice
President of the Russian Sociologists’ Society.
Dr. Anke Piepenbrink has worked for Siemens for more than 15 years in various
management positions: in R&D, project management, technical sales, business
development and strategy in the telecommunications industry, with an expatriate
assignment in China for 4 years. Her research interests include inter-organizational
networks and their impact on innovation, technology and location; firms' strategic
behavior, technology evolution, location choice for resources, and knowledge flow
across organizational and geographic boundaries. Dr.Piepenbrink holds PhD in
International Business from Rutgers Business School, Newark, US and Executive
MBA from Rutgers Business School, Beijing, China. She also has a PhD in
Astrophysics from Max-Planck-Institut Extraterrestrische Physik, Munich.
Inna Kozlinska is a 4th year PhD candidate affiliated to the University of Tartu
(Estonia), Turku School of Economics (Finland), and BA School of Business &
Finance (Latvia). From 2012 to 2013, she held a position as a researcher at the Centre
for Entrepreneurship, University of Tartu, being involved in implementation of the
Central Balticum Entrepreneurship Interaction (CB Entreint) project (INTERREG IV
A Programme 2007-2013). Entrepreneurial education and its impact is Inna’s major
research interest.
Dr. Anna Rebmann is a lecturer in Economics and International Business at Aston
University, UK. She has served as policy analyst for OECD (Paris) Paris and during
2010 – 2013 was a Teaching Assistant, in Economics and Business at University
College London, UK. Anna’s main research interests are high growth aspiration
entrepreneurship; comparative entrepreneurship; institutions; social capital and
emerging markets.
Dr. Börje Boers is a senior lecturer at University of Skövde, Sweden. He teaches
currently at the undergraduate level within the area of organization and management,
including strategy and entrepreneurship. He has been a visiting lecturer at Malmö
University, University of Udine (Italy), Nankai University (China), Tsinghua
University (China), and SSE Riga (Latvia). He got his PhD from Jönköping
International Business School in 2013. Börje is member of the research group
“Strategic Entrepreneurship” at the School of Business at the University of Skövde.
He is also affiliated member of the “Centre for Family Enterprise and Ownership” at
Jönköping International Business School. His research focuses on issues of identity
and governance in family businesses.
Prof. Tõnis Mets is Marie Curie Research Fellow in the Australian Centre for
Entrepreneurship Research at the Queensland University of Technology and Professor
of Entrepreneurship at the University of Tartu (Estonia). In addition, Professor Mets
has worked as a management consultant in his own company (ALO OÜ), and as an
entrepreneur, engineer and manager in various high-tech companies in Estonia. Tõnis
Mets graduated from the Tallinn University of Technology; he also holds a PhD
degree in Technical Science from the St.-Petersburg Agrarian University. Professor
Mets is author and co-author of more than 40 chapters and articles published by
Springer, Emerald, Pearson Education and Edward Elgar, and in the Journal of
Consumer Marketing, Review of Central and East European Law, Baltic Journal of
Management, Engineering Economics, Journal of Product and Brand Management,
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Industry and
Higher Education, etc. His main research interests are in the fields of (technology)
entrepreneurship, intellectual property, knowledge and innovation management.Tõnis
was a Member of Board of the European Council for Small Business and
Entrepreneurship for the 2008-10 period.
Dr. Diana Pauna holds a Ph.D. from the University of Latvia, Faculty of Education,
Psychology and Art. Diana has been proactive in initiating, developing and
implementing new SSE Riga policies and evaluating and improving study process.
Diana is guiding annual student self-evaluation and student internship projects. Diana
has worked for SSE Riga since its inception in 1994. Diāna Pauna was awarded a
Baltic-American Freedom Foundation scholarship for a sabbatical year at the
University of Michigan in 2013-2014.
Maija Kale has been researching CSR and sustainability related aspects in Latvia
since 2002. Currently Maija leads an NGO Development Bulb. Maija’s duties include
events management with relation to sustainability, smart living and corporate social
responsibility. Maija has been a Director of Centre for Sustainable Business at
Stockholm School of Economics in Riga from 2012 to 2014. During that time she
published a research on Baltic Business Values (2014).